The three people slept like this in the forest all night, and not a single beast came close. Their instinct told them that once they stepped into a certain cordon, they would be eaten only to the bones.

The next morning, Garp finally remembered the question he forgot to ask last night.

Where's that brat named Sabo who was hanging out with you before? Why isn't he with you?

Ace told about the grudges between Sabo and his noble family, and where he followed Noah. At the same time, he said that Sabo was already a brother who drank sworn wine with him and Luffy. If Garp wanted to arrest Sabo, he would be the enemy of the two brothers. Luffy also nodded beside him.

Really, even such a small child will not be spared, this guy Noah.

Garp sent Ace and Luffy back to the valley. Before sending them in, they each received a few iron fists of love. If they didn't hit them, they would be too angry for causing him so much trouble.

Dadan, you go back today, I will tell you about the navy. After you go back, you must keep an eye on these two brats. If anything happens again during this period, you can go to the undersea prison to report.

What can Dadan do? Of course, he must be obedient. Her nerves have been numbed by one wave after another recently.

Returning to the temporary naval base in the Kingdom of Goa, I talked to the intelligence officer about the three children.

I just went to confirm this information. Those three children were just involved accidentally. There is no need to continue the investigation. I will be responsible for the Navy Headquarters and the World Government. You can go down.


After the intelligence officer went down, he told his colleagues that Vice Admiral Karp was really a role model for the navy, and he actually went to verify the situation in person. What he said yesterday, he verified it today, and his operational capabilities were incredible. Do the brothers in this department have any misunderstandings about Lieutenant General Garp? It's not nonsense to say that Lieutenant General Garp is just a bastard who only chats and eats snacks.

After Garp fooled the intelligence officer, he closed the door of the office, carefully closed the curtains, opened a box with a serious expression, and began to eat donuts seriously. He didn't enjoy eating snacks for anything.

The reason why the curtains were drawn was because the Warring States Period had ordered them to maintain the dignity of the headquarters in front of the branch navy. As for the door being left unlocked, it wouldn't be such a bad luck.

With a bang, the office door was pushed open by the intelligence officer.

Lieutenant General Garp, the latest information is that one of the three children is called Sabo, and his father is here.

Garp calmly swallowed the food in his mouth, closed the box calmly, and restored the majesty of a naval hero.


Well, yes, the father of the boy named Sabo came here to report his child, saying that the boy named Sabo had been expelled from the family before. Later, he and two other boys had been engaged in illegal activities for a long time. This incident has nothing to do with them. The family has nothing to do with it, I hope Mr. Garp understands it clearly.

Oh~ it's him, tell him to come in.

After a while, a nobleman wearing a black bowler hat and a mustache walked in timidly. He never thought that his unlucky son would be related to the criminal who killed the Tianlong people. At this time, the relationship must be cleared immediately. Since there is still an 8-year-old adopted son, Saab can give up completely.

My lord, I am

Okay, no need to introduce, let's just talk about things.

Sabo's father, whose legs were weakened by Garp's aura, quickly began to express what he meant.

That Sabo was kicked out of our family a long time ago because he always hung out with the humanoid garbage outside the high wall. Especially there were two imps among them, who instigated Sabo's corruption.

One is named Ace and the other seems to be named Luffy. Both of them are humanoid garbage mixed in the garbage mountain. They are very despicable. The three of them often sneak into the city to commit crimes. I once hired some equally rubbish villains to teach the three of them a lesson, but it was a pity that the three of them survived, otherwise the great world noble might not have died.

As he spoke, he shed tears of sadness. He thought that this performance could always add some points to the navy.

You even hired someone to teach them a lesson?

Yes, but those two brats are like dirty cockroaches, always trying to survive. They can even escape from burning down a mountain of rubbish.

Hahaha, what a coincidence, those two cockroaches you mentioned are my grandsons.

Garp stood up, with no emotion on his calm face, and Sabo's father felt as if he was hallucinating.

Impossible, he spent a lot of money to inquire before coming. Although Lieutenant General Garp has the rank of lieutenant general, he is indeed a naval hero and has a high status in the navy. How could the grandson of such a person hang out in the garbage mountain? Auditory hallucinations must be auditory hallucinations!

Although Ace and Luffy are a little naughty...well...very naughty, they are both good and kind-hearted children. As their grandfathers, if their grandson is bullied, do they have to make the decision for the child? Huh?

Garp's aura released a little, which directly frightened the nobles of Goa Kingdom to tremble, and sweat flowed down like a waterfall.

‘Damn it, this complaint falls on me. No, I have to put the responsibility on Sabo. ’

Lieutenant General Garp, I made a mistake just now. It's Sabo, yes, it's Sabo! He is the source of evil. He has been a bad boy since he was a child, and he dared to lead your grandson into evil. I regret not killing him! Please believe me, Lord Garp, our family is sincerely devoted to the world’s nobility, Lord Garp.”

Garp was very angry at the moment and punched out.


Fortunately, I remembered that this person was an ordinary person, so I stopped using my strength and just drove him into the wall, unable to even buckle him down.

I've seen Sabo. He's a good boy. The saddest thing about him is that he has a father like you! Secondly, since you found someone to beat my grandson, then I shouldn't beat you too much! Hmph!

The intelligence officer who heard the noise rushed in again and was a little confused when he saw the middle-aged aristocratic man embedded in the wall. Aren't you here to report? Why was he beaten like this?

It's okay, it's just a false accusation. I saw through it. This Kingdom of Goa needs to be rectified. It's all this kind of stuff. It's hard to say that the death of the world's nobles has nothing to do with them. We need to thoroughly investigate these people.

Yes. As expected of the naval hero of the headquarters, he had a clear mind and pointed out another search route. And now that the main culprit Noah has escaped, some people must be brought out to explain to Mary Joa. Are all the people in the world government fools if they hand over a few ordinary civilians? These nobles and royal families are just right.

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