Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 150 Menmen’s imagination

Brumuru, burubru, hello.

Dragon, it's me, Noah. The plan is completed, come and pick me up. Just locate the life card in the windless zone of the East China Sea.


Noah hung up the phone bug and started fishing boringly. Unfortunately, the bait was too small for the Neptune species, and no fish took the bait the whole day.

Next to her, Kuina was practicing her sword, and the chrysanthemum monji norimune on her back gave her great motivation. If she couldn't unsheath herself until she became a swordsman, she would just hurry up and become a swordsman.

Sabo was caught making up lessons. Kuina watched with lingering fear as Sabo was grabbed by a bunch of arms and taken into the room with locked doors and windows. It was so pitiful, so she practiced the sword more carefully. She couldn't be taken away to study even if she became a swordsman.

Oh, what a naive girl, even the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, needs to learn from it, let alone a swordsman. The revolutionary army is a relatively special force and has very high ideological requirements. From top to bottom, we must unify our thoughts and a unified program of action, so that we can have cohesion and combat effectiveness.

Fighting against the world with one's own strength is no joke. Only by uniting as one can we rise up like a prairie fire. For newcomers and people from other forces, they can be absorbed, but they must agree with the ideas. This expansion may be slower, but like a snowball, it will get faster and faster. What is the general trend? This is called the general trend.

Sabo in the classroom felt that he was completely confused at the moment. When a lot of hands stretched out from any corner of the ship, he felt as if his body was about to grow greasy tentacles or eyeballs.

As the son of a nobleman, his education level is only just enough to read, and he is much more proficient at swinging a steel pipe than using a pen. I was pushed to my seat and knocked unconscious by piles of books. I know all the words, but they are connected together... He really wanted to write a letter to Ace, telling him not to come to the Revolutionary Army in the future. He was here to study.

In the evening, Sabo, who was in a daze, walked out of the classroom, sat in the dining room, and ate his dinner numbly. Seeing this, Noah felt a little guilty for no reason. The books here are basically created by him, and he will probably make many latecomers gnash their teeth in the future.

After dinner, we stopped studying and practicing for the time being and gave the children some time to relax. Noah sat on the deck and started telling stories. Before telling the story, she also told Sabo about another writer's vest. Koina already knew about it from Koushiro, so she didn't react at all.

But Sabo became excited. As expected, children of this age have a deep love for JoJo. Even if the show was a few years ago, there are still so many new generation readers. And you can immediately throw away your shame and put on various poses, which will be a black history in the future.

Camera phone bugs are really inconvenient and covert. In the future, I will ask Dr. Tsukimi to invent something like a camera, which can record many people's social-dead childhood scandals. When the time comes, hehehe.

Today let's tell the story of Ace.

Ai, Ace's story? Sabo was puzzled. Any other stories about his good brother? Doesn’t he only have one life experience?

Yes, but it's not Portcas D. Ace, but the story of a giant of light from outside the world called the M78 Nebula. A long time ago, there were traces of super beasts on the Red Earth Continent. What? Is it a super beast? It is a monster that is 50 meters to several hundred meters tall and weighs tens of thousands of tons. Any creature will feel pain, fear, or have flaws when attacked, but a super beast will not feel that way.


This kind of battle between giants and monsters fascinates children very much, and every episode is interspersed with a little bit of life truth, a model of education and entertainment. There is a sense of justice and an exploration of human nature in it, so there is no harm in letting children know more about it.

Noah had thought before that if his Gate Fruit could travel to the world of Ultraman, he would definitely not be able to refuse the temptation of becoming a Giant of Light. After all, he also wanted to be a light when he was young.

Besides, the power of the Giant of Light is more suitable for traveling through the universe, and those space pirates on the moon are also a big problem. It would be silly if the world view is expanded later and there is a three-body plot.

Having said that, the development of Menmen Fruit is too difficult. Not to mention traveling through the world, he couldn't even create a conceptual door. He had also studied the Eight Gate Dunjia and the like, thinking that he would create the theory first and then open the door. As a result, it got stuck at the first step. People in the Naruto world have 130 trillion cells, but people in the Pirate world are too weird. They have everything. Their body structure is different, so they can't be created.

We can only consider some local things first. Recently, we have a new topic, that is, if we are together with Brooke, can we use Brooke's fruit to locate the gate of the underworld, and then let Brooke rush into the door with his opponent in his arms, and kill the enemy in one fell swoop? Wave sent away.

Anyway, Brooke can come back. If the research is successful, then Brooke will no longer be the driver of Rab Express, but will evolve into Brooke, the God of Death, or Brooke, the White Impermanence.

After letting my mind wander for a while, let’s get back to the story.

Finally, Ace flew into the sky and disappeared on the red earth continent.

It was already very late after listening to the story, and the two children were driven away to sleep. Kuina has strict self-discipline as a swordsman, so there is no need to rush her in this regard.

Sabo wanted to continue listening, but was frightened by Noah's statement that he would not grow taller if he stayed up late. Thinking about meeting again in a few years, he was the shortest of the three brothers. This future was not the future he wanted, so he decided to go back to sleep.

Robin was also listening to the story about the giant with great interest. There are some truths in this story that are very interesting if you study them carefully. Moreover, the extraterrestrial visitors, the planet, the huge destructive power, and the weapon technology of mankind at that time all made Robin feel as if such a period of history really existed.

Robin wouldn't think so much about other people's stories, but Noah always knows some weird secrets, and he probably knows some information that even history doctors don't know. So does this story also contain something? ? With her relationship with Noah, if you have any questions, just ask them directly.

Noah, are you telling stories from 800 years ago? Giants, human technology, various non-human life forms, and alien life.

No, I just made up a set of stories to coax children, but those giants, human technology, and extraterrestrial life all exist in this world. After we build this world, we can consider serious exploration Unknown, the universe is always so fascinating.

Maybe our planet is just one of thousands of intelligent planets. There may be a bald caped man on other planets who can blow up stars with one punch.

After saying something that Robin couldn't understand, Noah also went back to sleep.

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