Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1368 The Battle of Killing the Master

Um? Isn't this the mini-boss from the theatrical version? What an unexpected development.

I feel so relieved that Kakashi has finally grown up and learned to pick up people.

Okay, leave it to me.

A clone was recruited and the little boss was sent to the laboratory to reunite with two old classmates.

Orochimaru will definitely know what to do at this time, so there is no need to worry about anything.

There is really no need to worry, Beilihu who was sent went crazy when he saw Tsunade and Orochimaru.

I wanted to immediately get into the ground and hide. Why was I seen in such a miserable state by the few people I least wanted to see?

Orochimaru said indifferently that the old classmate had not seen him for a long time, and then threw the old classmate on the experimental table.

He was injected with a large amount of anesthetic and fell into a deep coma.

Orochimaru shrugged at Tsunade and waited for the old friends to gather together. He wanted to see the scene of Noah teaching his disciples. That was a very interesting scene.

Tsunade didn't find it interesting. She put on White Zetsu and put the Kyuubi into her body. It was really bad for a jinchūriki swordsman to fight a brat with such a fully armed standard.

Sure enough, the ensuing battle was too brutal. The master and the apprentice started fighting as if they were enemies of life and death.

There were no opening greetings, no warm-up exercises, and even the first formal greeting was given during the battle.

The two directly demonstrated the true style of Shuangyue Kendo.

It's a pity that in terms of insidiousness, no, in terms of tactics and swordsmanship, Kakashi is still far behind, and he was played by Noah to the point of ecstasy.

Bloody Thunder was not surprised that the teacher suddenly had an extra Sharingan. It was normal for him to have more trump cards at the opponent's level.

Even one's own rejection reaction can be suppressed and fused by the medicine, so there is no need to even mention such a trivial matter as an eye transplant.

It's just that the great swordsman who uses the Sharingan becomes even more perverted.

The blasted soil clone left by Kakashi was seen through by Noah at a glance, and the illusion was countered.

The illusion and the endless rebound are really deceiving. Falling into a double hell both physically and mentally at the same time really put Bai Mao into a state of death for the first time.

The nodachi, which was more than two meters long, was like a slaughterhouse carrying out slaughtering work. It was sharp and cut the disciple into a rag without mercy.

The blood bloomed so fast that even the speed of death could not catch up with the sword light.

Start rescue, stop bleeding, replenish vitality, one-stop medical ninjutsu.

It's incredibly smooth, and then continue.

After Kakashi woke up, he threw himself into the next fight as if it had never happened before.

Tsunade looked a little numb. Could this wild style be the same as theirs?

Yes, the other three disciples also received such hell training in their daily lives. Even Xiaonan did not escape.

Now that you are here, the difficulty of their subsequent training may have to go to a higher level. After all, rescue ability is very important in this process.

Then I planned to throw Shisui and Anko over there too.

I am still relieved about Shisui. His lack of combat experience and top-level combat strength can be quickly made up, and his body can also be strengthened.

Hongdou has been too wild in being the king of children recently, so he feels better about it. Ninjas can't just play around all the time. No matter how strong their organizational skills are, they still need the support of strength.

Kabuto's age is too young. It will take another two years before it can be taken into account. Otherwise, I'm afraid this child will have a psychological shadow.

The laboratory was quiet, and Tsunade silently looked at Shizune, who was huddled in the corner.

The little girl rolled her eyes and almost fainted. The massacre-like scene in the picture scared her so much that she probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. She felt like she couldn't survive just by immersing herself in it.

Cut back to the battlefield.

Fairy magic! Use your magic in battle! What can you do in 5 minutes? Let your will control the opportunity of magic.

So what about natural energy? As long as it is energy, it must abide by the rules of nature.

Feel free to use it boldly, you won't die as long as I'm here.

Nodachi suddenly disappeared from sight and appeared on the body at a speed that surpassed the power of perception that appeared inexplicably in the body.

The crazy flash of eight swords brought Kakashi's consciousness into the magical hell.

‘Teacher, I may not necessarily die in the hands of natural energy, but it is very likely that I will die in the hands of you. ’

Kakashi, who regained consciousness, felt the life force surging inside his body and understood that it was another advanced life potion, but was this thing too wild?

This time it was not stoned but showed signs of fibrosis, which shocked him.

However, he didn't have much time to feel the changes in his body, and the two-meter-long Nodachi struck down again.

The boy who was aroused with his ferocious nature also began to let go of his mind and fight wildly.

The genjutsu, ninjutsu, and taijutsu are all activated, as well as the power of precognition and discernment that I slowly felt after reaching the top of the snow-capped mountains.

During the bloody battle, the suppressed natural energy in the body and the controlled power of the violent potion continued to go berserk. However, these rampages were smashed to pieces by the external sword energy and merged into the riddled body. in the body.

Under this high-intensity torture, Kakashi's will to survive was in action. Even the red fire in the body was trembling a little. I didn't expect to experience this.

He began to help the boy crazily absorb the natural energy in the air. Even though the content was several levels lower than Miaomu Mountain, he was still rapidly sucked into the body.

Five minutes later, the immortal mode will start! The immortal mode is broken up.

Four minutes, three minutes, two minutes. One minute.

The sage mode began to improve during this accelerated practice.

If Fukasaku Sennin had seen such a violent progress, he might have thought deeply about how shallow his hundreds of years of experience were.

Throwing natural energy directly into the body without any scruples and being ravaged together with himself is really a cruel way of fighting.

Kakashi felt like time was being stretched out in this hell. He really missed opening and closing his eyes all the time.

The instinct to survive, the will within the body, the devastation of Shuangyue Kendo and the erosion of immortality by the body.

That's right, reverse erosion.

His body's instincts stretched out its claws very hungrily towards the natural energy floating in the air.

In order to control the violent medicine in the body and to survive under the teacher's sword.

The physical activity and the power of will finally subdued the seemingly unruly natural energy, reaching the level of the fourth generation Hokage.

Close your eyes and turn on the immortal mode in seconds!

With one swing of the sword, he finally escaped from the sword circle with the blessing of immortal magic, and then the power of nature was about to be exhausted.

Although the second opening is followed by the speed limit, it can only last for a few seconds, but it is completely sufficient in battle.

This is my own style.

Orange eyeshadow appeared on his face. He panted and looked at the teacher opposite with a provocative smile.

Well, this kid is swollen.

Next he will try to give the teacher a little surprise.

After a dazzling flash of thunder shield mode, the psychic technique!

Huge smoke flashed.

Myobokuyama. The eldest brother on the road, Toga Buntais, officially makes his debut.

After the huge smoke dissipated, the huge figure stood in the middle of the field. It exhaled a puff of smoke with a arrogant expression and looked invincible in its eyes.

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