Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1367 All employees are promoted

Tsunade, who had cheated, felt that she was able to do it again, and her trump card of full liberation was continuously releasing the sealed chakra.

The root of ninja is chakra, and ninja body illusions all run on energy.

To put it bluntly, the current Kaili Fist can destroy a city block with one punch, which is a real physical technique that can modify the terrain.

I was careless just now, now go ahead.

A moment later, Tsunade fell in a pool of blood and was completely stunned. Although the injuries on her body had been treated, the injuries in her heart were too heavy.

What just happened.

There is not much difference in the combat power of the Sannin at present, but Orochimaru and Jiraiya will be slightly stronger than Tsunade.

At least the fancy ninjutsu and some unique displacement skills are somewhat useful.

Only the taijutsu ninja would be at a huge disadvantage when encountering an enemy like the Great Swordsman.

Previously, the Fourth Raikage thought he was standing up, and then was beaten into a puddle of mud.

Noah was a lot kinder to his own friend, and he didn't even try to see if Tsunade could continue fighting even after being divided into two parts.

Welcome to the Akatsuki organization. By the way! We claim to be a peaceful organization both externally and internally.

What follows is another high-level meeting of the Akatsuki organization.

Everyone adds firewood to the flames, and now another powerful figure is added who can burn for a long, long time.

It is officially announced that Tsunade, one of the Sannin of Konoha, the strongest medical ninja and the princess of the Senju clan, has joined the harmonious and friendly family.

Everyone applaud!

Well, the temperaments of the Villains Alliance here are still not bright enough. Except for the three little ones who were forced to applaud because of their seniority, the others are all concave in appearance.

Tsunade sat in her seat and scanned the circle of people, feeling that this peace organization was a little shocked that that bastard Noah had gathered so many terrifying masters.

As the strongest ninja village in the ninja world, Konoha Village's apparent high-end combat power has lagged behind here. This is an extremely ridiculous thing.

Fortunately, there are rising stars like Bloody Thunder who can support their hometown.

The other members of the Akatsuki organization are not in concave shapes, but more in amazement.

This person can be said to be a direct descendant of the direct lineage of Konoha. Why would such a person join the Akatsuki organization?

But Noah was trying to kill the Konoha family.

Even though Scorpion is no longer a ninja from the Kingdom of Wind, he still feels very happy. This Konoha is about to end.

At this time, Noah continued to lead the meeting and announced a major change that many people found speechless and unnecessary.

“Given the increasing expansion of the Akatsuki organization, the traditional organizational class has been unable to keep up with the times.

So readjust it, and now everyone present has been collectively promoted to honorary leader.

Including Xiaobai and Kyuubi, as well as Ms. Kushina who was unable to attend the meeting, do you have any opinions?

You were not the leader, core member, and non-staff member before, but now you have all been promoted to honorary leader. So what status does this leader have?

Sanjiao Hanzo sneered. As the earliest honorary leader, he knew that such a day would come.

Orochimaru is also not surprised. When there was a shortage of people in the early days, he was given to the honorary leader when he joined. This so-called status in this land is probably not as good as the weeds on the roadside.

Except for Xiao Bai, a vegetable who dreams of getting promoted, everyone else silently took over this responsibility.

Then a bunch of leaders began to report their work one by one, allowing Tsunade to see what kind of big game the Kingdom of Rain was playing.

Liberate the shackles of the mind, develop infrastructure, complete the popularization of people's livelihood technology, build a new economic model, and then use the method of founding a country to establish a hub for the Ninja world to spread ideas and technology.

Let the ninja world complete the underlying cultural invasion in a subtle way, and the final stage is the choice between war and peace.

Although it is still in the early stages, many of the future ideas have not even been seen.

But this kind of progress where you can see the goal and work hard for it is really infectious in silence.

Noah constantly adjusts the direction and adds more details in front of the blackboard. Everyone can refute directly or use cases to illustrate.

The flames are rising here, illuminating the darkness of the Land of Rain and the Ninja World.

Was it the same when Konoha was first established?

Um. Most likely not. At that time, the eldest grandfather was so embarrassed to be caught between the second grandfather and Uchiha Madara.

After the meeting, Tsunade continued to develop life potions and research on internal organ reinforcement. She knew very well that the latter was needed by other leaders who were still in human bodies.

Busy work can make people irritable. This is not the Hokage Building. Every equipment in the laboratory is very precious, so you can't simply vent your temper.

Only the homely environment of the Rain Country Casino can make her relax.

Noah's behavior of coming to the laboratory to pick up potions made Tsunade unhappy.

Things that made her very unhappy or that made her feel humiliated like that can be remembered for a lifetime.

Don't get me wrong, I just want to give my disciple more protection. After all, he will start practicing soon.

Why does this sound strange? Why is it so dangerous to be your disciple? Tsunade was a little confused.

But the potion you took still needs three neutralization procedures. The potion is too powerful.

My apprentice is very strong.

Tsunade became more and more curious that it might not be a simple character that could make Noah so proud.

Orochimaru on the side simply switched the monitor to a special training ground, and also prepared several recliners.

What's even more outrageous is that they even called Shisui and Kabuto who were in the laboratory.

Just think of it as relaxing after work.

By the way, you may know that kid.

know? Considering the other party's favor for Konoha, I'm afraid there is only one candidate.

Sure enough, when Kakashi arrived at the designated place, Tsunade wanted to punch the surveillance screen, this bastard! Why are they from Konoha again!

It was over. The first one among the five major countries to be peacefully conquered was her hometown, which made her feel a little complicated.

Noah, on the other hand, changed into the costume of Usuke Usuke, carried a nodachi that was more than two meters long, and happily went out to kill him. It was time to speed up his dear disciple.

Xiaobai! Kyuubi! Let's go to teach the disciples together.

Xiaobai possessed him without saying a word. Even as an honorary leader, he couldn't break away from his boss.

Kyuubi also showed a happy smile.

I like that white-haired kid very much, hahaha.

After arriving at the scene, he felt a little strange when he saw the man Kakashi was carrying, Noah.

The weirdo who was tied into a ball and sealed with magic didn't look very smart.

Who is this person?

Beilihu, a friend of the Konoha Sannin and a rebellious ninja in the village.

I don’t know why he came up to me and said something incomprehensible.

I brought it over as I felt it was of no use. It seemed that the Kingdom of Rain was always short of people.

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