Remember, don't use illusions lightly when facing strong people.

Then, under Asuma's crazy look, he punched Kurenai out of the main battlefield and rolled down under the tree.

Because the battle may escalate next.

Kakashi faced his most important opponent.

Kai, I know your strength, let it bloom!

Since it's your invitation.


Seeing the emergency, Metkai no longer hid his enthusiasm.

Eight Gates Dunjia. Dumen. Open!

The quagmire exploded, and the strong wind brought by chakra swept across the entire battlefield.

The violent energy fluctuations can be seen with the naked eye, and the blood-colored skin is covered with veins.

There are no funny and exaggerated facial expressions in the past. This moment belongs to the blooming of the youth inherited from Konoha's passionate soul and insists on singing.

Kakashi was worthy of being Kakashi, and he defeated two comrades in a short period of time.

Only when facing such a powerful and invincible enemy can one have enough reason to implement his own way of tolerance.

Bow down, gather strength, and step on the earth.

Kakashi! Youth will never retreat!!!

Boom! ! !

The ground beneath his feet was cracked, and the unbearable force came from a ninja who carried out his own will.

The reaction force from the start alone destroyed a corner of the training ground, and even the body shape was visually distorted at high speed.

The wind pressure caused by it made the two people under the tree look stupid. With their eyesight, they could only capture the distorted air and afterimages.

boom! boom! boom!

A violent physical battle begins.

In this state, Metkai's shoulders, elbows, wrists and hips all turned into siege hammers.

The power of speed will never be out of control after being trained day and night. This is a strong man who can break the limits of physical skills.

In this mode, even illusions cannot be projected into the brain of the beast in front of him, and the surging chakra directly crushes any external power.

If Eight Door Dunjia hadn't taken a huge toll on the body and had extremely high requirements on talent and will, it would have been impossible for only one or two people to be able to practice this forbidden technique to such an extent.

But when it comes to physical fitness and taijutsu, Kakashi will naturally not lose.

His physique has been fundamentally improved, and he has no longer been prone to fainting after every fight. The cultivation of immortal skills and Yang Escape has created a new physique.

The activity of skin, bones, blood, and cells has almost reached the strength of a taijutsu-like blood successor ninja.

And the realm of life return that operates instinctively within the body is also slowly explored between life and death. The will controls the body, and each punch and kick carries great power.

clang! clang!

The sound of violent physical collision resounded across the venue, and shock waves continued to explode.

It was obviously a physical collision, but the two ninjas seemed to be made of steel. In the later stages of the fight, they were beyond the sight of onlookers.

Asuma and Kurenai both looked silent. They didn't expect that the crane tail back then could have such a powerful side.

This speed, strength, and physical skills have reached the level of a special jounin.

If Kai adds other shortcomings, he may be the first strong person in their batch to reach the level of Jonin.

Kakashi thought so too, and even found it difficult.

After all, he is not a passive Taijutsu master like Noah who has been in the world of One Piece. As a ninja, he cannot be so versatile.

I felt sincere admiration for Kai, who was full of physical skills. Not everyone can redeem this talent.

It requires the determination to practice crazily regardless of wind or rain, and the stubbornness to punch regardless of injury or pain.

You need to roar out your youth without any scruples, and you need to risk your life to practice your own path.

Sometimes Kakashi wonders whether Gai has lost his mind or has a will beyond reason.

Helpless, he could only open three doors to continue the battle.

Yes, he also knows this technique.

In the past, it was impossible to practice without physical talent, but now after scientific improvement, it finally meets the standards.

But Kakashi knew that he would never be able to reach the level of Kai in physical skills.

After driving to this level, he instantly caught up with the opponent's speed, and then used more mature boxing skills to blast Kai away.

At this time, Kai still hadn't trained to the extreme, and his physical reserves were not enough. After a while, Bloom ran out of physical strength.

So one more player was eliminated.

Physical skills are very strong, you will be a strong man in the future.

On the surface, Kakashi remained calm and calm, but on the inside, he was sweating.

He almost embarrassed himself. This guy Kai really can't be described by common sense.

Now only Iruka Umino is left.

Maybe everyone thought the battle was over, but the kid still took out a kunai and rushed over.

Never giving up in the face of a powerful enemy is a great example of courage.

Then the kunai turned into two handles while swinging up and down?

Although the phantom is very flawed and unstable, looking back at the root cause, it is a very powerful phantom sword technique.

Kakashi, who is very sensitive to sword skills, feels like the Ninjutsu style of the Nidaime-sama. I really don’t know what Iruka has done this year.

It's just that this move requires the body to be gentle and relaxed in order to meet the definition of a phantom. The child's arms are still too stiff.

Kakashi seriously struck the real kunai with his sword in order to end the battle.

Iruka disappeared in a flash of water.


This stunning moment caught everyone's attention.

Is this Shunsui?

It was really the Ninjutsu of the Second-generation Hokage. This little brother's life experiences aroused Kakashi's curiosity.

In fact, Iruka learned a total of one and a half ninjutsu after practicing with the old man Kosuke for a year, and Konoha Liuliu was that half.

A complete ninjutsu is Shunsui.

This move is a life-saving ninjutsu, and Kosuke was very serious when he first taught it. Such a passionate young man with a sense of justice will have to live a few more years to bring changes to Konoha.

Iruka is also a stubborn child and spends most of his practice on this.

His definition of himself is that he cannot hold others back, so this displacement skill is crucial.

Unfortunately, due to his physical limitations, after two consecutive instants of water, the chakra exhausted itself and he was eliminated.

The battle is over.

Two of the four people were in high spirits and didn't even mind the failure, while the other two almost buried their heads in the soil.

In the four-person kabuki group, Kurenai and Asuma have always been a little proud. After all, they are both from the ninja clan and have received a good education since childhood.

Asuma is a top second generation, and can master several B-level ninjutsu.

In the end, they were the two worst people.

Kai won't go into detail. The visual effects produced by a master of physical arts are ten times more impressive than those of ninjutsu.

His fighting style suddenly changed and he instantly became a strong person, and he destroyed most of the people in the training ground.

Even Iruka, who was about to graduate from the ninja school, showed off a super cool water escape.

It's like the two big guys originally thought that being reserved was a particularly cool thing, but they found out that everyone around them could fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

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