Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1369 Noah’s biggest weakness was discovered

Following Jiraiya and the fourth generation, it will fight with its opponents every time it appears on the stage. Every time it defeats a strong enemy, it can strengthen its confidence.

The scars all over his body are his honor. Among all the toads in the past, he is truly the most violent one in the Mesozoic Era.

I just didn't expect that Kakashi would meet a strong enemy so quickly with his strength, but it's a good thing that he was careless last time at Mt. Myoboku and was cut down directly. It was really embarrassing. This time, he had to show off his strength to save his dignity. .

My wife, Mrs. Wen, put her words here today, who is going to kill me!

Kakashi, is this the only enemy?

Yes Bunta, I'm sorry to ask you for help at this time.

Hahahahahahaha, we are comrades who have drank the sworn wine.

The heroic toad boss still doesn't know the outcome he will face next, and why Kakashi wants to apologize in advance.

That's good, Mrs. Wentai, help me buy some time.


Mrs. Wen said very seriously that she would look at mine next.

Although the enemy's momentum is not bad, but his swordsmanship?

The nodachi, which is more than two meters long, is as big as a toothpick. How powerful can such a fancy knife be in the ninja world.

Let's go!

Fire Release: Toad Oil Flame Bomb!

The huge sea of ​​​​fire directly covered the entire battlefield with the assistance of oil, and high temperature and flames swept across all directions.

The purpose of large-scale super powerful ninjutsu is to transfer the position of the body. Kakashi immediately ducked to the side and rear when the sea of ​​​​fire erupted and began to prepare the forbidden technique.

The seemingly invincible sea of ​​​​fire was directly destroyed by a slap with both hands, and the water escape created by the land gave Bunta Kabutou a bath.

What a powerful ninjutsu. It seems like your long sword is just a cover up~~~

Bunta said that for such a powerful man, it is no wonder that Kakashi needs to buy time, so the best way to fight against a ninjutsu ninja is to fight in close combat!

The toad boss, who had gained a lot of experience while fighting alongside Minato and Jiraiya, just did what he said.

The short knife, which was several times larger than the door panel, slashed down with strong wind pressure. The powerful force could cut a big hole.

clang! ! !

A huge backlash came, and Bunta almost couldn't hold his short sword.

Nani? ! ! ! !

The extremely contrasting image shocked it a bit, and the slender Nodachi easily blocked the full force of the sword.

The psychic skills of Miaomu Mountain are very interesting.

Noah, holding the long knife, began to think about whether to cut off some and give it to Orochimaru for study.

Forget it, Myobokuyama's biggest advantage is that he didn't offend himself and invested in Kakashi.

However, it would not be good to deliberately hold back during the battle, so let the big toad suffer a little.

The arm suddenly exerts force!

drink! ! !

Wentai's eyes bulged, and even though the ground beneath his feet was cracked and his arms began to tremble crazily, this could not stop him from retreating.

Humans in human skin?

Suddenly the arm that was fighting was empty, not good!

The flaw of instability on the forward side of the center of gravity was too obvious, and a clear sword light rose from underneath.

The half-moon passed through the huge body of the psychic beast, and a large amount of blood poured out uncontrollably.

Fortunately, Wentai was huge and Noah didn't intend to kill him, so he just looked miserable but didn't hurt anything deeper.

Wen Taigua, who was inspired to be brave, began to run wild with a cry, waving the short sword in a wild dance.

Then it saw several rounds of bright moons rising, and the terrifying human swordsmanship was able to cut the number one man in Miaomu Mountain into a bloody toad with ease.

Within a minute, I was beaten so hard that I could only take in the air but not get it out.

Noah still couldn't stand it, so he put a few more life potions on it to prevent Kakashi from being punished by Myobokuyama. After all, he just pulled out the top card and sent it back like a dead dog in less than a minute. fell shame.

After ensuring that the opponent's life force would no longer drain, he looked at Kakashi.

The young man was also ready for everything at this moment.

Wentai, you're sorry. I'll drag you into a fight next time.

The spiritual eldest brother terminated the psychic contract without waiting for another hard word.

Kakashi, who was alone, showed a confident look when facing Noah, and his orange eye shadow was full of persistence that he would never retreat.

Because the red light is lighting up from between his eyebrows.

The will is carried through the whole body, and the natural energy begins to naturally tilt into this blank area like a funnel.

Cili Cili

Dazzling thunder lit up on the boy's body, and the full-power Raiton Chakra mode, blessed by magic, was activated.

The silver light shines like a pillar of light between the sky and the earth, and the dark clouds are drawn in and fill the sky.

The energy with exaggerated fluctuations was poured into his long sword without hesitation, and even red flames wrapped around the sword body.

This is the strongest power Kakashi can use at this stage. This weapon is trembling slightly because the pressure it carries has almost exceeded its limit.

Teacher! Come and see my sword.

The silver and red sword light flashed across the sky. At this moment, the speed reached the level of the Fourth Raikage or even exceeded it.

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! !

The light and shadow dispersed, and the young man seemed to hear a crisp sound before losing consciousness.

And such a bright light made the two pillars of Konoha outside the screen feel fear.

I can't take it, so I can only use medical ninjutsu to resist.

You won't die, but you will choose to evacuate.

Tsunade and Orochimaru seemed to have swallowed a bitter pill. It felt really uncomfortable to be caught up by their juniors.

Then they looked at Shizune and others who were still in a daze here in a tacit understanding. It seemed that they could no longer educate them in the original way.

Sure enough, gifted children need extreme training.

When Kakashi woke up again, he felt that his body was very relaxed, and the total amount of chakra in his body had exceeded another level.

Only the half-length sword in his hand told him that the sword given by the teacher had been broken.

After all, there is no protection.

At that time, the sword light had lost control in the second half. The red power of will was too powerful, and he was still not qualified to use it.

Noah on the side showed a smile, and there was an obvious sword mark on the Nodachi inserted beside him.

This is the scar cut by the young man and it is also the opponent's honor. Being able to leave a mark on a swordsman's weapon is the best compliment.

Even though he didn't use his full strength, being able to do this shows that the other party really has the power to break through the limits.

That sword strike just now was very cool. I must give it a cool name in the future.

Teacher, please help me come up with a name for my sword move. As a great swordsman, it will definitely be more professional.

Noah's aura suddenly dropped. The brat with a terrible name should have used more strength just now.

Teacher, do you think you can't give me a name?

? !

Damn it, the weakness was discovered!


The Nodachi cut across his cheek, and touching the wet wound on his face, Kakashi felt something was wrong. He seemed to have violated a taboo.

Stand up Kakashi.

Teacher, isn't this special training over?

What nonsense are you talking about? It's just the beginning.

The teacher’s kind smiling face.

One month later.

With a face full of vicissitudes of life, Kakashi walked out of the border of the Land of Rain with difficulty.

Well! !

Covering his Sharingan, he felt the severe pain in his brain again and took a deep breath for a long time before he could adapt.

I'm finally alive. Why does the last Yin-type potion look like a half-finished product?

Forget it, go home quickly.

Kakashi ran towards Konoha with a new weapon on his back, and a new story of Bloody Dawn was about to begin.

This volume ends. Big things start happening in the next volume.

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