Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 151 Being Specially Witnessed

The morning after the assassination of the Celestial Dragon.

Everyone on the Voyager was eating breakfast. Perhaps it was the matter of growing taller that kept Sabo worried. This morning he drank milk like crazy until he burped, but was stopped by Robin who couldn't stand it anymore.

She told Sabo that as long as he did well in the final exam, she could give him a secret book that would help him grow taller. This secret book is a mysterious treasure book that O'Hara collected hundreds of years ago, and is not allowed to be read by ordinary people. The effects inside are very amazing. It is said that the small humans and giants in the new world were created from the knowledge in this book.

giant! ! ! Sabo fell completely into the Devil's Son's trap. After thinking about the three brothers gathering together in the future, he looked down at Ace and Luffy. It was so cool! His expression started to lose control and he was smiling like Luffy. Final exam? Reading? Come on horseback! I, Saab, am not afraid of learning.

Seeing Sabo's morale being deceived, Noah was speechless. There's no telling how much secret knowledge Robin spread in the boot camp. Anyway, as O'Hara's last doctor, she gets what she says. However, as the librarian of O'Hara, Noah remembered that the book Robin was talking about was a folk tale that was put together with Rolando.

Regardless of Sabo's intelligence, which has been deceived and crippled, just laugh at him when he discovers the truth. This is the gentleness of a teacher.

Um? The phone bug responded.

Hey, we're almost there, get ready.


After hanging up the phone, Noah informed everyone that the response person had arrived and asked everyone to prepare.

Standing on the deck, Kuina and Sabo were a little confused. They understood the concept of the windless zone when they came here. There is neither wind nor current in this sea area. The entire sea surface is absolutely calm. There are also a large number of super giant sea kings living here, which increases its danger.

So how do the responders come, or what is the use of coming? According to Noah's previous analysis, the outside world is full of people from the World Government, and there are two general-level combatants. Can someone help break through the encirclement? Unless you leave from heaven.

In the end, Sabo couldn't hold himself back and asked proactively.

Hey, how did you know it was coming from the sky? Here comes the response method!

Following Noah's gaze to the sky, there was blue sky and white clouds, but nothing else. Oh, no, there seems to be a black dot flying over, or falling down.

The black spot slowly grew larger in sight, and it turned out to be an island! The island quickly dropped to a position of 100 meters above the sky and was suspended there. Clouds began to form around it. At the same time, some blue particles were also scattered from some jets below the island, reflecting the beautiful island. Technology and The beauty of the natural combination is shocking.

It seemed like Sabo's jaw had dropped in shock and he was holding it on his hands. Kuina held the hilt of her sword. She needed a sense of security. In her intuition, this island had terrifying power and could erase her own existence at will.

Hey, Bika has become prettier. There weren't those blue particle streams before, and the energy level must have increased. Even I feel a bit of a threat.

It's different from before. I guess the doctor and the students have modified this thing a lot.

Noah and Robin were chatting, and they really didn't expect that Bika's appearance would actually improve. It was hard to tell that Dr. Tsukimi was still a beauty control.

A river of clouds flows down from Bika, extending directly to the sea not far from the Voyager.

Okay, stop looking. We are going up. You two kids just find a place to sit down. After we go up, we will have some fun with you.

Sabo has an afterimage on his head. He has no resistance to cool things. This is so similar to Luffy. However, how many boys can resist this temptation?

This is a super powerful mobile fortress. If it is paired with a few Unit-01s or Gundams, it will be awesome. At least if Franky sees Bika, he will definitely cry and beg to join.

The Traveler sailed along the Cloud River towards the clouds, and stopped at the dock in a familiar manner. The sealed door was opened, and the group of people walked to Bika. The dragon was already waiting outside the door.

Looking at Noah, Long's eyes were a little strange. The guy in front of him was surprisingly courageous and too powerful. I remember that in the past, Monkey D. Dragon was a serious problem for the World Government. However, since Noah was born, in just a few years, two dozen Mariejoias were killed by the Celestial Dragons, and the danger has become far worse. Far beyond him.

Is it true that some people are born to rebel?

Although Long's eyes were strange, Noah still said hello and introduced the two students he brought back to Long. One is a direct disciple of swordsmanship, and the other is a natural revolutionary seed.

There are legends about special insights and eroticism that have always been circulated within the revolutionary army. Of course, the protagonist is not Princess Otohime, but Noah the Light. The cadres of the revolutionary army also believe this. This is not a feudal superstition, but a conclusion supported by a large number of facts.

This means that the talents discovered by Noah are all special, and their potential or ideas are top talents. There are several specially marked talents in the boot camp whose records were recorded by Noah himself. Tezog's current talent in cultural classes, management and economics is unmatched, and he is basically ranked first in the grade.

And Luo, who was brought back by Noah, is also famous on the Island of Resurrection. Although Luo only returns to the island once a week, he spends most of his time studying in the Sobel Kingdom. But when he came back occasionally, he also showed amazing medical abilities, and his abilities improved rapidly. Many difficult symptoms required treatment from him.

There is also Xiao Feng. Feng Clay's reputation fluctuates the most in the Island of Resurrection. In the beginning, he kept clamoring for the way of being a shemale, so naturally he was not well received by the mainstream in the training camp. But he conquered all the students with his perseverance, manly courage, and character without fear of sacrifice. He was always among the best in physical education classes, and his popularity was chasing the first place.

Of course, the overall number one is Qiao Ellie Bonny. This mysterious pink-haired girl brought over by Big Bear is number one in popularity and strength. She is number one in culture class and number one in everything. Naturally, this is amazing.

These are all new generations who are very optimistic within the revolutionary army and will be successors who can take over important responsibilities in the future.

This time Noah brought two more young people back. Long was very interested. He didn’t know how many surprises Noah would bring this time.

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