Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 153 China Unicom connects the sea in a new era

After visiting Bika, Dr. Tsukimi had some time to chat with Noah. Out of the scumbag's resistance to the god of learning, the two children just found an excuse and went off to play by themselves.

Seeing Noah, the doctor snorted coldly, but still suppressed his temper and discussed with him the application of the magnetic fruit.

In terms of weapon systems, the concepts you gave are very interesting and not difficult to implement, but they take time. It is impossible to have a mature product within five years.

That space-based weapon is not available for the time being. It will have to wait until Bika is raised to low-Earth orbit later to exert its maximum power.

Bika is already very safe. I don't understand why you have so many weapon systems?

I just have a little phobia of lack of firepower. It's a common problem among us people there. Don't worry about it. I know that force is only used to protect peace.

I didn't expect that these weapons would only take 5 years to build, which is already very fast. I'll leave it to you later, Doctor.

Hmph, the instant messaging terminal is also ready. The test machine is only this big for the time being. Take a look.

The doctor threw out a communicator that was as big as a man's head, black and square, with a full set of digital keys and an antenna.

Looks familiar, and a bit friendly. It's like a mobile phone from the 1980s, it's really a retro design. To put it simply, it is a product similar to a mobile phone. This is actually the civilian version of the communicator installed on the doctor's previous mechanical villain. With the No. 0 base station on Bika, instant communication can be carried out within the signal range.

The reason why it is so big is Noah's request, because the bigger the technology is, the simpler it is, and the bigger it is, the better it is for mass production. At least the Sobel Kingdom can abandon telephone bugs for communication. In the future, when the base station is built there, you will be able to make calls wherever you go, and you will be able to bring the South China Sea into your hands bit by bit.

It was quite interesting to press a few random keys. Bika is within the coverage of base station No. 0. This communicator can be used freely in the sky island, but it is not suitable for contacting the outside world. Without the cooperation of the ground base station, it cannot be used.

There is also ongoing research and development on radar and route positioning. Some military products have made many breakthroughs. During this period, Bika needs a large amount of various types of metals and various materials. This is on the previously issued research and development list. There are many things that are not available, so you have to think of a way.

There will be a shortage of a lot of gold in the future. According to Noah's theory, in the information age, gold is indispensable for various communication equipment. Although you have a lot of reserves before, it is not enough, and it is really industrially produced, laboratory gold. The forging process cannot be promoted, and a solution needs to be found.

The doctor's request first reminded Noah of the Tunton Fruit ability user whom he had conveniently killed, Valpo, the former king of Drum Island. This guy's Tuntun Fruit could swallow various things and then synthesize new materials. All kinds of alloys can be synthesized, and organic and inorganic substances can be synthesized in various unreasonable ways.

How can this kind of fruit be called Tuntun fruit? It is obviously a fruit of material decomposition and composition. The world government can let such fruits flow freely and is confident enough. If this fruit was given to Vegapunk, what would the world look like?

It's a pity that this man is not a good person. He is extremely cruel and selfish in nature and cannot betray his own class. It has been a year since his obituary was published.

It would be great if the Devil Fruit's regeneration theorem could be studied. Looking for the Tunton Fruit now is really like finding a needle in a haystack.

There are some fruits in the sea that will never come back if you miss them. Random regeneration is so unreasonable. Doctors are not good at research in this area either. I will ask Vegapunk for advice in the future.

Although the Navy did not have any results in this area 10 years later, this was because Vegapunk was responsible for too many projects, which distracted him a lot of energy. A terrifying genius who could study the design of life at a young age is truly a genius. It is possible to overcome this problem.

Of course, the World Government knows that if Vegapunk develops this subject, he may die, and the World Government will not leave any possibility of spreading this technology.

As for gold, the Golden Fruit is still in the hands of the Don Quixote family at this stage. Next year, it will be put up for a showy auction to increase the popularity of the auction house. The original work would later be snatched away by Tezog, creating a future entertainment emperor.

Tezog is now an outstanding student of the Revolutionary Army and the future financial leader. There is no need to let him grab the Golden Fruit anymore. At this time, it would be better to switch to a more reliable master. Now the sea is running wild, and you might run into the admiral when you go out.

Noah definitely couldn't go, it was too dangerous. The news that he had arrived in the North Sea spread, and the demon-slaying order was issued, and the navy admirals took turns to go to battle. Then it would be better for Long to go there in person. It is best to buy it with money at the beginning. The revolutionary army at this stage still has a lot of savings. If it cannot buy it, it does not rule out the use of force.

This golden fruit can mainly control gold. The upper limit of the amount of gold it can control is unknown, and it can stretch and deform gold. You can't create gold out of thin air, so it's not that valuable and even a bit useless.

But controlling telescopic deformation is what the revolutionary army needs most. In the early days, when industrial development was still relatively backward, the fruit ability was really convenient. When technology and processing methods are developed later, the fruit will no longer be needed.

I hope Doflamingo will be in a better mood after seeing the dragon go there in person. If he continues to play the trick of using the golden fruit as a gimmick, he will probably die. The flamingo died tragically in the North Sea?

Finally, the doctor asked for another group of manpower and funds. Now the first batch of students can assist in teaching, which has helped the doctor relieve a lot of pressure and leave more time for research.

I also talked with Noah about some other technological developments. Connecting the sea is what the doctor likes to do most.

He has recently become more interested in ship positioning and navigation systems. The global positioning system is divided into three parts, the space part (GPS satellite), the ground monitoring part and the user part.

Satellites can be replaced with Bika and other sky islands. Just raise some host stations into orbit. It is not difficult for this world.

The ground monitoring part is simpler. As long as the revolutionary army liberates more areas in the future, local monitoring stations will be arranged wider.

The user part has actually been integrated into the instant messenger, but it cannot be used now. Once the first two are deployed, it can be used. Whether it is carried with you or carried on a boat, it will be a must-have for home travel.

I had a tooth extracted and my left side became swollen. I put ice cubes on my face with one hand and typed with the other. Here are three chapters, please support me~

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