Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1379 Construction Branch

The village has no money and no people.

Everything that Konoha had accumulated during the year when the Yondaime came to power had been spent, and the current situation was even more fragile than at the end of World War III.

War has become a vicious cycle for Konoha at this time. The former giant fell to the ground and continued to lose blood.

With the main force and strong men sent to the front lines to fight, the villages no longer have enough strength to undertake the tasks entrusted to them.

If there are no tasks to undertake, they can only rely on fixed allocations from the daimyo to maintain their lives. In the end, the war will require massive expenditures.

Minerals, weapons, military food pills, detonating charms, medicinal materials and consumables, and pensions.

After the third Ninja War, Konoha almost went bankrupt. This time the Thunder and Fire War dealt a fatal blow.

The second battlefield outside the main battlefield has long been defeated.

Sarutobi Hiruzen often thinks that there is an opportunity to stop the war now, and his bottom line may be much lower than everyone imagines.

I hope the war will end soon.

In the Hatake mansion.

Kakashi summoned Asuma, Kurenai and Metkai.

You should already know about going to the front line, right?

Then let me emphasize again that your strength has improved significantly during the past two months, but this is not enough for you to survive on the real battlefield.

Especially if you follow me.

The Sandaime-sama may want me to play a banner role on the front line and protect the seedlings of the new generation.

However, accidents happen frequently on the battlefield, and if the enemy is targeting me or needs to temporarily attract firepower, as my direct subordinates, there will be great risks.

When Hizashi went on a mission for the first time, he was shocked by those crazy guys.

I rolled my eyes, Huh? Did you see it wrong? This density is probably not the main battlefield.

The clouds covering the mountains and plains are particularly scary in the white eyes.

Kakashi made it clear to a few people about the grudge between himself and Kumogakure, and even the jounin's family and friends would try their best to get revenge.

For example, I was almost beaten to death by a group of relatives and friends in Tutai. This kind of thing is really a constant trouble.

He also asked the three people in front of him to have the consciousness of their subordinates after they go out to fight. Let you run away and don't try to do something very touching.

The tone was extremely serious. The last time he broke off his wife, the teacher slashed him ninety-nine and eighty-one times, saying that he wanted to break the curse of the white-haired ninja.

If it happens again this time, you will really die.

Everyone said there was no problem and it was the nature of ninjas to obey their superiors' orders.

“Then use your connections and resources to collect anything you can to survive.

Remember, any method is acceptable as long as it does not violate the morals of the village.

If you are so direct, it will instantly relieve everyone's tension.

Although Asuma may feel uncomfortable saying this, going to the battlefield as the son of the Hokage will be a great challenge.

So since we are going to face high risks, it is better to use this identity to prepare resources to face it.

The credit for killing the son of the Hokage will definitely not be small at this time, and Asuma's information is not top secret information.

Orochimaru was also full of confidence when he took the rope tree to the battlefield, but he was killed by the Iwa ninja.

These words were indeed a bit hurtful to a passionate young man who had always wanted to get rid of this identity, but Asuma, who knew the importance, still accepted the suggestion.

The thirty-five million gentlemen influenced by Kakashi will no longer follow the same path.

He gritted his teeth and offered some suggestions.

Ahem, I can lend you the two short swords made of chakra metal that I have collected at home. Then I will go to the Nara family to buy a batch of treasured military grain pills and healing pills with a lot of money.

Tell me what else you need.

He was naturally extremely excited to be on the front line of the main battlefield, which was also the most dangerous place.

The old man is not on the battlefield now, so the things he collected might as well be for us young people to shine on.

The top-notch military food pills and medicines of the Nara family cannot be bought by ordinary chuunin with money. With his identity and mission to go to the frontline battlefield, he can still get a batch if he buys some.

Kakashi recognized Asuma's awareness very much. The child had given up that inexplicable arrogance after repeated defeats and battles, and understood that it was not a bad thing to use resources to help him grow.

Sometimes self-reliance is just about being incapable and reliable. I have grown to the strength I am today by relying on various resources provided by teachers.

Next Kakashi took out two more scrolls and gave them to Kurenai.

“There are two illusions here that are not formal in origin, so don’t use them easily when there are many people.

Once used, the enemy must silence him and the information cannot be spread.

Ninjutsu has always been the top resource in the ninja world, and the Yuhi family has not passed down any particularly powerful techniques.

Just a tree-binding kill accompanied by the disappearance of the wooden escape seems outdated. These two gifts from Kakashi are not unimportant.

Especially the two A-level illusions from the Sealed Book of the Land of Rain. The source comes from the collection of the Second Hokage.

One is the sealed book from the Hokage Tower, and the other is the sealed book from the roots.

The relationship is a little complicated, but no matter which one is exposed and becomes famous, they will die miserably.

It's a real life-saving skill.

Hong hesitated for a moment and took it. She was sure that Kakashi was not interested in her before she dared to take it. It would be embarrassing if it was used as a betrothal gift.

But I will have to sell my life to this boss in the future.

The dual satisfaction of thought and material is too hard, and everyone's future is completely tied together.

Finally, Noah took out another potion from Kakashi and handed it to Kai.

I obtained the healing potion through a channel and exchange. The ability of this potion is to heal all the hidden injuries left by practicing physical skills before.

The price is to help them do something that won't harm Konoha in the future. Are you willing to accept it?

Everyone understands how precious this potion is, and the hidden wounds left by cultivation are basically untreatable.

If the effect of the medicine is really as miraculous as stated, the price must be in units of hundreds of millions and there is no market for it.

Kai took it very directly. He must agree to such a good thing. Kakashi would not harm him.

As for love, his youth will burn for his partner until the last moment.

In fact, Kakashi specifically contacted the teacher to exchange these resources, and he will definitely have to pay them back in the future.

After all, the Konoha branch has to build itself, and it would be inappropriate to ask for too much help from the teacher.

Asuma is already a top second generation and doesn't need any resources.

As a genjutsu-type auxiliary ninja, Red can already increase his combat power by having powerful genjutsu.

The biggest investment is in Kai. The teacher said that the ultimate power of Eight Gate Dunjia can amaze even the proudest people.

Those who can persist in practicing to the end are born gods of war. Such men are worthy of admiration.

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