Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1467 Regeneration of Variables

Asuma. From now on, one must listen carefully to the Hokage and stop messing around.

Get out of here early, I'm dragging you down.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was quite resentful of this arrangement. Being in such a state of desolation in front of his son made the old father very embarrassed.

I just want to know some things he has done before. This method is really powerful, but this is a ninja, and he will do anything.

Asuma's identity is indeed very sensitive, so in order for him to survive in the village in the future, a complete cut is the best choice.

After all, he is a child, and he needs to give some advice at the end of his life.

Four days ago, who would have thought that I would meet you in this situation, father.

Asma's expression was complicated, feeling that these years had been too magical.

What's even more magical is that his father has changed from an old stubborn man to a sinner who curbs the development of Konoha. He has seen the deepest evidence of guilt.

Despite all kinds of disbelief, it is impossible to deny it in the face of ironclad evidence. Danzo's record and evidence search and retention work are too solid.

It can be said that everyone in Konoha F4 was nailed to the pillar of shame by the darkness of the ninja world.

No one knew how much torture he had gone through in his heart these past few days, and he even had thoughts of going to extremes.

In the end, Kakashi, who noticed something strange, enlightened him.

Now seeing his old and embarrassed father, I can only feel deep pity and sadness. Sarutobi Hiruzen is really a qualified father to him.

Teach ninjutsu, arrange training, and even leave him a way out when breaking up.

Such a person.

A man matures in just a few days.

Asuma looked at his old father's eyes and said very seriously.

As for taking care of you, I found Kakashi and asked for the opportunity. Although many people objected, he said he didn't want me to have any regrets.

This sentence destroyed the last trace of dignity Sarutobi Hiruzen maintained, because the initial barrier between him and Kakashi was Hatake Sakumo.

Thinking back now, it is really disgusting to let a child lose his father, but haven't you done this kind of thing rarely?

His eyes were dazed for a moment and then he sighed.

What a courage! I am a villain in vain.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was convinced in the end and enjoyed the last family happiness in the cell.

In the last moments of his life, the relationship between father and son also became pure.

Biwako keeps saying

Your fire escape performance is always deliberately pursued. In fact

Even if there are survivors from the Sarutobi clan, don't contact them. Those people are unwilling to be deprived of their power and status, so they will confuse you.

Kakashi is an emotional person. As the first one to support him, you only need to...

From family emotions to ninjutsu details, from family divisions to future work attitudes, Sarutobi Hiruzen was explaining everything in detail.

At this time, footsteps were heard and they both looked out the door at the same time. The people who came turned out to be Hatake Kakaji, the preparatory Hokage who had just announced that he was going to Daming Castle, and a strange ANBU.

At this time, Asma had a bad feeling.

Kakashi, you

Asuma, please go first. I think Kakashi and I should have a conversation between Hokages at this time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted his younger son, saying some things were better not known.

No, this kind of thing is related to the future of Konoha Village and the ninja world. I believe in Asuma.

Then it's even more important to let him leave here. Asma doesn't have your ability and wisdom. Getting involved rashly will lead to unexpected risks.

The Sandaime did not believe that a person who could gather strength in the dark to defeat him was an innocent and kind person.

The innocent and kind-hearted people are long dead.

In the end, the ANBU couldn't stand this confrontation and acted as if we were bad guys.

He casually took off his mask to reveal his face.

Anyway, Konoha has obtained this vest which can reveal part of it under certain circumstances.

Sorry to reintroduce you, I am Noah, a scholar and writer.

Asuma was speechless, this is not

Adam is my pen name, sorry Asma.

Forget it, even the Hokage has changed. The hidden identity of the author is not that important anymore.

Asuma's state of mind has been sublimated, and his ability to accept surprises has been extremely high recently. Unless you say that the ninja world is about to be destroyed, I will be a little flustered.

However, the Third Hokage saw something was wrong. The relationship between Kakashi and the man named Noah was abnormal due to their positions.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to do anything inappropriate today. There will be no change in the fact that Sarutobi Hiruzen's crime leads to death.

The final result was confirmed with the opening of his mouth. It is not an exaggeration to say that Sarutobi Hiruzen was sent to the guillotine for the things he did.

There is no chance to make amends here in Noah, the damned must die.

I just hope that we can cooperate with us to complete part of the plan when the ninja world faces a greater crisis. There is no need to hide this from Asuma.

Because he will know sooner or later. That is a future that no one can escape.

Kakashi, who is this?

The third generation turned to Kakashi for confirmation. This person appeared too unexpectedly.

my teacher.

? !

Sarutobi and his son felt silent. Who was the teacher who suddenly popped up?

Can I understand that the will of new fire comes from this person?


He is one of the leaders of the Akatsuki organization, the initiator of changes in the ninja world, a deep collaborator of the Three Holy Lands, and one of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Kakashi didn't hide it at all. Today he came to Sarutobi Hiruzen to play the confession round. Some people had to do some things.

The Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki! How can it be!

Three generations of people have been stupid. The big crisis you mentioned hasn’t scared me yet, but this prefix is ​​very scary.

Kyuubi is a small problem, but it was actually that day.

After listening to this, Sarutobi Hiruzen had mixed emotions. What was going on?

At the same time, there was a deeper fear of the crisis mentioned before. Even such people must be treated as if they were facing a formidable enemy. It is thought that a demon who will destroy the world will really appear.

What I'm going to say next will subvert your knowledge and imagination, and will also reveal the original secrets of the ninja world.

In the cell at midnight, Asuma was still immersed in shock and unable to extricate himself, while the Third Hokage had already finished digesting it.

If all this is true, then Asuma cannot escape.

It is indeed very appropriate to choose me for execution. Regardless of identity, motivation, and ability, it is a matter of course.

It's just that I'm about to die, so why do I do this?

Noah said calmly and even cruelly.

Because you love Konoha Village and your family, your love will become more pure after losing the position of Hokage.

At the same time, I hope you can die more valuable.

It's okay if you don't tell Asuma.

Kakashi's friend looked at him and said something.

We don't want a son to be completely disappointed in his father.

Kakashi, you are impeccable as Hokage.

A ray of light flashed past the nine tails and returned to the sealed space. It was really happy these days.

He has sealed two generations of Hokages and completed various milestones in the tailed beast's life.

This is a necessary measure. I hope you can understand. By the way, do you need to help you unlock part of the seal that restricts movement and chakra?

Haha, you guys have underestimated the value of a Ninjutsu doctor. Finally, help me take good care of Asuma.

The next night.

Sarutobi Hiruzen in the cell suddenly opened his eyes and released all the restraints and seals with two clicks.

Now let's go see our old friends.

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