Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 141 Forced to go together

The crowd surged and fled towards the sea crazily. At the end of the shore is the boat Noah found in advance, which can only go so far.

Noah looked in the direction of the high city wall and thought about something. I originally wanted to hit the high city wall, but it is easy to break the middle wall, but it is difficult to break the heart wall.

Even if they give up the subsequent attack on the Tianlong people and break down the city wall to let the residents of the garbage mountain in, the barrier will not be broken. There is no need to do such a thing.

When the mind awakens, without Noah taking action, ordinary people will overturn that high wall, pull down all the so-called royal families and nobles who have lost their humanity, and drag them to the square for a public trial by the people.

Ace~, Luffy~, here we come!

Boss, Ace is there!

At this time, a group of people came upstream, and Dadan arrived with his younger brother. When she saw the garbage mountain on fire, she picked up her ax and came to save Ace and the others immediately.

Noah still respected this rough-looking woman, especially when she beat Garp violently. As a bandit targeted by Garp, Dadan is really miserable. You can't do anything too extreme. Garp will be scared to death when he comes.

She also had to help Garp take care of the kids, and Ace had to take care of him when he was so old. Then came an even more troubled Luffy, and the bandit was completely embarrassed.

But she is also a responsible and motherly person. In order to save Ace and Luffy, he fought to the death with Brugam in the fire, and was finally carried back by Ace with wounds all over his body. Later, when Ace died of Malinfando, Dadan became furious and knocked down Garp while crying and beating him violently.

She won't understand Garp's position and helplessness as a naval hero. Although Ace had done nothing bad, he was publicly executed because of his father, and Garp, as a grandfather, did not save him.

Ace, how are you doing?

No problem, nothing happened.

Seeing Dadan coming over, Ace was still moved in his heart, but he was not very good at expressing his emotions. At the same time, he gave Dadan a hidden look and asked Dadan to pay attention to Noah who was standing aside. He was still not sure what the man who had carved out the Grand Canyon came for.

Could this kind of monster be looking for the sinful bloodline of the Pirate King? Although his apprentice, the young swordsman, said he was looking for Sabo, Ace, who had been hanging out at the Terminal of Uncertainty for a long time, knew very well how cunning and bottomless human beings were.

If there is a conflict, he will definitely not be able to run away. As long as Noah does not hurt the people around him, it is enough. He reminds Dadan that he also hopes that she will not offend such a strong person.

Dadan didn't do anything after receiving Ace's signal. He just stood in front of Ace silently. Looking at Dadan's generous back, Ace's eyes moved slightly. He originally wanted to say something but never said it. .

Looking at Noah's face quietly, Dadan felt like he had seen this face somewhere. It seems that even if the ordinary-looking protagonist is on the wanted list and has a reward of 5 billion beli, it is still difficult for people to recognize him at a glance.

By the way, is this the reason why Long got the tattoo on his face? If he didn’t have tattoos, his appearance would be ordinary. All the members of Garp’s family look pretty normal, so they can only work on the styling.

At this time, a young man from a bandit family looked at the Grand Canyon and asked in confusion.

Hey, boss, was there a canyon before here? Why don't you remember there was one?

Dadan noticed it when he came, but he was worried about Ace's safety and didn't think about it carefully. Looking back now, he is a little confused.

The stupid Luffy pressed his nose while pointing his finger at Noah very straightforwardly.

It was that guy who did it. I think I saw him with Shanks before.

With Luffy's brain capacity, Noah originally thought that he had forgotten it. After all, it was half a year ago, but he still remembered it. He was really flattered.

The bandits didn't believe it. How could such a person exist? They even created a grand canyon. The grandson sent over by old man Garp was really not very good in mind.

Dadan somewhat believed it. She had seen Garp destroy a hill with one punch, so she was so afraid of Garp that she squatted on the mountain to take care of his children.

At this time, the last sword sound came from the distance, and the black-haired girl swordsman with burning eyes successfully killed Brugam. After calming down her breathing, the girl sheathed her sword and ran back to find her master.

Master, we have already killed our opponent.

Well, it's okay, time is a bit slow. Although this opponent seems to have the courage to burn the boat, but if you look closely, you will find that he still wants to capture you alive and use him as a hostage to escape more often, so he gave it to you in a hurry. A big flaw.

And that you can seize this flaw and deliver the decisive blow, it shows that your control of the battle situation has indeed improved. This time when you go back, you can ask Robin to make up for less lessons. I will teach you some swordsmanship improvement lessons.

Yes, Master.

Guina happily stepped aside and missed a few cultural classes, hey hey hey.

I can tell you're in a good mood? Robin's voice came from behind her. Just now, she had been driving the sensor to sense the flow of people in the sea of ​​​​fire. Now basically everyone who was still alive was running out along the canyon, so she withdrew her fruit power.

No, no. Guina waved her hands repeatedly, for fear of any misunderstanding. The intimidation power of the cultural teacher was at its maximum.

At this time, Dadan also remembered who Noah was, the madman who hit Mary Joa twice. Even Garp said that this kid is a great threat to the sea, and if there is a chance, Noah must be captured in an underwater prison or something.

A strong person who can be remembered by Garp for such a long time and still be active must be a person with monstrous strength. Then it is normal to be able to carve out the Grand Canyon. What should I do if I just have a little fear? The palm of her hand holding the ax was sweating like crazy, and it was too difficult for her to pretend not to recognize it.

She is a little bandit, a naval hero, Roger's son, and the enemy of the world. The world's ill will towards her is so obvious.

A blind boy suddenly got excited at this moment, pointed at Noah and said

Ah, you are not that Nuo...

He was knocked unconscious by Dadan's knife.

Damn it, it's so hot here. He fainted from the heat. Let's retreat, kids! After saying that, he pretended to be calm and left with the three little guys.

Excuse me, can you take us with you? Noah showed a smile that could not be refused.

Okay, Dadan and the others are good bandits, and uncle is also a good person, so let's go together.

At this moment, Ace and Dadan wanted to strangle that fool to death, that is, they drank the sworn wine, otherwise Ace would have hit him with a stick.

For this reason, Dadan didn't have the courage to refuse this reasonable request.

Then, let's go~

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