Teacher Tsubasa is simply non-human. How could someone's murderous intent make a battle-experienced Jonin fall into a murderous hallucination?

It's just that it feels really good to say this after pretending. Looking at the expressions on the faces of the four people opposite me, I feel that the smile has transferred to myself.

Asuma's hand holding Feiyan squeaked, and Kai silently untied his bandage.

What a shame.

When it comes to will, these four people are all indispensable, but they have never been suppressed by such an all-out aura. A little carelessness has created this stain in life.

Maybe after more than ten years, they will look back on the sinister intention of hacking this white-haired man to death, and it will be purely murderous. Bah!

When they resumed their formation, they did not have the relaxed attitude they had before the battle, but were more cautious and careful.

But Kakashi, who had the innocent idea of ​​breaking up their relationship, would not give up.

If possible, be prepared to flee if you encounter an irresistible enemy.

A strong man will not reason with you on the battlefield. He could have been declared dead at that moment.

The names of four people are so common on memorial monuments. Do you really have this awareness?

The Third Hokage will be devastated by the loss of his son in old age, and the Yuhihi Jounin may be immersed in sadness and hatred.

These are all comrades who will go to the front line with him in the future. Kakashi does not want them to give up their lives for some inexplicable persistence, because Asuma and others do not have the ability to choose their own future.

It is the Will of Fire's responsibility to protect the new generation from thriving.

It turns out we are so weak.

Asuma's heart sank into defeat even before the official battle.

The old enemy he kept talking about before turned out to be so powerful, so who did he think he was? clown?

Several other people also fell into this mood. Friends in the same period have grown to the point where it is difficult to even look up to them. The gap between humans is cruel after all.

Seeing that the effect of the blow was a little too much, Kakashi decided to take care of everyone's emotions.

Ahem, you don't want this expression. Do you know who I am?

Blood Thunder! A war hero who can kill three Jonin in one battle, a strong man who can fight the Fourth Raikage.

It's only natural that there should be such a gap in strength. Don't you think of the jounin class too simply?

The four people on the other side were stunned when he said this.

Although they have been promoting the reputation of Bloody Thunder in the village, they still regard Kakashi as their genius friend from the same period in their memories.

At the end of the day, the only ones who didn't change their minds were the group members.

Asuma, in particular, nodded as he thought about his actions of assassinating the Third Hokage several times.

Indeed, it was so easy for Hiruzen Sarutobi to fool him every day. It was really because they wanted to keep things simple.

As soon as I changed my mind, a lot of the pressure I was feeling was relieved.

Kakashi also stuck his long sword on the ground to express his intention to fight with everyone and teach everyone the experience gained on the battlefield.

The so-called challenge is just a joke, it's just a teaching battle.

It would be disrespectful to Mr. Jianhao if he still had to fight with the four people in front of him after going through two hellish special trainings. ,

If it gets spread, I'm afraid there will be a bloody disaster.

The battle officially began, and the foursome, who had regained their morale, planned to take the initiative to attack.

Only in this way can you show your strength in front of the strong, just...

Earth Escape·Earthly River!

The soil under their feet turned into liquid and flowed into a big river, forcibly separating the four-person formation.

Although the team's position was very strict, the defense under their feet was relaxed after all, and Kakashi completed the segmentation at an exaggerated speed.

Form a seal behind one hand to suppress the fluctuations of ninjutsu and control the position in one go.

Changing terrain and position is something a ninja should be accustomed to.

After saying that, he went straight to Asma.

Fire escape. Fire extinguishes!

The son of the Hokage learned this move a year ago and is now using it with great proficiency.

After the initial surprise of being separated by Earth Release, he quickly gathered chakra to launch a range attack.

He tried to use his ultimate move to delay Kakashi's attack and then joined up with the other three. His reaction at this moment was also remarkable.


Fire escape. Fire extinguishes!

Huge pressure came from the opposite side, and the winner was determined in the blink of an eye in a no-frills exchange. A real sea of ​​​​fire extinguished any intention of Asuma.

After Kakashi injected so many life potions in the Land of Rain, the amount of chakra also increased sharply. It was not possible to talk about chakra, but there was still some chakra after several hundred kilograms.

There are no overall shortcomings, and the control is so exquisite that it is shocking.

This fire escape that I'm not good at is really awesome.

Asuma rolled and crawled out of the flames, his face burned black.

Facing Kakashi who was chasing after him through the sea of ​​​​fire, he could only draw out two flying swallows to fight with the opponent. We are not weak in physical skills!

A set of extremely fast fist blade skills was displayed. Generally speaking, if you are not an expert, you won't be able to use Qimen weapons.

It's a pity that it's not enough to see the speed ninja. Even without the Sharingan Kakashi can see the trajectory of the blade clearly.

With two pairs of fleshy palms, he easily grasped Feiyan's blade, and finally nailed Asuma to the tree with the fist blade.

The fire escape is okay but not refined enough. Ninjutsu does not mean the greater the range, the more powerful it is. If you find the right time, you can win with a huge fire ball.

Asuma on the tree said that what you said is correct. Even though your fire is more than three times bigger than mine, I can't refute what you said.

No one tried to rescue him during this time.

Kai has been trapped in the underworld and is struggling in the quagmire.

The red one has already left the stage first, and the process is even more outrageous.

In order to save Asuma, he could only use the family genjutsu.

Magic·Tree Binding Killing.

Yes, it was the genjutsu that was bounced back by Itachi Uchiha.

In fact, the origin of this jutsu is not small. It was a ninjutsu created by the first Hokage Senju Hashirama during his time.

Through this illusion, the enemy will fall into a hallucination, causing fear such as Is it the legendary Senju Hashirama who is fighting now? Or is there Senju Hashirama in the enemy's army?

It's just that in the hearts of the new generation, Senju Hashirama's strength has been wiped out a lot by time, and most people no longer have the blessing of fear.

That is to say it is outdated.

Besides, using genjutsu in front of the Sharingan is a bit unclear about one's own identity.

Yuhi Mahong is not afraid of the Uchiha clan's three magatama, and competing in genjutsu is not a problem.

The sunset is red

Neither of them gave the other party the illusion that he had found a powerful genjutsu, so Kakashi immediately rebounded.

When Hong came back to his senses, he had already been tied to the tree, and he couldn't undo it himself.

The rebound illusion blessed by Yin attribute chakra is much stronger than the one used by the original owner. It is already Kakashi's kindness to not destroy this little girl without using it.

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