Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 139 Prelude to the Sea of ​​Fire

More than twenty days later.

Master, I'm back. We need your help!

A dark figure ran over with a kid.

Is that Guina? Her hair was messy, her cloak had cuts one after another, and there were blood stains on her body. What had happened?

She was going through a really bad time.

The first mistake Kuina made when she entered the Uncertain Terminal was to ask the trash pickers for news about Sabo. Those people used some simple tricks to deceive her. If Guina hadn't been so powerful, she might have died silently in this garbage mountain.

The second mistake is showing off your appearance. After being targeted by the pirates and bandits who were hiding in the garbage mountain, Kuina was constantly attacked and harassed for ten days without any harvest. Afterwards, she went on a killing spree and became more stable.

The third mistake was poor communication and misestimation of the strength of the Saab trio and their understanding of the terrain. He was fooled several times and was made disgraced.

The black-haired and shaky-eyed young swordsman has no face in front of the ignorant three brothers, and the verbal communication between Ace, who is full of hostility, and the stupid Luffy is currently unable to proceed normally.

At this time, Ace's psychological ambivalence could be enough to write a short essay titled My One Piece Father. He is very aggressive towards external things and refuses to communicate. His whole person is very gloomy. Except for a limited number of people who can enter his heart, he is equally indifferent to everyone else.

Luffy, on the other hand, is an example of someone who can't understand people's words. He is cheerful and optimistic, like a brainless person, and his communication is naturally ineffective.

Finally, she wanted to chat with Sabo for a few words, but the three brothers impatiently attacked before they even finished speaking. The three brothers' tacit attack made Kuina suffer a little loss. When she got angry, she started a fight and used the scabbard of her sword. The three imps had a good fight and then became enemies.

Unexpectedly, there was a rubber man inside who was not afraid of ordinary blunt blows, allowing them to escape. What follows is a battle of wits and courage along the way. What led to the collapsing garbage mountain, and he was almost buried alive. He was taken to the beast's lair and had to fight for a while before escaping. It gave her a headache, how could there be such vicious little devils!

Until today, Guina once again tracked the three kiddos, but found that the target figure Sabo wanted by the master was caught by the pirate leader Brugam here. When she was about to take action, she found that the person following her was actually He's Sabo's biological father, so what's going on?

Kuina, who didn't understand the truth of the matter, just watched Sabo being taken back to Gaocheng for the time being, planning to go inside to get information later. But subsequent changes took a turn for the worse.

Kuina, who had sneaked into Gaocheng, found Sabo, a kid, running in panic in Gaocheng. Was he running away from home again? The frequency is also too high. Kuina, who instinctively felt something was wrong, appeared and stopped Sabo.

Hey, kid, are you running away from home again so recklessly? You're alone now. Just follow me.

Sabo was overjoyed to see Kuina at this time. He believed that Guina was definitely not a noble of this country, she was also very strong, and she came to him for something, so she was someone he could rely on for the time being.

Okay, take me away. I can go back with you to see your master later. I don't want you to help me escape from here now.

So simple, what happened?

The kingdom and nobles here are going to burn down the Uncertain Terminal outside, and all the people inside will be burned to death. I need to go out and tell everyone to run away. The time is tonight, it's almost too late!

For a moment, Guina felt that she had heard wrong. Is there such a crazy thing? I asked Sabo again.

What! There are so many people there in the garbage mountain. Is this country crazy?

After hearing the news, Kuina couldn't believe it at first, thinking it was just another trick used by Sabo to trick her out of the city. Later, in order to prove himself, Sabo found an elderly nobleman who was walking his dog to confirm the matter again. Kuina, who was hiding in the dark, finally believed it.

The old nobleman explained the reason for burning the garbage mountain in a very plain tone. That kind of indifference to the lives of the untouchables made Kuina, who was eavesdropping, feel horrified. So is this darkness?

Every time Kuina and her master complained about how bad the pirates and the slave-catching team were. The master looked like you had never seen true darkness before. Combined with the theoretical knowledge learned from Teacher Robin in the past six months, the master's career is to eliminate the biggest evil in the sea.

Without thinking too much, he immediately took the kid and ran away. The gate of Gaocheng was already guarded by guards, but Guina, who no longer held back, showed the results of her special training, drew her sword, and accelerated.

He went straight to the city gate with a determined murderous intent. His sword moves were swift and changeable, ferocious and cruel, beating the guards to pieces.

Of course, in order to break through the siege as soon as possible, a lot of price was paid. Many wounds were caused by giving up the defensive sword style just to kill the enemy. Such wounds were common for Kuina. She continued to rush out without taking it seriously, rushing all the way to the garbage mountain. She continued to sprint without stopping.

Along the way, Sabo saw the murderous Kuina's ruthless attack, and he knew how much water the young swordsman had put in before. It seemed that she was really not a bad person, but why didn't she stop yet?

Hey, we are all here, put me down quickly. I want to tell everyone to run and find my sworn brothers. Ace and Luffy must still be here. I have to save them! Put me down!

Seeing Sabo struggling, Kuina was also furious.

Shut up, what can you do as a child? Follow me to find my master. He will definitely be able to do something.

Sabo, who was no longer struggling, also used his own brains. This young swordsman was already very strong, and her master would definitely be stronger. When the time came, she would beg him to take action.

This is the reason why Kuina came to the deep forest to find Noah in such a mess.

Seeing Noah still wiping his weapon, Sabo couldn't help it. He fell to the ground directly.

Please, save the people there. It's the 'royals' and 'nobles' who are setting fire now. The high city exudes a smell that is even more disgusting than the garbage mountain, filled with the disgusting smell of human corruption. I feel ashamed to be a noble!

Don't worry, I will save the people in the garbage mountain, and I will also save your two sworn brothers. But...

You said, I can agree to any request!

Sabo said decisively!

However, it is up to you to save this country, are you willing?


Looking at the coming night.

Then let's go!

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