Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 143 Sabo joins the gang

Ace was still deep in thought, while Sabo next to him was already full of excitement.

This is it, this is what he wants to accomplish. Give the common people a chance to survive and let the rulers who exude decay get out of this country.

He felt he had found an organization.

I want to join, please let me join your cause! Saab made a decision directly. The burning of the Uncertain Terminal this time made him completely disappointed with the country. He felt that joining Noah's cause could save the country, even if it was by completely destroying the superstructure of the Kingdom of Goa.


Ace and Luffy were both surprised that Sabo made such a decisive decision.

Ace, Luffy. I have always wanted to be the freest person on the sea, because I have been locked in a cage. Before, I thought I could escape from this cage and go to the sea. But now a new choice has appeared , is to smash this cage and let everyone be free, so I want to join the revolutionary army!

Ace was a little hesitant about his brother's choice and didn't know whether to join him.

Young men, there is no need to make a decision in such a hurry. I will stay here for a few more days. You have plenty of time to think about it.

How many more days are you going to stay? Dadan stuttered a little.

Aren't you welcome? Kind smile.jpg

No, it's not. The fire has been put out. This place is just an ordinary bandit den. Isn't the living condition too bad for you to stay here?

Ah! Don't worry.

After speaking, Noah walked out of the house, came to the open space next to him, and took out the small room from the space door. ,

Look, it's good. We are neighbors now. I won't leave until I finish my work tomorrow. Kind smile.jpg

How dare I want to be my neighbor!

Oh oh oh!!! How cool! Luffy's eyes emitted lasers. This kind of thing is really irresistible to children.

Robin walked over and opened the door.

Children can come in and take a look. There are a lot of fun things inside.

Luffy dived in with a sprint.

Ace and Sabo stayed outside. Although they also wanted to go, they were curious about the reason why Noah still stayed here. Facing the curious eyes of the children.

There will be a Celestial Dragon coming in these few days. By the way, do you know what a Celestial Dragon is?

Shake his head. Also, most people in the sea don't know what the Celestial Dragons are.

They are the nobles of the world. As you know the nobles of Goa Kingdom, they are guys 100 times more disgusting than those nobles. They claim to be descendants of the Creator and wear a bubble on their heads every day. This time the target is this person .”

Dadan's heart was pounding and about to explode at this moment. Even if she was an ignorant bandit, she knew that this was a big deal that could break the sky. How could anyone say it so easily? It is really sinful to be a neighbor with such a person. Mr. Karp, where are you? We miss you so much!

In the evening, a group of people sat together to eat. The ingredients were caught by Robin. At that time, the three children wanted to show their strength to them, so they took Robin to the lair of a group of tiger-like beasts, intending to catch them. Come back one end, this is called showing muscles. After all, Sabo was probably going to join them, and he was afraid that he would be bullied, so he had to show off his skills.

Then I saw a scene that made my SAN value go crazy.

Robin put his hands together and said, Flowers and fruits, the world of flowers and trees has arrived.

Countless arms grew out of the deep forest, on the ground, on trees, and even on beasts. No matter how they struggled, they all fell down without any resistance in this hell.

Seeing the three little ones onlookers getting nauseated, Robin became more and more naughty. The last time he developed this trick, the entire boot camp almost became mentally ill.

After eating, Noah began to make plans. Robin will then take Kuina and Sabo back to Traveler to ensure that Noah has nothing to worry about. Noah went to the port to lurk, preparing to ambush the Celestial Dragons.

At this time, Saab is ready to say goodbye to his friends. We didn't expect such an abrupt separation, and everyone was a little at a loss.

There is no way. After the death of the Tianlong people, the subsequent changes are very scary. There will definitely be real strong men in the sea coming here to investigate.

It would be dangerous for Sabo to stay here. Ace, you and Luffy are actually protected by Garp. And Garp himself is an absolute powerhouse on the sea, and he also has a special status in the World Government, so he can protect you.

But Sabo can't do that. His father will immediately distance himself from his relationship with him, and even add insult to injury. Then it would be safe for him to follow Robin and leave the country first.

Noah, who had uncovered the dirty world of adults, said these words without any psychological burden, allowing Ace to undergo a baptism again. He kind of wanted to go with Sabo, but he couldn't let go of Luffy, his silly brother, and was even more entangled.

Seeing Ace's confusion, Noah took the initiative to comfort him.

Okay, I will make a life card of Sabo for you later. With that card, you can find Sabo. And you can practice well here in the past few years. After you officially go to sea, if you still want to Come join us. If you don't want to, that's okay.

Don't worry about Roger the Pirate King, for you, he is just an unfit father. If you really want to understand him, wait until you are strong enough before going. You are still far from it now.

After patting Ace on the head, Noah went back to make preparations in a happy mood. However, Ace's hair is so dirty and gray~.

Moved by the last words, looking back, I realized that I cared a little too much about Roger. Now he is not qualified to explore what kind of person Roger is, so let's leave it to the future. The more important thing now is to say goodbye to Sabo.

The three of them gathered together and didn't know what to say. Luffy was already in tears. He was so sad that his brother was leaving him. Sabo was also a little unable to control his emotions. Although it was his own choice, he was still a little shaken when things came to pass.


Saab! A man on the sea must firmly follow his own path, and don't forget your ideals!

As the elder brother, Ace interrupted this wavering and hugged Sabo tightly.

Let's go dig out the treasure. You have to realize your ideals. You can't take nothing with you. Let's go!

Seeing Ace's firm eyes, Sabo also understood and stopped refusing. The three people rushed to dig for treasure with tears in their eyes.

Robin took Guina to watch this scene

‘Fortunately, I had Noah with me. ’

The evacuation operation has officially begun!

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