Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1464 The wind of the ninja world and the abnormal heart

When Konoha completed its own transformation, the wind in the ninja world went completely crazy.

What! There is civil strife in Konoha!

What! Sarutobi Hiruzen was defeated by force, and Hatake Kakashi fell into a coma!

What! The Thunderfire War Peace Agreement caused Konoha to split!

What! The Hokage Tower has been razed to the ground, and all four elders of Konoha have stepped down!

The Kage of the four major national ninja villages looked at the information on the table with shock and confusion.

When the first-hand information was passed on, they all thought that their own spies had been instigated to rebel, and they used such nasty jokes to draw boundaries.

But after comparison and confirmation, Konoha, you are serious!

It's such a big temptation that no one can bear, okay!

Luo Sha quickly summoned several elders to discuss important matters. If he didn't stab him in the back this time, he would be sorry for this god-given opportunity.

Even Chiyo and Ebizo were a little excited. The Konoha collapse plan was so compatible with Suna Ninja Village.

The troops are ready to attack Konoha Village. This time, they will cross the Platycodon Mountain and reach the Hokage Rock!

The sand ninja's rebirth is now!

Ohnoki, who loves stud in Yanying Village, jumped more than one meter in excitement and almost missed his waist.

Konoha is seeking death!

There was a golden flash that could turn the tide back then, but now that Sarutobi the old dog and Hatake the kid are down, who else can appear.

Black earth, yellow earth, and all kinds of earth are gathered and mobilized under the will of stone.

As for the vanguard force, they are quite experienced, and they can easily pull out a reserve force of several thousand people.

Onoki will have breakfast on the Hokage Rock in the morning three days later.

As for Raikage Village.

The Fourth Raikage was excited and confused.

The original plan was to seize the Byakugan with a peace agreement, but the result directly triggered the civil war in Konoha. This was a great thing.

Mabuyi and others overfulfilled their mission, and Nurui's death was not in vain.

The envoy even obtained the most direct information not far from Konoha Village and transmitted it in real time.

I guess other ninja villages are already preparing to divide up that fertile land.

What about my brother?

It's better than being kidnapped by the Thousand Swordsman a few days ago. Isn't this a joke?

The elders were all urging us to send troops. They had previously advised me to calm down and rescue Lord Hi, but now they just wanted to wait until the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki had annexed Konoha Village before we could talk.

As for the peace deal? In the ninja world, we must learn to be flexible. We are just big muscles, not brainless.

Shit, shit, shit!

The Fourth Raikage was furious, and what these people said was really unpleasant.

The land of water.

Yagura sat behind his desk with eyes blank, and it didn't matter what the information was.

How can Konoha be as fun as Kirigakure Village? The blood mist continues.

The big boss behind the scenes, Obito, was lying dead in a secret cabin, half of his body being filled with the new White Zetsu.

In the final analysis, it was just a man's curiosity. He just glanced at the power space and was blinded by the forbidden technique. The follow-up was really too tragic.

It hurts Kakashi.

The Sharingan recovery plan must be put on the agenda. This kind of ghost life can no longer go on.

Just when a carnival comparable to the three wars was about to occur, the subsequent intelligence allowed everyone to regain their composure.

Information like snowflakes came back like crazy, and it was obvious that the spies were panicking to death.

What? All three Konoha ninjas have returned to the village?!

What? Two pairs of legendary kaleidoscopes appeared in Uchiha?!

What? A super large barrier that is so huge that it covers the entire core area?!

What? Sarutobi Hiruzen was defeated, but Konoha's high-end combat power has almost doubled?!

This is a hammer attack, a sneak attack!

That's a Sannin! Not the fledgling young men of World War II.

He is a top-notch monster who is extremely strong in his prime, a master who can get close to the shadows of almost every village.

There are also top plug-ins for psychic beasts from the three major holy lands behind it.

It's a bit unreasonable for three people to return to Konoha at once. You know that the so-called running away from the village is a trap!

The old woman Chiyo gritted her teeth but still swallowed it. Sand Ninja Village was not qualified to start a war with Konoha like this.

