Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 146 Everything is allowed

Seeing a giant elephant neighing in the sky, and a red light shining in the sky, everyone knew that things were serious now, and there was really a madman coming to assassinate the world's nobles.

The Kingdom of Goa is in a panic. If the world's nobles die here, they, the royal nobles, may be doomed. Quickly ask the Goa Kingdom's troops to board a small fleet to protect the Tianlong people.

At this time, it doesn't matter if the strength is not enough, the posture must be correct. If something happens, the nobles of the Kingdom of Goa will just fail to rescue in time, rather than stand by and watch. It's really instinctive to be able to think so much at this time.

At this time, the people on the main ship felt desperate when they saw three of their own masters rushing into the sky to fight, only to be chopped up like melons and vegetables. The guards surrounded Saint Chalmer and rushed to run away. At the same time, the fleet fired cannonballs into the sky in the hope of delaying the enemy.

Gunsmoke filled the sea in an instant. The firepower of the two frigates was indeed fierce, and the shells actually felt like they hit ship defense guns. However, this kind of attack without any will is the most fearless way for Menmen Fruit.

Open the space door and stand in front of you. Behind the door is the frigate itself. Countless cannonballs were deflected back, ridding the hull of the ship with holes and bringing it to a halt.

Noah also really got close to the main ship. The sight and color swept across, and a square bubble head entered the perception. He adjusted the direction and landed directly in front of the Tianlong people. The stern of the main ship was directly tilted up due to the pressure of gravity.

Saint Charma?

At this time, Saint Chalmac didn't even dare to say anything. He knew that the person in front of him was Noah. In Pangu City, he often clamored to kill this ignorant bitch with his musket. Now that he saw the real person, he regretted it.

I regret that I didn't listen to the dissuasion of the people from the World Government and insisted on visiting the East China Sea. If God gives him another chance, he will definitely come with the general.

Bold pariah! How dare you call the great Celestial Dragon by his name!

A bitch who couldn't clearly see the situation was quite brave and yelled at Noah. In his opinion, this was an opportunity to be appreciated by the Celestial Dragons. The other guards silently stayed away from this lunatic guy to avoid splattering themselves with blood.

That's Noah. Alas, the Celestial Dragons really have no majesty in front of him. This newcomer is gone.

Kneel down and apologize now. The great Charmak may give you a chance to be a slave!

The great Charmak Saint wants to slap this bitch now. You bitch are afraid that I will not die quickly enough! But he had no strength now and was so scared that he peed.

Did you hear that? You're still standing here. Where did the water come from on the deck? It's a bit irritating.

Not wanting to listen to this idiot's extravagance, he opened a door directly under his feet and let the loser fall in. As for where the other end of the door was, it was only a thousand meters high. I hope he could land safely.

The great Charmachus? Noah asked for the second time.

Yes, yes, yes,,, me. I told you that the admiral will be here soon. You should leave quickly. I will let you go today.

It's fine if it's you.


The word Hedao smoothly passed across Charma Kesheng's neck, and then he naturally retracted the scabbard. Then the Tianlong man's head fell off and rolled for a while. Everyone present was dumbfounded.

I had expected that something might happen to Saint Chalmac today, but I really didn’t expect that he would be slaughtered like a chicken so quickly.

Before meeting the Celestial Dragon, Noah had some questions he wanted to ask, and he also wanted to say something so that he could end it handsomely. But when I really see this trembling bubble-headed guy, I have nothing to say. It’s another leap of faith, another instant kill of CP0, but the final goal is a guy who can’t speak well, which is boring.

Seeing that the people around him were still in shock, Noah thought for a moment, stopped talking, and had to do something. Looking at the sails, he suddenly had an idea.

The murderer, Noah!

Well, this makes me feel comfortable. When you do good deeds, you have to leave a name for yourself.

In the distance, the kings and nobles of the kingdom of Goa also collapsed when they saw through their telescopes the head of the Holy Charmac rolling to the ground. They were finished. The idea of ​​cleaning up the terminal point of uncertainty and the idea of ​​building the most beautiful kingdom are all bullshit.

Everyone goes out and kill that guy. The top leaders of Goa Kingdom are going crazy. The people on the main ship and frigate also went crazy. If the escort was not good, they were finished. The scene immediately fell into chaos.

Someone who was stupid enough to avenge Charma Kesheng was killed by Noah casually. There are also people who steal the gold, silver and jewels from the ship and plan to run away and become pirates. This is considered a sensible person.

There are also people who want to follow Noah and feel that they must find someone to hug them to survive at this time. Unfortunately, Noah looks down on these people. Most of them are bullying men and women. If they were not worried about manslaughter, this group of people would Everyone clicked.

Finally, he jumped into the air and was shocked by a large-scale overlord color, which completely silenced the sea area. Everyone looked at the man who looked like a god in the air.

Dragon people, nothing more than that.

With these words behind him, Noah opened the air door and disappeared without a trace.

The storm is sweeping the world from this small country in the East China Sea.

What, Donghai, Charmacosa, Noah!

The phone bug relayed the news. The machines at the headquarters of World Economic News were running at full capacity. Morgans waved his wings crazily, asking the workers to speed up the door. This kind of information must be known to the whole world. It’s so crazy!

Death of the Draco, Noah the Criminal

Wulaoxing was sitting in the hall with a solemn atmosphere at this time.

Have you investigated Noah's real name? Is there really no D?

Does it still matter? If he does something like this, there will be no place for him to hide in the entire sea!

The Charmaco Saint lineage in Pangu City must be appeased as soon as possible, and the other eighteen royal families must not leave Mariejoia casually. At least they must operate in a place where the naval admiral can arrive.

CP0, so useless, it's time to deal with these idiots.

Then the last question is, do I need to inform Lord Im about this matter?

It's eerily quiet in the hall

My Lord said, don't disturb him in the past few years. Let's go and report. If Lord Im doesn't give instructions, we can handle it ourselves.





The five people walked out of the hall, walked slowly outside the gate of Huajian, and knelt down together.

Lord Im, there is a royal family named Charmako who was killed by Noah, a rebel on the sea. Please make your decision.

After a long time, there was no response. The five old stars looked at each other and had to return to the hall to discuss on their own.

After they left, the 'person' on the throne among the flowers opened his eyes


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