
Kakashi was completely relieved when he saw the teacher appear. With this person, he could change anything from hell difficulty to easy mode. Of course, it was also possible to evolve from easy mode to despair difficulty.

But that shuriken.

Ahem, it's just a small breakthrough. Seeing your rapid progress, as a teacher, I can't hold back.

Kyuubi laughed crazily in the sealed space, and the trash talk never stopped.

I have been thinking about this technique for many years. I just showed it off just a few days ago when I made a breakthrough. It is really shameless.

Noah turned a deaf ear. Only three people in the ninjutsu system have been able to master it so far. His talent is very good.

Although most of them were researched by the Nine Lamas, isn't that the meaning of jinchūriki?

Kakashi was in a daze. The teacher was already very perverted. Now he was even more perverted.

The brain's thoughts were divergent for a while, but soon became sluggish.

When the body is depleted, the energy will naturally decline accordingly. There is no energy at all when killing Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Seeing that Kakashi's spirit had not yet recovered, Noah could only endure the pain and continue. Anyway, he was used to it during his previous training in hell.

There is no such thing as a good rest in our line of work, and even the end of life is a luxury.

Listen, time is tight now and tasks are heavy.

“Konoha already has a sound structure, and if it is temporarily operational, it can solve the current predicament.

The deformed system put in place when the Third Generation was in office was still somewhat useful. Although there were many problems, it would not be overthrown at once.

Fortunately, the ninja system is relatively simple and rough, and it is easy to adjust it. Many of them will even correct themselves without you taking action.

He is talking about the people who disappeared the night when the seizure of power by force was completed.

When powerful people cannot save their own lives, they will be more obedient.

Noah's eyes showed a look of looking at pigs and sheep. Those so-called deep-rooted ninjas can be exploited and slaughtered.

It is also a resource for Konoha's transformation, so it must be protected. None will be able to escape when it is needed.

Kakashi also knew that the teacher had a great disdain for the elders in the village, so he didn't care about these things.

The privileged class must be punished with an iron fist when they have free hands.

Okay, let's get back to the topic. Your biggest problem now is your lack of justice.

Although he is strong enough and has a strong background, neither the recognition from the village nor the recognition from outside the village has reached a certain standard.

It's okay for this village to say that Konoha has fallen into our hands, so it won't change the world.

It's just that the relationship between the Fire Country daimyo and Konoha is ugly.

In the ninja world, there is no big deal, and there is no small deal.

The so-called big names of the five major countries are basically all relatives by marriage, and have already woven their own moral theories and governance frameworks.

This kind of domestication occurred many years before the birth of ninjas, which means that it has been at least a thousand years.

People living in this world rarely have the idea of ​​​​taking action against daimyo from birth to death.

Even after the emergence of such a popular extraordinary power as Chakra, the daimyo nobles ceded certain authority in exchange for years of peace and the ability to maintain their status.

It wasn't until Noah's appearance that the deadlock was broken, and the Daimyo of the Land of Rain lived happily every day.

If there were no outsiders, we would still have to wait for the lunatic who wanted to pull the whole world into illusion more than ten years later.

As a superpower, the Fire Nation has always pursued stability, whether it is ninja villages or daimyo.

I have never thought of provoking a war or annexing other countries.

What those in power fear most is variables, and they wish that this pattern would continue for the next thousand years.

Kakashi is different, he is the first person to successfully succeed in a coup by force of arms.

There are countless people in the major ninja villages who want to kill the boss and rise to the top. Who doesn't have the ambition yet?

Whoever succeeds will be the number one rebel in the world, allowing people to see the real possibility of such an action.

This is a very dangerous signal in the eyes of the famous people.

That group of people are all blood-sucking guys who rely on blood ties and the thousand-year order of the ninja world. If they can't do anything else, they will fight among themselves, but each one is more ruthless than the other.

It's just that they are always fighting within the rules secretly, and they are naturally extremely frightened when they see an existence outside the rules.

Even the bloodline inheritance that has been boasted for a long time will be shot to death by a kunai, and the ancestors who are all powerful will not necessarily survive when encountering a giant fire ball.

They would do anything to prevent this from happening.

It can be said that Kakashi's move has affected the original historical process of the ninja world, and its profound impact will be spread for thousands of years.

There's nothing I can do about it. He did it first.

Slightly aggrieved, the Sandaime acted like crazy and passively became the villain in the story.

I know, so I still need you to solve the problem there.

The solution refers to the Rain Country... it's inconvenient.

Kakashi is a little worried. The illusion of the Mangekyō Sharingan is indeed very useful, but the Daimyo of the Land of Fire is different.

Not to mention the guardian nin, other daimyo guards who had frequent daily interactions could tell that something was wrong.

At that time, the world coalition forces will fight against the Leaf Village. Now is not the time to take the initiative to start a war.

There are many ways to solve this problem. The Daimyo of the Fire Country will not touch him for the time being.

You can first stabilize the daimyo by exchanging benefits, such as secret records of correspondence between nobles and Konoha.

I think the gains from coming to Orochimaru's place are enough for you to easily resolve the other party's vigilance and resentment.

Besides, there is no one competing with you for the position of the next Hokage at this time. It is basically just a formality. No matter how unwilling you are, you can only hold your nose and admit it.

This process still needs to be followed. After the basics of Konoha are adjusted, we can deal with those idiots. Things like daimyo are easy to control.

As for funding, there is no need to worry about it. With the productivity of a ninja village, it is completely possible to survive financially without the Country of Fire.

The teacher's words were bold and direct, and Kakashi accepted them completely.

There was never a place for the so-called daimyo nobles in the eyes of the master and the disciple. Those people were just crops waiting to be harvested.

The second thing is to restore your eyes, ears, hands and feet.

That is, ANBU.

Hokage needs this department to help you stabilize the chaotic situation in the early stages.

As the most powerful assistant system that Tobirama has ever trained, it is still a very good tool. The third generation used ANBU to do a lot of secret things.

It is also the best political resource and a ladder for advancement.

The status of being directly subordinate to the Hokage has a great temptation for young ninjas and ninjas without many resources. For the Great Ninja clan, it is a symbol of trust and the difference between distance and distance.

In Noah's plan, the future position that this department will take on is very critical, and the name of the covert mobile unit also needs to be modified.

There will be a rigid standard for the formation of the new ANBU in the future. Only those who are willing to accept the New Will of Fire assessment will be eligible to enter and be promoted.

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