Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 137 True unlimited inheritance

Chapter 137 True. Unlimited inheritance

A handful of white powder burst out from the rip in the windbreaker and sprinkled directly into Rosago's eyes.

lime powder? !

Ahhhh! How despicable!

Rosago didn't expect that a girl who seemed to have just stepped out of the kendo gym could have such a despicable move.

He had no choice but to hold his sword against the water that was dancing around him, hoping to delay it until his younger brothers arrived, so that he could save his life and even kill his opponent.

Seeing the opponent who had given her countless life and death crises become so crazy right before her eyes, Kuina now realized that what her master said was right. From now on, she must be obedient and the moves that can defeat her opponents are good moves.

Hold your weapon, calm your breathing, calm down, and ignore the incoming enemy reinforcements. Using the sword principles of Shuoyue Kendo, he used moves that his old father would never admit.

Slide shovel!

Passing by Rosago's feet, the two swords cut off the opponent's Achilles tendon.


Rosago fell to the ground in pain, and he had a premonition that this time it was going to be over. Sure enough, because the sword was scattered after falling to the ground, he was unable to defend himself. There was a pain in his hand and the knife fell to the ground, just like his heart sank to the bottom.

Don't kill me, I have it

Throughout his life, his neck was cut open with a sword, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

‘I still have something to say and treasure to contribute, why don’t I even say a word? ’

Master said, don't give the villain too many chances to beep! Sheathed the sword.

With things that you cannot accept until your death, Rosago, die!

Then the cold-hearted young swordsman immediately leaned against the wall and vomited. It was her first time to kill someone. She felt so disgusting that she couldn't hold it back anymore.

There was a noise at the entrance of the alley, and a group of vicious people rushed in. Looking at the scene in the alley, everyone was a little confused. This is? The boss was fucked hard, and it was obvious that he was so bloody that he was cumming hard.

Why was there only a little girl holding the wall, and she was vomiting so fiercely. As for the suspicion that Guina was the murderer, they could not think of it for a while. My boss is also a wanted person on the sea. How could he be hacked to death by a little girl holding a wall and vomiting, even if she still held an unsheathed sword in her hand.

Hey, little girl, did you see who killed our boss just now? If you tell me honestly, I will let you go today, or else you will be buried with our boss!

The leading little boss came over with a group of people and surrounded Guina. Now that the boss is dead, whether you really want to avenge the boss or want to be in power, just find the attacker and kill him. So, the little girl who knows the news is very important.

Kuina, who was almost vomiting, finally regained her composure. Although she could hold on to fight just now, the opponent's reinforcements were a bit stupid, so she continued to adjust her condition, and she has now adjusted.

Looking at the enemies surrounding her so closely, she touched the pocket on the other side of her windbreaker and showed a somewhat dangerous expression.


The leader's instinct felt that something was wrong, and when he wanted to retreat, it was too late. Several small bags flew towards them, and then the sound of a sword being unsheathed was heard.

A sword slashed through these small bags, and the contents in the bags were spread out to everyone. A burning sensation spread from the eyes to the brain, lime powder!


Screams rang out one after another. Under the moonlight, Kuina raised her weapon and began to massacre. One person slaughtered more than 20 people on the opposite side.

After losing their sight, a group of minions all pulled out their weapons and waved them around. They were still so close. Before Kuina could do anything, these guys were already beaten to the point of crying for their fathers and mothers. A few unlucky guys were beaten to the point of reimbursement.

Kuina, who had experienced a life-and-death fight, had grown up rapidly and calmly killed these people one after another. The result was a slaughterhouse-like appearance in the alley.

Then she vomited again. The scene between a person and a group of people is different. It is simply a Shura field.

Two more footsteps were heard. Guina immediately drew her sword on alert, but found that it was Noah and Robin who came out. Seeing that they were her own people, Guina felt weak, and her body went limp. He pounced forward and was caught by Robin's flowery fruit.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Noah said something

well done!

Guina fainted with a smile on her face. A closer look revealed that she also had a lot of wounds on her body, and it was not easy for her to survive until now.

I didn't expect that she would do it to this extent. What a surprise.

In fact, since Kuina arrived on the island, Noah and Robin have been observing from a close distance. How could she really be allowed to hunt a ferocious enemy alone for the first time? She must be looked after.

Including Rosago, Robin used words to guide her to make a choice. This guy's strength is hidden to a certain extent, and there is still a reward of 3 million Baileys.

Noah originally wanted Kuina to suffer a loss, and then rescue her so that she could learn caution and tactics. When Rosago's reinforcements were about to arrive, he was ready to take action. Unexpectedly, Guina used the lime powder in her windbreaker to trick the enemy, and finally turned defeat into victory, giving everyone a surprise.

When the group of minions surrounded Kuina, he was ready to take action again, but he did not expect that Kuina, who seemed to have opened the door to a new world, made full use of the combat artifact and killed everyone again. It was really amazing.

In terms of tactical mentality, they have made great progress, and they can be regarded as being in the same line, true disciples of the sword. It just might be different from what Koushiro imagined. There is no gorgeous sword light, unparalleled sword energy, just a little bit of tactics, hehehehe. Oops, it will be hard to face Master Koushiro in the future.

Imagine that when Guina returns to Windmill Village to visit relatives and chats with her father in the future, ask her to show what she has learned? The result is a bag of lime powder on the left and a sliding shovel on the right.

He felt that he would not need to go back to Shuoyue Village in the future. If Koushiro was not rational enough, he might lose all his small houses in the village.

Just kidding, Koushiro is a kind man.

In the future, when Guina's strength improves and her sword energy flies around, she won't use such trivial things as lime powder.

Now that Robin is carrying Kuina back to the ship, Noah has to do his own things, such as rescuing the 'cargo' and cleaning up the garbage on the island. The garbage always refuses to roll into the trash can by itself and requires Noah to do it himself. Bad review.

By the way, I also found the leader of the slave ship, and after asking who the big shot was standing behind him, I went to the sky above the big shot's mansion overnight, taking aim after hearing the news, and a precise sword energy split the man and the house in half.

This hunt is finally over.

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