Chapter 1377 From now on.

The feeling of gap makes people burst directly.

Ahem, you're doing well.

“Especially Kai and Iruka are really good,

Kai, I will find a way to help you improve your physique. After all, the moment of blooming is too short.

The youth just now is really beautiful.

Kai's talent is too good, but the Eight Gate Dunjia is too domineering.

There was no way Kakashi could just watch his friend eventually go down the path of a traditional taijutsu ninja.

Such people will either die during a certain bloom, or they will suffer from all kinds of diseases as they get older.

The teacher should give him face. At least, there is no problem in applying for supplies as a Konoha branch.

Iruka, you'd better practice your magic sword technique later.

Once you have mastered your sword skills, you can then consider combining them with illusions. Practicing them together may not suit your style.

This is a very tactful statement. This child's cultivation talent is not very good.

If you want to improve your combat power in a short period of time, you should choose one of them to practice, and then just make up for your weaknesses later on.

As for the person behind it, he wanted to find time to meet him. The darkness in Konoha Village sometimes had no bottom line at all.

Finally, I looked at Asuma and Kurenai, who looked quite dark.

It's normal for me to have such an ending. Asuma's fire escape and adaptability are no problem, and his fighting style is more suitable for the frontal battlefield.

I use the crushing attribute ninjutsu to force the rhythm of destruction. Generally speaking, there are not many people in the entire ninja world who can do it.

These words were both humble and domineering. Asuma would most likely not encounter such an enemy on the battlefield.

Feiyan needs to practice more to cope with the changes in the nature of the wind attribute, otherwise she won't be able to survive on the battlefield with just weapons.

Yeah, I understand. I won't lose like this next time, you know.

I originally wanted to say that I won't lose next time as a second grader, but after thinking about it, I still can't daydream.

As for the word old enemy, I won't say it anymore in the past few years, which is really embarrassing.

Hong faces a strong man head-on. Don't use illusions easily.

Tree-binding killing has lost its biggest fear factor in this era. You can consider using some additional methods to expose flaws in the opponent's mind and use illusions during sneak attacks.

Be careful, the Sharingan's resistance to genjutsu is terrifying.

Before you can practice illusions to the level of Yuhi Zhenhong, you need to practice some ninjutsu to assist in combat.

Bian Hong's partiality is the most serious here, and as a female ninja without the blood of the Senju clan, she can only rely on ninjutsu to switch styles, otherwise she will be restrained by Uchiha.

Fortunately, Kakashi is also an illusion master and can provide guidance.

After all, the most essential use of illusion is to dig out the flaws in the enemy's heart to destroy them mentally.

Shuangyue Kendo has given me too much inspiration in this regard.

Kurenai readily accepted the suggestion as she had experienced the level of Kakashi's genjutsu.

There was simply no way to fight back. This kind of sparring was countless times more effective than fighting against his father.

Next came the explanation of formations and tactics, and several people were stunned for a moment.

Is this the experience of surviving the most brutal battlefield? It's really scary.

It turns out that only by abandoning the naive bottom line of the past can we win at the minimum cost. I learned and learned.

The sun sets.

When he returned home in the evening and saw Asuma's disgraced look, the Sandaime asked seemingly unintentionally.

I heard that I had a duel with Kakashi today. What was the result?

Asuma's smiling face disappeared immediately when he heard the word duel. Why did this old man ask such boring questions?

Differs greatly.

Simply talking about the battle process made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel that this was indeed the case, and even Kumogakure praised Bloody Thunder's strength.

Well, there is someone out there. Kakashi can achieve it at his age.

Balabala outputted a lot of words again. In the past, Asuma would have left impatiently, but today she actually listened.

Old man, if you have time, teach me how to improve my ninjutsu and how to change the nature of wind chakra.

Asma finally bowed to her old father, feeling that the tutor's teaching methods were not good enough.

He couldn't understand Kai's kind, and he didn't take Iruka's water escape to heart, but he really didn't want to lose the name of his old enemy.

Kakashi has reached this level without anyone's guidance, and it is not enough for him to maintain his previous slow progress.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with a smile. Sometimes this child just has to find someone to give him a hard education before he realizes that the sky is high and the sky is high.

My past self was still too gentle.

By the way, can you also teach me some water-type ninjutsu?


Asuma, you have both wind and fire attributes. You can wait until you are a jounin to develop the third attribute.

In addition to genjutsu, Hong also needs other ninjutsu to strengthen her. I want to teach her after I learn it.

The Third Hokage was a little surprised at first and then nodded.

Yes, this is the feeling. Sure enough, the stupid son is still a stupid son. His love brain will not be crushed by the setbacks of the battle, and he also knows how to use this opportunity to show his courtesy.

The little girl from the Yuhi family is also a very good female ninja with great potential. It will be great to be a daughter-in-law in the future.

The rest of the time was spent in practice. For two full months, the Kachui 4-member group had not yet stopped practicing while spreading the will of fire on a daily basis.

From the information obtained by Asma, it seems that Sarutobi Hiruzen also intends to let the new generation go to the battlefield.

Recently, the three old guys have frequently come to the Sarutobi clan's clan to discuss something in the middle of the night.

Kakashi frowned.

Sure enough, you can’t hold it anymore? So how long will you keep yourself in the village?

His team members are still waiting for him.

The Sandaime in the Hokage Tower was very irritable looking at the letters and information.

According to the information from the root, the fourth generation Raikage has almost recovered from his injuries. He has appeared in the village many times but has not continued to the main battlefield.

Even so, the morale of the ninjas in the Cloud Ninja Village has increased a lot, and the appearance of the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki on the battlefield has caused the pressure on Konoha to skyrocket.

Every time the Jinchuuriki was dispatched, a special team was required to be sent to the front line to block it, resulting in a sharp increase in casualties.

If Konoha's sealing technique hadn't been too powerful a deterrent to the tailed beasts, the battle line would have been retreated.

Qiao Feng's letters almost always requested reinforcements.

Leaving such a powerful master like Kakashi Hatake in the village is such a wasteful behavior that the frontline commander cannot tolerate.

No matter what kind of plans you have in the rear, I am almost dying here after fighting life and death in the front, so you should just be human.

The Sandaime also understood the limit. He did not want the village's seedlings to go to the battlefield, but the Kingdom of Thunder had already pushed Konoha to the cliff line.

Before this can happen, a problem must be solved.

In the Hokage Tower.

Kakashi, quit ANBU from now on.

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