Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 138 Hunting the Celestial Dragons

The latest legend of the East China Sea!

A young swordsman with black hair and flaming eyes, she is frantically hunting pirates and slave ships, and her methods are cruel and cruel. Her moves are despicable and shameless, and she can be called the crumbs of the sea.

After hearing the recent gossip about the East China Sea, Koushiro instinctively thought of his daughter, but that was not possible for the black-haired Sakugan. His daughter had short hair and her eyes were not red, so he breathed a sigh of relief. Moreover, her daughter follows the orthodox Shuangyue Kendo and practices with Noah, a new great swordsman. How could she use lime powder?

Wait, Noah and Watkins? Debut and lime powder? Could it be a coincidence? It's a coincidence!

Gently wiping the autumn water, murderous aura flowed out one after another, I hope it wasn't the case, Koushiro's eyes glowed red.

On the Voyager, Noah continued to teach Kuina.

This hunting plan, as a newcomer, is generally good. Especially the lime powder in the windbreaker at the end was used just right, and I can see that I am very talented.

Now that you understand the role of combat skills, you need to improve your basic combat power. I have prepared the advanced frost moon secret medicine. With kendo training, your strength will increase to a certain extent. Don't slack off, this is just the beginning of your path to the sword.

Remember, only by surviving can there be hope.

Kuina nodded. After this battle, she attached great importance to Noah's practical skills.

In the next six months, Kuina conducted 6 hunts in the East China Sea, hunting one opponent every month of practicing kendo. The opponent has also increased from the level of 1.5 million Baileys to 3 million Baileys. Even the East China Sea Navy is looking for this black-haired and shakigan swordsman. Of course, it's not for commendation, but Kuina's attack and killing without looking at the background has destroyed the order of the East China Sea.

Although those who were killed were all small bosses and the like, the organizations and gangs behind these villains were cleaned up by Noah who was the last person. The cleaning method is also very rough. One sword will be used to solve the problem. If the problem is not solved, two swords will be used.

This creates a large power vacuum. The sudden death of a powerful person, the huge fortune without a designated heir, and the panic of the cancerous people in the world formed a chain reaction. The collusion between some pirates and the local navy was exposed to the sun. Things like the evil dragon and the mouse colonel repeatedly refreshed Kuina's lower limit of knowledge.

Now, not only the East China Sea Navy, but also the dignitaries of some countries are secretly placing bounties on Guina. Therefore, sometimes during hunting, she will often be surrounded and killed by the local authorities. With one enemy and many enemies, life and death are at risk. It is really hard not to improve her strength. It doesn't work. If you don't improve, people will die.

After the sixth battle, Kuina's combat power also took shape. Noah decided to temporarily suspend this training and prepare to do business. The time is coming in the Goa Kingdom, and Garp has already left there after sending Luffy to the Dadan family.

The Voyager sailed towards the Kingdom of Goa. We stopped on the desert island closest to Windmill Village.

Pass the Door Fruit and come to Windmill Village again. This village is protected by Garp, and the Kingdom of Goa has completely forgotten this village, so the safety is guaranteed. This time, we parked the boat and stopped staying. We took Robin and Kuina to take advantage of the moonlight. After passing through the entire forest, we arrived at the terminal of uncertainty.

Looking at the hills piled one after another with garbage piled up one after another, and some humans who didn't look like humans wandering among them, Kuina was filled with shock.

Is this also the most beautiful kingdom in the East China Sea?

Exclude all unnecessary items. This country has been very successful as a 'segregated society'.

Taking out a map from his arms, Noah carefully studied the country's terrain. The center is Wangcheng, then Gaocheng, then Central Street, followed by Bianzhen. Everything is enclosed by the largest high wall, and the outside is the terminal of uncertainty.

For this kind of link-by-link design, it is particularly direct to divide the classes, kings, nobles, residents, and untouchables who were expelled from the country. This kind of operation is too low level.

Anyone who knows a little bit knows that by pitting the lower classes against each other, the power of the group can be easily consumed. Create a few scab-like characters and a very small number of ascending channels, and your rule will be very stable.

Unfortunately, there is too little research in this area in this world. It may be that the strong cannot use it, and the weak have no use learning it, and it has become a waste subject.

The world government also has this mentality. Even if it blatantly oppresses civilians, so what? Will there be people who are already established in the powerful class to fight against injustice? In all aspects, the gap between the top strong people and ordinary people is exactly like two species. Very few strong people will resonate with the weak, and even show their swords to the world government for the weak.

It is a pity that this special era has produced several such strange strong men, such as those in the Revolutionary Army,



Your character's goal this time is to find a child in an uncertain terminal and bring him over. If he has a companion who must follow him, bring him over together. The time should be within a month.

Okay, master. What are the characteristics of this child?

His name is Sabo. He is 10 years old. He has short blond hair, wears a bowler hat, and is missing a tooth. He is considered a well-known figure here. Go, pay attention to safety, don't forget the special training before, and don't underestimate anyone. People. We'll be waiting for you in the forest behind.


Seeing Kuina put on her cloak and walk into the terminal of uncertainty, Noah took Robin back to the forest. He used Overlord color to clear away the surrounding beasts, and then took out a small house from the space door as a rest room.

When the Celestial Dragons came, Noah remembered that there was a grand welcome ceremony at the port. At that time, there was only one main ship. Thinking about it now, it should be impossible.

In the original work, except for Tiger's Marie Joa incident, the Tianlong people did not suffer any harm afterwards, so it is still possible for a main ship to come out to patrol the East China Sea if they are stupid.

But now that there is a person like Noah, who leads a team of people to fight against the Draco and the World Government, even if the Draco continues to act stupidly, the World Government will not.

Then you can try to kill him by force, but I don’t know who is protecting the Tianlong man this time. It can’t be an old friend. The admiral is still very busy, and he still doesn't know how to do things like personal protection.

Then there will definitely be CP0, the strongest shield of the Tianlong people. Although it has been stretched twice, there will definitely be stronger characters this time.

I'm looking forward to it a bit. I wonder if the reward will be increased if the Celestial Dragon is killed this time?

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