Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1366 Tsunade A goes up

Chapter 1366 Tsunade A goes up!

Oh~~Here he comes.

As soon as Kakashi arrived at the border of Rain Country, Noah already knew about the other party's arrival, so he should prepare.

After all, this disciple cannot give enough time for each special training, so efficiency must be improved.

First, he went to the laboratory building and got a bunch of potions from Tsunade and Orochimaru.

There are first-generation cell medicine neutralizing type IV, internal organ strengthening medicine type III, natural energy fairy body type I, pure life medicine, etc.

These are the cutting-edge products of the current Rain Kingdom experimental base, that is, unstabilized medicines.

Then he called Xiaobai and Kyuubi back. After all, he is his good disciple and needs to take some protective measures.

Hey! Don't touch my experiments, you bastard. By the way, who are you going to torture this time?

Yes, my good disciple.


Tsunade, who was wearing a white coat, was very dissatisfied with Noah's picky behavior here. This madman just can't beat him, otherwise sooner or later he will blow this bitch's head off.

He also helps his disciples practice. Haha. This is probably because he is afraid that his disciple will not die.

Xiaonan and the others are working hard now, and Noah, the devil, is reluctant to let these people go to the Pure Land of the Underworld now.

There was almost no concealment of resentment and doubts, and Noah didn't talk back. After all, he went a little too far when he was recruiting.

On that day, under the Heretic Golem, Tsunade had completely learned the true face of the Akatsuki organization.

A crazy organization, a terrifying peaceful organization that tries to make everyone in the ninja world live under the model of Rain Country.

In order to achieve this goal, they will pay any price, even if it means becoming the enemy of the entire world.

After listening to this, Tsunade felt that Noah looked nothing like his grandfather, or that he looked like a fusion of his grandfather and Uchiha Madara.

Will not compromise, will not give up other persistence for the sake of short-term peace.

If you are following a path that seems to be right, you have to push it forward.

Of course, she originally regarded such a madman as a terrorist, but she actually created the experimental product of the Kingdom of Rain.

From the ninjas to the citizens to the political system, everything has been improved very completely. At least from the current point of view, there are no problems and it is even very advanced.

In other words, this is an experimentally proven path, and peace can really come under ideal circumstances.

But the five major countries will never allow it. No one can accept that they are lagging behind in terms of civilization.

Even Tsunade would feel slightly uncomfortable when she thought about how stretched the crotch was between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain.

What's more, there are still human hearts hindering everything.

The reshuffling of the structure is accompanied by the subversion of rights and interests. Those at the top of the ninja world would rather those below die batch after batch without changing their behavior.

In other words, will the future ninja war definitely start?

It's ironic that a peace organization needs war to achieve its goals.

It's just that she is a heroic girl who can become the Fifth Hokage in the future, and the spirit of the Senju clan has finally been passed on to her.

In other words, her reckless gambling nature makes it easier for her to make impulsive decisions.

We can't let Kushina live here pitifully relying on a tube.

She also didn't want to see the medical system subverted by someone like Orochimaru, so she finally decided to stay here to supervise the development of the Akatsuki organization.

Yes, supervision.

It was also a step that Noah gave later, which made Tsunade feel really comfortable walking on it.

Of course I'm still unhappy.

It felt like Jiraiya and Orochimaru had jointly deceived him, so he turned his attention to Noah, the culprit.

A fight.


Since you say you want to burn the world, let me see your strength. If you don't have strength to support it, I will never approve it.

This requirement is quite in line with the characteristics of the ninja world. Before and after the talk, there must be a fierce fight to convey the idea.

It seems that chakra's ability to connect to the spirit is reflected in this.


Okay! Tsunade-sama is indeed brave.

Noah gladly took on the challenge.

Tsunade opened her posture and ignored Orochimaru's admiring gaze. This girl has been very brave since she was a child.

Even the expression of Kyuubi spreading its nine big tails is very interesting. The bloodline left by Hashirama, who is like a demon god, has indeed inherited a special brain circuit.

Kushina, on the other hand, slowly moved to Tsunade's side and tried to stop her.

Sister-in-law, I told you that this bastard is so powerful, even the Nine-Tails

As a result, the eldest sister waved her arm proudly. At this moment, she was fighting for the breath in her heart.

Okay, don't say it anymore. During the six months of inspections, it was discovered that Noah's body is extremely powerful to an inhuman level. The fact that he was able to take my punch just now shows that he is extremely strong.

but! That injury is definitely not fake. So this is the time to verify yourself!

I want to tell this bastard that if you take the wrong path, I can fight you to the death.

As the chakra agitated all over his body, the diamond-shaped mark on his head began to change slightly.

In order to deal with the opponent's courage, Noah seriously took out an iron bar full of cracks and assumed a sword stance.

There is a faint red light shining in the cracks on the body surface.

Buzz! ! !

A terrifying sense of oppression burst out from Noah's body, and a powerful aura pressed on the hearts of everyone in the room.

Endless blood flowed from the iron bars, and everyone's mouths and noses were filled with the smell of rust.

Even Kushina and Kyuubi, who had relatively high spiritual senses, saw mountains of corpses and seas of blood and boundless battlefields behind the man.

Hey, is this an illusion?

Kushina's trembling question was not answered, and Kyuubi was watching the battlefield with a little vigilance.

Apart from the scorching sun, the most hidden thing in the sealed space is this will to kill. Why does this bastard seem to be more perverted?

Tsunade felt that her heroic ambition just now was not irreversible.

But the Sannin's reputation cannot be lost. The glory of the Senju clan is with him.

Tsunade goes up with a strange power punch!

This full-force punch, which is his signature physical skill, is completely different from the level of joking just now.

brush! Bah!

Blood filled the sky, and Tsunade fell down.

Even if she concentrated her attention, she could only see the blade coming, unable to dodge or defend, and blood gushing out like a fountain.

Is this swordsmanship? Could this be swordsmanship? So what does it mean to be from the Kingdom of Iron?

Yin seal. Solution! The preliminary stage of the art of hundreds of heroes. Open!

Complex lines emerged from his forehead, and white smoke flashed across his body. The cells in his body were recovering rapidly, and his body and strength had been strengthened in all aspects.

The unfinished art of Bai Hao was directly activated, and the creation and regeneration was still under conception, so the speed of recovery was not as exaggerated as in the original work.

But because the body is still in its peak stage, it makes up for certain shortcomings, and the after-effects are not as strenuous as they would be after more than ten years.

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