Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 145 Everything is vain

Come on, you must not let him get close to the main ship! Move forward at full speed and approach the shore. Notify the navy to come over and protect you!

CP0, who was hiding in the fleet, saw someone swooping down from high altitude and immediately took off his camouflage. A total of three CP0s wearing white suits ran towards the sky on moon steps.

The three of them are the latest masters trained by CP0. They have been hiding in the dark. If there is any unethical behavior against the Tianlong people, there is no way to escape the sanctions of the three of them.

In order to cultivate masters who can defend the Tianlong people, CP0 spent a lot of money. Whether it's fruits, domineering power, secret skills, or weapons, they are all the best among the best. This time it was because Saint Charmac came to the East China Sea and was not visiting the Shampoo Islands, so everyone was sent out.

No. 2, No. 3. The assassin must not be allowed to get close to Saint Chalmac again!

Yes, No. 1!

CP0, who was sprinting upward, formed a triangular formation in the air and surrounded Noah. This formation was specially developed by the CP headquarters to surround and kill the powerful. The users are three fruit ability users who complement each other. In private, these three people once went to the New World to secretly kill a great pirate with a bounty of over 800 million.

In their opinion, the madman who fell from the sky for no apparent reason was just another idiot who died here. How could anyone escape their encirclement and killing?

Noah looked at the three CP0s rushing over and really felt a threat from them. The formation of three people has a secret, but why should I enter your encirclement? Smile lightly.

Raise your hand to open the door. An air door suddenly appeared in front of a CP0, teleporting the opponent who did not react in time back 500 meters away. Open the door again and send the second CP0 500 meters to the other side. The last time he opens the door, he teleports himself closer.

Feeling that he was about to experience life and death, No. 1 decisively activated the Devil Fruit in order to hold Noah back so that No. 2 and No. 3, who were teleported away, could step on the moon steps to reunite, although he knew that this was of little use. , because he has recognized the madman who attacked the Tianlong people.

Noah, the enemy of the world!

According to CP0's intelligence analysis, the opponent is a cunning, despicable and shameless guy with no strong demeanor. When he takes action, he is basically completely sure. Remember to be careful of the Hailou Stone powder! His own strength is that of a top swordsman, but his physical fitness is average. After eating the Menmen fruit, he has extremely strong survival ability. If nothing can be done, retreat is allowed.

If nothing can be done, retreat is allowed. But the Tianlong people are at the bottom, and they have no choice but to go up. You can only hold on, or resist the damage from the sword energy, and rush up to hug him. This is a glimmer of hope. If he hugs Noah, half of his ability to shuttle through the Gate Fruit will be disabled.

Animal system. Elephant fruit. Ancient species. Mammoth form.

A woolly mammoth appeared in the air in an instant, and its four giant feet simultaneously stepped on the moon steps and charged towards Noah. The impact of the giant beast's sprint is unparalleled, and its thick hair can also resist sword attacks and reduce damage. It is impossible for a swordsman without accumulated power to seriously injure this mammoth form.

No. 1 believes that as long as he withstands the sword energy, gets close to Noah and returns to human form, he only needs to resist one or two swords in human form to lock Noah. Half of the strategy is completed, and the rest depends on his two teammates. No matter how hard he tried, he believed that with years of tacit understanding, the other two would definitely understand his tactics.

Sure enough, he had sensed that both teammates were speeding back, intending to surround and kill the enemy together. This was a tacit understanding.

No. 1 was very proud that he came up with such a tactic in an instant. It was impossible for Noah to kill him in human form with one move. snort! What insidiousness and cunning, nothing more than that.

Seeing the mammoth rushing over desperately, Noah immediately saw through the opponent's tactics. He was worthy of being an elite of the World Government. For a moment, this tactic was basically a conspiracy, unless Noah used the Gate Fruit to avoid it. . But it would be difficult for Noah, who had been dodging, to continue chasing the Celestial Dragons.

When the Tianlong people hide in the Kingdom of Goa, many moves will be difficult to use among the crowd, and the assassination will most likely fail.

Just as CP0 thought, Noah's symbolic flying slashes did not break through the deep defense of the mammoth form, but only scratched the hair and part of the muscles. Although this attack was very powerful, it was only at the swordsman level. That’s it, you can resist it after returning to human form!

‘Closer, closer. So what if I am the enemy of the world? I will definitely take the great credit and become famous all over the world! ’

Rushing close, switching to humanoid form, No. 1 turned on all physical defense skills with a ferocious face, domineering body protection, protecting his body with his hands, and continued to sprint, preparing to receive a sword.

‘No, what is this strong sense of crisis! How could the sword intent gathered in the enemy's hand be so powerful? This was not a swordsman-level attack! This despicable guy, the previous sword energy was TM playing the role of me! ’

No. 1 was stunned. You, a great swordsman, don't play the role of Zong Heng Wushuang. Why did you play me? His heart was completely cold now. He couldn't stop looking at the smile on Noah's face. He was speechless. I feel that I will definitely die with my eyes closed.


One sword cuts two, no matter what kind of weapons and defense, what kind of animal-type body strengthening, they are all useless, No. 1, die!

No. 1 temporarily sensed the charging posture of No. 2 and No. 3 who were rushing back behind him and suddenly got stuck. Without thinking, he knew that these two teammates would embark on the road to death together.

‘Commander, I regret not listening to what you said, this person is indeed insidious! ’

Noah looked at his opponent who was a little confused in the middle of the charge, smiled maliciously, and swung out an overlord-colored winding blow. A red sword energy streaked down from the sky, turning the sky red for a moment. Then a huge half-moon-shaped sword energy wave formed, tearing the sky apart, and the sound of roaring in the air was endless.

Faced with such a move, the two CP0s all activated their abilities to try to survive.

Natural type. Swamp fruit. Elementalization! No. 2 decisively activated the natural fruit form. He was responsible for controlling the field in the trio, and No. 1 was the human shield. However, now that the human shield was accidentally killed, it was embarrassing. His natural fruit form has no defense against this powerful attack.

Sure enough, when the sword energy passed, the person was beheaded. No. 2, die.

No. 3 stood in the air and drew out his sword, a large sharp sword, Kikuichimonji Nozune. He is the main attacker in the trio, and he also has the level of a swordsman. Usually, the three of them cooperate and collect the heads of countless enemies of the World Government. This time, he will probably sacrifice his own.

But a swordsman should live towards death! The sword was drawn and the person died immediately. Not all swordsmen are named Noah!

He casually took the sword of No. 3 and put it into the space. Noah continued to dive down. Today, the Tianlong people will die!

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