Those confiscated resources can be invested, and it doesn't matter if more people get closer for various purposes.

Open the door and conduct public assessments regardless of family or number of people.

After ideological examination, you will become one of your own.

In short, complete these two steps first, and the next things will be easier to deal with.

Kakashi nodded, and then the two discussed a very sensitive issue.

It was also another heart-to-heart talk between master and disciple, and all the contents involved were the most secretive existences in the world.

This time Noah had no reservations, because Kakashi was about to become Hokage, the person at the helm who could influence the center of the world.

You should know about the other blood chakra eye, right?

The crisis hidden under the ninja world requires. So Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After saying that, it was almost dawn. Before leaving, he gave Kakashi a deep sleep genjutsu.

Three days later.

Kakashi's body has mostly recovered, and his spirit and will have become stronger, which has given everyone in the village reassurance.

The dust has settled, and Konoha will be under this man's rule for decades to come.

In the past three days, the villagers have heard too many rumors and various versions of conspiracies, and finally there must be an explanation.

After all, the image created by the third generation Hokage was very successful before, and some of the achievements of the first and second generations were also stolen.

Moreover, Sarutobi Hiruzen attaches great importance to personal image and personality after aging, and indeed he does not reveal many flaws.

Kakashi's behavior of seizing power by force has not won everyone's support, and it is normal to have a certain amount of suspicion.

So when the matter had become a foregone conclusion, everyone consciously began to change the direction of the situation without waiting for a hint.

Many ninjas began to spread their influence to clear the new Hokage's name. This time, the armed coup was colored with justice.

The former site of the Hokage Building.

A small building was temporarily built with earth escape on top of the ruins. This is the temporary office location.

Kakashi summoned all the jonin and ninja clan leaders that Konoha was still compiling for a meeting.

Although the conditions are simple, these are all side effects. Everyone who participated in the Sandaime meeting last time and did not die came here.

Let's not talk empty words. Now the village is leaderless. We invite everyone here to discuss a reasonable plan.

A reasonable solution? Isn't the reasonable solution to elect the 5th Hokage?

At this time, the head of the Hyuga clan stood up and spoke impassionedly about the decay and changes in the village. He denounced the former Hokage and then changed his tone and believed that the village would have a new glory under the leadership of the new generation.

When it comes to emotional parts, his fingers tremble slightly, and he definitely doesn't have the demeanor of a physical arts master.

But the sincerity was beyond words, and the clan elders specially prepared a manuscript for Rizu just for this trivial matter.

He even came up with Neji's idea, such as replacing Hinata and joining the Hokage's sect.

He just thought that the other party and Hizashi were comrades in arms before the coup, and even the capture of the Eight-Tails was to save Hizashi's life.

I can only lament that the little boy who was separated from the family has a good life.

It's a pity that they don't know yet that the new Hokage is planning to attack the Caged Bird System.

So I recommend Hatake Kakashi-sama to be the Fifth Hokage.

As soon as Hizu finished speaking, Uchiha Fugaku also stood up.

It means that Uchiha is the Uchiha of Konoha, and it is more important to be able to create the future of the village together.

For the future of the village, he also recommended Lord Hatake Kakashi because he was strong enough.

Those who can fight best can protect the village from harm in chaotic moments.

When it comes to emotional appeal, Clan Chief Fugaku is no less powerful than Hizuzu.

Just kidding, the matter of his eldest son becoming a disciple has been settled before. Shisui is really a lucky star.

The Uchiha and Hokage families are now fully their own, and even because the apprentice of the Hyuga family is young, they are still a branch family with the image of a caged bird.

Why can't we enjoy this Sixth Generation?

Nowadays, there are rumors everywhere in the clan praising him for his wisdom, martial arts and superb resourcefulness. Unfortunately, no one praises his strength, which is really a bit regretful.

At this moment, anyone who says Kakashi is not worthy of being the fifth generation is his life and death enemy.

After the two clan leaders who spoke first spoke, everyone nodded and said there was nothing wrong. Everyone knew that your two families had allowed their disciples to join the Hokage's sect in advance.

I have to say that this wave of slot investment is really awesome, and no one is really jealous.

At that time, apprenticeship required huge risks. Who would have thought that Kakashi would win?

Besides, according to the standards of a three-person team, this is still one spot short of a quota. It’s just fair competition.

Public elections begin next.

Although this process is a bit boring, you still have to go. The fourth generation has gone through this road. The background board is Orochimaru.

After the results of welding came out, there was no blind trouble.

The heads of the clans looked at each other with eyes, noses, noses, and hearts, but they had no opinion at all, and some even burst into tears for joy.

Just kidding, Hinata on the left, Uchiha on the right, and the Sannin behind him. Who dares to say no to this lineup?

At the same time, Kakashi did not do any tricks of three concessions at this time, but stood up and frankly admitted that he wanted to be the Fifth Hokage.

He expressed that he was going to the Daimyo Castle to obtain the position of the Fifth Hokage and explain the unconventional abdication of the Third Generation Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The nominal one country, one village is the cornerstone of stability, and Kakashi is willing to abide by this rule for the sake of the stability of the shinobi world.

He even selected his own shadow guards to maintain a sense of ceremony.

I'll ask the Sannin-sama and everyone else to help me stabilize Konoha in the next few days.

Prisoners of war, the core area, and other matters will be dealt with when I come back, please.

Everyone accepted this order, and the Hokage who did not go through the succession ceremony was also the Hokage.

the next day.

After Kakashi led the Shadow Guards to leave the village, he issued a temporary mission. The troops were divided into two groups to go to Daming City to prevent them from being targeted by the assassination troops of the four major countries.

The Shadow Guards naturally had no complaints, and it was a good thing to have a cautious Hokage.

However, after separation, Kakashi did not go to Daimyo Castle, but took an ANBU to a certain dungeon with extremely tight defense.

Can you convince him?

As long as he regards Konoha as more important than himself.

In a room, Sarutobi Hiruzen was lying on the bed, recalling past experiences, with a calm look in his eyes.

Moreover, at this moment, he could do nothing but recall these past events.

The seal was on the one hand, and on the other hand the ninjutsu doctor only had one hand left.

Kakashi's sword did not take the Third Hokage's life at the last moment but cut off his right arm.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The Third Hokage no longer has the heart to resist.

The treatment as a prisoner was not that bad. On the contrary, there was a young man who came to take care of her.

I have no problem with Kakashi being the new Hokage, at least he is already proficient in the art of attacking the mind.

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