Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1378 This world belongs to the elderly after all

Quit ANBU?

Yes, quitting the ANBU and officially restoring your identity as a Jounin of Konoha to operate outside, all your previous achievements have been registered.

This time, you will be transferred to the command of Akimichi Tofeng to participate in the battle on the frontal battlefield. Young people need a wider sky.

Staying here is a waste of your talents, and the frontline needs the help of Konoha's heroes.

The Jonin's immediate subordinates are Metkai, Yuhi Kurenai and Sarutobi Asuma for the time being.

As for frontline command positions, they are subject to Feng Feng's arrangements.

The follow-up went on for a long time, mostly with compliments and some nice words.

Finally, we talked about Will of Fire for a while, but unfortunately it didn’t resonate with young people.

Kakashi did not expect that the Third Generation would act so directly and ruin his subsequent plans.

He doesn't have access to ANBU, so it seems like he's really sensitive to these things.

In terms of means, people are speechless and worthy of being the shadow of a village.

I'm afraid Mandrill and the others will probably be transferred out of the ANBU, which will really hurt the other party.

Some ninjas will send personnel into the ANBU to show their support and loyalty to the boss of Konoha, but most of them are civilian ninjas who will join the ANBU to perform some high-risk tasks.

Because ANBU has enough tasks and the risks are high enough.

With a high mission level, you can redeem needed training resources and gain opportunities for your descendants. This kind of life-threatening work is nothing to a ninja.

The requirements are naturally high, such as absolute loyalty.

At present, the Hokage of Konoha is still the one in front of him, so Kakashi is not qualified to bargain.

Choose to accept the appointment and return home.

Next comes a lot of preparation and gathering his assigned team members.

Except for Iruka who has not yet been included in the war team, the other three have been included.


He took out a pen and paper and started writing a letter, and then summoned a little toad to channel.

We are organized people.

Sarutobi Hiruzen in the Hokage Tower also looked as if he had finally completed a difficult task.

Bringing out ANBU was a conspiracy thought up by the Sandaime.

The Konoha ANBU is a special force established by Lord Nidaime. Its full name is the Assassination Tactics Special Force. The force is directly commanded by the Hokage.

This is the first spy organization among the five major countries, and Tobirama's political skills are imitated by ninja villages from all over the world.

The members of the ANBU are all outstanding ninjas selected from the village. They are mainly responsible for protecting the Hokage and preventing foreign enemies from invading the Konoha ninja village. Sometimes they are also responsible for tasks such as reconnaissance of enemy situations and assassinations.

The tasks they do and what they know cannot be told to the outside world, and there are even many dark aspects.

When Kakashi first joined ANBU, he was only treated as a sharp knife and was not allowed to come into contact with more and deeper things.

But when this man started to erode the forces directly under the Hokage with his infectious energy, he crossed the line.

These people are the secret eyes, mouth, nose, hands and feet of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Now it is possible that his eyes have lost sight and his ears have lost hearing, for these direct subordinates may be hiding the truth from their masters.

Such a threat was too direct for the Hokage, and if he left the village alone, he would end up with a little Hokage Hatake Kakashi.

Even when the fourth generation inherited ANBU, they were slowly replacing the ANBU members left behind by the third generation.

No Hokage would tolerate such a thing.

Another advantage of Kakashi's separation from ANBU is that he is too powerful.

According to various intelligences, if he leads that small team with day differences to sneak into the Kingdom of Thunder to perform missions, it will be dangerous unless he encounters the situation like last time where the Fourth Raikage personally led the team to kill.

Then this junior's accumulation of personal achievements is too fast.

The number of Jonin killed last time and the baggage mission of destruction directly accumulated to 10 S-levels, which is shocking. This kind of difficult task can be converted into a task bounty of at least tens of millions taels.

You must know that the number one technician in Konoha in the original book only had 42 S-level missions in his lifetime.

Whether these accumulated military exploits are exchanged for money or resources, it will be heartbreaking.

As for ANBU's principle of secrecy not accumulating prestige, that's nonsense.

That Bai Mao would symbolically wear a mask every time he went on a mission, and then his mask would explode whenever he got into a fight. The quality of ANBU masks is so bad?

Moreover, Kakashi's iconic appearance and signature ninjutsu cannot be hidden at all.

A thousand birds chirp together, the silver-haired boy dancing among the gathering thunders

Konoha cannot suppress any achievements he made, not even those who could suppress Kumogakure.

It would be better to send him directly to Akimichi Tifeng's men. No matter how powerful an individual is, it will be difficult to dominate the victory and outcome of a frontal war.

At the same time, it is unrealistic for the Kabo team to stay in the village. It would be a waste of time and combat power for the geniuses of the new generation to stay in the village.

Other people's sons have long gone to the place where the fighting is the worst, and my own son can no longer be trapped in the village.

He didn't feel at ease leaving it to others to take care of him. The Rope Tree was a lesson learned from the past.

It just so happened that he was sent to Kakashi's command, where he could not only develop his strength but also gain some combat skills. In terms of safety, as long as he didn't mess around, he should be guaranteed.

After all, responsibility is different.

Kakashi's words to Hizashi and the others, I am like the flying leaves now. This sentence spread throughout the front lines and the rear.

Such a young man with a will to set fire would certainly not go against his beliefs.

Who wasn’t like this when they were young?

Of course, this does not prevent him from carrying out his own conspiracy.

Since it can no longer be suppressed, then control the opponent's rise time. If the main battlefield is won, it will be a victory for all Konoha ninjas.

if failed

I believe that Kumogakure will not be so stupid that he still sends two or three jonin to die when facing the bloody thunder for the second time.

At least there is no shortage of large-scale sealing squads on the main battlefield, as well as various joint ninjutsu to control the battlefield.

It can be said that this is the best way he can think of.

Logically speaking, Danzo should be firmly opposed to this. He was the one who had been clamoring to transfer Kakashi from Anbu to Root.

Many methods are difficult to use without ANBU.

But this time it was unusually quiet, with just a symbolic protest.

If the ANBU hadn't been short of manpower, I would have really wanted to find out what the Dark Ninja was doing recently.

The other two elders were noncommittal, because they couldn't think of a better way than this. It was the lesser of two harms.

Maybe after a few more years of waiting for Kakashi's thoughts to change or Hiruzen's side to have a better response plan, the situation will not deteriorate to the point they don't want to see.

People will mature, and young people will grow old one day, so the world is still in the hands of the elderly after all.

Once Kakashi's problem is dealt with, he will face an even more powerless situation.

Konoha was close to defeat in the Thunder and Fire War.

Sooner or later, the truth that was covered up by public opinion could not be hidden. After the uproar when Bloody Thunder returned, people discovered that the village had become very poor.

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