Luo Sha continues to go mining, and this year's war compensation has not yet been collected. The Leaf Village is expected to suffer heavy losses. Just don't embarrass them then.

The spy barely knew what a kaleidoscope was, didn't know what Susanoo was, and simply described the changes in the Sharingan and the appearance of a giant.

This almost scares the old people in various ninja villages to death. Isn't this what I remember as a pervert who likes to make people dance.

All the old men had a look on their faces after hearing this information, especially Ohnoki.

It was a lifetime shame that the two of them were defeated by Uchiha Madara like they were teasing children.

Uchiha's awakening of Mangekyo and Senju's awakening of Wood Release were both unbearable pain for the villages.

Old man, we have gathered a ninja army of about 3,000 people and can carry out sneak attacks around the back of Konoha's defense line at any time.

Get out! We only know how to attack and sneak attack, aren't we Iwa ninjas worthy of a head-on confrontation?

Yes, dad, I will gather more ninja troops to prepare to attack Konoha!

He waved his hand and told his 1.8-meter-old sons to get out. He wanted to be quiet.

Ai from Yunyin Village is even more sad.

Now there is no need to worry about the elders desperately trying to attack Konoha, the wind direction is changing faster than his own thunder escape.

The Hidden Cloud Village will not give up any ninja, and the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki is also a part of the village, so we must not act rashly!

Besides, we men from the Kingdom of Thunder are all tough guys who spit and nail every moment. Once we sign a peace agreement, we must stick to it!

Let Mabuyi come back with the peace agreement immediately, and don't do anything to irritate Konoha, for the sake of peace!

Now that I’ve said it, we guys from the Country of Thunder are really smooth-talking. I’m trying to learn my rap from you, right?

By the way, nothing seems to have happened to Konoha after they killed those old men. Is it Kumogakure Village?

The Fourth Raikage had a bold idea.

The transition between the restlessness of the ninja world and the calmness of the ninja world is extremely smooth. Anyway, basically no one dares to shake the position of the boss of Konoha.

Kakashi woke up a day later and startled countless people.

Two consecutive battles had caused his spirit to be greatly damaged and oppressed, and he had just barely recovered. At this time, he felt exhausted.

The body's original energy is a little short, even if there are medicines to replenish it, we can't continue to mess around.

Even my great grandfather will fall in a series of fierce battles. Don't be too arrogant for a kid like you who relies on foreign objects.

As for the Sharingan, it was okay, and the accumulated pressure seemed to be released.

Tsunade's diagnosis was the most authoritative diagnosis in the ninja world, and everyone felt relieved.

After Kakashi thanked him, he looked at the day's information on the village and the ninja world, and at the same time started discussing with everyone in the ward.

As for medical advice, now is not the time to rest.

The way she immediately shouldered her responsibilities when she woke up made Tsunade a little distracted.

No wonder so many people said that he looked like their second grandfather. At least she had seen such a scene several times back then.

Naruto is a bunch of paranoid people.

It's just that as a doctor, you can't let this kid be so exhausted and drive everyone away through violent means.

Before leaving, I might have felt a little more pity for the village and the child. After all, the future of the village was on my shoulders, so I still said this.

Have a good rest. If you can't help it, you can continue to seek help.

When only one person was left, Kakashi started rubbing his head crazily.

There are so many things to think about, and I have no idea where to start, and I suddenly feel a splitting headache.

He really didn't want to win the position of Hokage so early. Logically speaking, the battle for the will of fire in the village will continue for a few more years.

The best time is to wait until you have grown up for a while, until the key members of the new youth have increased in age and experience, and until you have established contact and trust with the older generation of strong men in the village.

It's a pity that he wants to wait for Konoha F4 but doesn't want to wait.

Alas. The three ninjas were brought back by their teachers to help temporarily. Uchiha and Hinata have high status in the village but few positions.

The ANBU are still in jail waiting to be processed.

There's almost no one on hand to use, it's so embarrassing.

What to do next?


A special kunai was inserted into the ground, and a familiar figure appeared in an instant.

Next you need righteousness!

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