Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 147 Bangbang is just two punches

In the year 1512 of the Hainan calendar, the Tianlong people were killed on the East China Sea. The murderer was Noah!

After leaving the East China Sea, the red-haired man who was fighting in the new world frowned slightly when he heard what Noah had done. Not to mention the courage of this great swordsman friend, he destroyed the order of the sea again and again. , the rampage of the times cannot be stopped. Mrs. Shi's prophecy may have no meaning.

After the other three emperors learned that a Celestial Dragon had been slaughtered, they all thought of their old captain, Rocks D. Jiback.

Whitebeard just remembered it for a moment and stopped paying attention. At this time, he, who already had the title of the strongest man in the world, cared more about his children.

Kaido-sensei was very drunk in Wano Country at this time, and he always ignored the Celestial Dragons. Although he shouted that he would die every day, if he killed the Celestial Dragons, he might really die. He knew something about the power of the World Government, and it was just a matter of the price.

Charlotte Lingling was truly insane. She directly ordered people from all over the world to kidnap Noah back and make him her first husband. The ministers of all kingdoms knew that this order was unreliable, but they still had to do it, otherwise their souls would be sucked out by the queen of all kingdoms when she was in a bad mood.

After the Navy learned the news, it asked Garp to return to the East China Sea immediately and take up residence in the Kingdom of Goa while searching for traces of Noah in the surrounding area. At the same time, a group of warships sailed from Marineland to the East China Sea, led by General Sakaski. With the authorization of Wulaoxing, it was specially approved to launch a single-person demon-slaying order against Noah.

That is, after discovering Noah, you can directly launch the demon-slaying order on the island where he is located, without paying attention to the residents and other people on the island. Only Sakaski can execute this authorization without hesitation within the Navy, so he will lead the team this time. Of course, this is what he actively strives for.

Noah~! Standing on the bow of the boat, he crossed his arms. Akainu muttered through gritted teeth, the two scars on his face throbbing again.

The murderous fleet rushed all the way, and all the pirate ships it encountered along the way were baptized by gunfire, and then were cast into balls of volcanic rocks by magma and sank into the sea.

Garp, who came to the Kingdom of Goa first, was no longer laughing and joking. His expression was serious now. The little guy who was causing trouble with his son was too crazy this time. The Tianlong people were beaten into dog heads, thrown into the sea, and whipped. Flying and other things are trivial things, he has done them too. But the nature of killing the Tianlong people is different.

‘I hope you can escape fast enough, otherwise I won’t be able to hold back if you get hit this time. ’

General Garp! This is the information collected by our intelligence department. The perpetrator Noah appeared when he burned the Uncertain Terminal the day before, and even created a strait to save people.

According to the sightings of the wanderers at that time, except for Nico Robin, the son of the devil, a new black-haired girl swordsman with burning eyes from the East China Sea. He also saw three teenagers standing with him. This is a portrait of three teenagers.


Garp took the portrait casually.


How could it be these three unlucky kids? Was it a mistake that I brought Ace and Luffy here? Luffy, that bastard boy, was influenced by the red hair and wanted to become the Pirate King. Ace also wants to go to sea and become a pirate.

As their grandfather, I am a naval hero and a role model for thousands of navies. Although I arrive late and leave early, take advantage of meetings, and skip work to go home to take care of my children, I am still a good sailor.

Ahem, let me handle this information. You can go do other things.


Then Garp rushed into the forest of the Kingdom of Goa. As soon as he got acquainted with the situation, he sprinted through the mountains a few times and found the Dadan family.


He appeared directly outside the valley. Listening to the quarrel between Luffy and Dadan inside, Garp's head was full of black lines.

I want to eat meat! Eat meat! Eat meat!

Kid, there are all the navy outside. We are bandits. Do you know bandits? They are the kind who will be hacked to death if they go out!

After hearing this, Luffy calmed down, and Garp smiled happily from outside. Luffy finally became sensible.

I don't care, I want to eat meat.

Luffy once again said something in a calm tone that made Garp's blood pressure rise. He couldn't bear it anymore. Why do we still need to eat meat at this time! But it’s really hard to eat without meat.

Regardless, Garp rushed straight into the valley and punched Luffy twice in the head.

Ah, it hurts so much, it hurts so much. Luffy rolled crazily on the ground.

Others in the valley were frightened half to death by Garp's appearance. Dadan was so frightened that his face turned pale. He only recovered after seeing that it was Garp.

Ka, Lord Kap, we haven't done anything. We're just a little bored staying in one place, waiting for everyone to go out for an outing.

Other bandits also echoed, for fear of causing misunderstanding.

Without saying a word, Garp led Ace and Luffy and disappeared into another corner.

As soon as Ace's eyes blurred, he found himself in another place. The successive attacks of strong men in the past few days allowed him to see the truest power in the sea. He also became more power hungry.

Tell me, how did you guys get to know that annoying brat Noah? Did he ever tell you anything about world government, revolution, etc.?

Let me tell you, you are all going to be marines in the future. The navy is opposite to Noah, red hair and the like. Don’t hang out with people like that in the future, you know?

Shanks is my friend, I don't allow you to say that about him. Also, I am a man who wants to become the Pirate King, there is no way I will become a navy!

Garp knocked down Luffy again with two punches.

Garp is particularly concerned about Noah. That guy's demonic nature is particularly powerful. The former navy admiral Zefa and the adopted son of the Warring States Period who just appeared recently are both deeply poisoned without knowing it. Admiral, are you strong-willed? The adopted son of the Warring States Period was a former Tianlong man. Aren't classes in conflict? Not everyone has been ideologically infected.

He was also worried about the two brats in front of him. Being a pirate was enough to worry him before, but if he wanted to join the revolutionary army, it would not be an annoying problem, but a life-threatening problem.

Ace looked at Garp and didn't say anything. He felt that although Noah didn't ask them to keep it a secret, it was better not to tell his grandfather some things.

Luffy said, Grandpa, I want to eat meat.

What else could Garp do? He couldn't let the children go without meat. He turned around and caught a few tigers for today's dinner. Several people were eating meat in the forest. As they ate, the three of them fell asleep together.

Before falling asleep, Garp always felt as if he had any questions that he forgot to ask?

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