You please have tea.

Dadan dug out some tea foam from somewhere and served Noah and the others some tea in a decent manner. The younger brothers who were about to enter the house were all kicked out by her, for fear of offending the seemingly harmless young man in front of her.

Noah and the other three were sitting on one side, and across from them were Dadan and the three Ace brothers.

Don't be nervous, I probably don't have a reputation for harming civilians. Noah thought it was better to appease the people across from him.

No, I'm not nervous. Dadan thought to himself that I am a bandit, not an ordinary civilian. Your reputation as a revolutionary army means death to us.

Noah saw Dadan sweating even more after he explained, and felt that he should hurry up and explain the matter thoroughly, otherwise it would be too torturous for them.

I'll just say it straight. I'm here for little brother Sabo. As for the son of the Pirate King and Garp's grandson, I don't care that much.

When he heard about the son of the Pirate King, Dadan suddenly stood up and protected Ace behind him. But it was a bit incredible to hear Noah say he didn't care about this, but she wasn't so gullible.

What son of the Pirate King?

That's Ace.


It seems that several people present don't know about this, but it doesn't matter, here are all trustworthy people. Noah felt that the later exposure of Ace's identity must have come from the Whitebeard Pirates, such as scum like Teach.

Although Luffy is a big talker, he never told anyone about his brother before Ace appeared in the original plot. Dadan is just an ordinary bandit, a piece of dust that most navy would not even take a look at. Sabo, Sabo has lost his memory, and this physical issue is the tightest.

Garp may talk to Sengoku, but none of these top naval officials have secrets, and there are countless things that violate the World Government privately.

The Warring States Period adopted the original Celestial Dragon, and sent back the undercover Don Quixote family, and a Celestial Dragon was used to control the Celestial Dragon. In the original Aokiji, after letting Robin go, he secretly followed him for so many years, like a pervert. Not to mention Garp, the things his son and grandson did are hard to describe.

With the old-school approach of the Warring States Period, one really doesn't necessarily care much about things like sinful blood. Moreover, if Sengoku had betrayed Ace after finding out from Garp, Garp would definitely have a fight with him, and the two would become friends immediately.

As for why CP9 has been investigating for many years and finally locked in Ace who used his mother's surname, this is a bit far-fetched. Portcas D. Ace almost became a Shichibukai.

Then there is only the Whitebeard Pirates, and Ace regards everyone there as family, and they are all good sons of Whitebeard's father. But the people in the Whitebeard Pirates are mostly traditional pirates. What are traditional pirates? They are a group of people who do everything from murder to arson and claim to be super loyal.

The people on the Moby Dick may not do this. They are mainly the backbone of the Whitebeard Pirates, the core force that specializes in fighting other pirate groups and the navy to maintain the dignity of the Yonko.

The same cannot be said for the other pirates in the large fleet. The Great Vortex Spider is not a guy with good character after all. All other pirates are the same. Ninety-nine percent of pirates are essentially bad guys and will be hanged.

Don't you care about the sinful bloodline of the Pirate King?

It was Ace who asked this question. He hated his father very much. Until his death, the father he recognized was Edward Newgate. To him, Roger was just a name that brought him a huge crisis and indirectly killed his mother. Everyone around him hated Roger.

The civilians resented Roger for starting the Age of Great Pirates, which plunged many parts of the world into darkness. Absolute free will is absolute chaos.

Even without Roger's words, some people would still have become pirates, but more people did become pirates because of the rumors of One Piece. The World Government and the Navy are highly consistent in hating Roger.

The navy's constant propaganda put tremendous pressure on him. Maybe one day his identity is exposed and he will die.

At this time, he was a little surprised and a little confused when he heard someone say that he didn't care about the blood of the Pirate King.

Sinful bloodline? Nonsense! Those guys who keep talking about bloodline are the most annoying. If you inherit Roger's bloodline, whether you can breathe fire or fly into the sky is just a genetic biological blood relationship between parents and offspring, and You’re just a brat with an awkward personality.”

Although he was reprimanded, Ace did not feel unhappy. This was the first time that someone had criticized the sinful bloodline issue in a positive way.

What do you think about Roger? Ace continued to ask. He wanted to hear Noah's evaluation of Roger.

A rather special pirate. As for the great pirate era, I admit that the baptism of free will has changed the trajectory of many people's lives, which has a certain positive significance.

However, it has more of a negative impact. For civilians, it adds more surprises in an era that is already very difficult.

Most of the disasters brought by the pirates were villages that were burned down, all the villagers killed, and they were robbed and became slaves of commodities.

We can't just see freedom but not see the ordinary people who have died over the years.

While saying this, Noah kept looking at Luffy. He knew that the red hair had passed freedom to Luffy, so what would Luffy think at this time?

Well, 7-year-old Luffy couldn't understand it at all. He kept pestering Ace and wanted to ask about the Pirate King. He was a man who wanted to become the Pirate King.

Ace was a little breathless from the heavy topic at the end, but he still asked Noah.

What about you? You are the revolutionary army, right? What are you going to do?

We are ready to overthrow the Great Pirate Age and the World Government at the same time. Overthrow all those who oppress the people, including the so-called descendants of the Creator, royal families, nobles, etc. Then let this sick world return to normal. Let ordinary people People can live in peace and contentment. Are you interested in joining?

At this point, Noah suddenly wanted to try to abduct Ace. Anyway, Garp was not here. Even if Garp knew about it, he would beat his own son first.

Are pirates and the world government both enemies? It turns out that the enemy of the world is not only the enemy of the world government, but also the pirates. It’s really crazy.

Dadan listened more and more panicked. She was even more panicked when she saw that Ace was moving. If Garp came back and found out that Ace had gone to the Revolutionary Army, she would be beaten into pieces!

I plan to arrange some original villain enemies tomorrow. Do you have any suggestions for fruit abilities?

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