Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1364 Leaving Miaomu Mountain

Fukasaku Sennin was watching the white-haired man's practice by the toad pond.

Toad oil bathtub.

What a crazy idea. The unrealistic words that the Great Toad Immortal said back then actually came true. Can such angry words be considered a prophecy?

And this man jumped in without hesitation, as if he didn't take his life seriously.

The initial meditation practice has been passed perfectly, and the serious injury does not affect the display of the power in the heart.

Meditating on a wooden plank on top of a steeple is too simplistic.

As long as he thinks about it, he can be like the unpretentious moonlight hanging above his heart forever, illuminating the depths of his soul. This is a state of mind that he only realized at the cost of blood.

It is a realistic statement that you can restrain your thoughts even if you are struck by countless knives.

This ability to control emotions amazed both immortals.

Shuoyue Kendo is really a very powerful sect upon hearing it. With such a state of mind cultivation, the swordsmanship will definitely not be bad.

The two immortals have never seen the real external performance of Shuangyue Kendo, so they can still be so calm. If they see it, they will naturally be even more amazed.

Listen to me, this is how the Immortal Model has been practiced throughout the ages.

This is the experience gained from using many stone statues.

Natural energy is very domineering and dangerous. Even little Minato has encountered several dangers, not to mention little Jiraiya.

Kakashi looks like a sage, you are right, but I want to try a little bit of speed, which makes Fukasaku quite helpless.

As far as it knew, a lunatic in the Rain Country had been remotely guiding the child's progress in magical practice, and even encouraged the idea of ​​controlling the power of nature through will.

Do you understand natural energy, that bastard! Such chaos will destroy him.

But the relationship between Kakashi and the contractors of the Holy Land is equal.

If Jiraiya is willing to listen, that is Jiraiya's business. If Kakashi is unwilling to listen, there is nothing he can do, not even teach him. This is a task specially instructed by the Great Toad Sage.

The persistence of a genius sometimes really makes people feel a headache, but it doesn't matter, the facts will slap you hard in the face. No one in the ninja world has escaped from this law except the legendary Senju Hashirama.

Kakashi may be a genius in other areas, but senjutsu is not that simple.

As the native energy is more domineering than chakra in terms of aggression, it is impossible to succeed in a short time without external assistance and careful advancement.

It’s just a letter from the Land of Rain

'Kakashi remember, our thoughts are the most powerful weapons. ’

‘The most powerful power has been passed into your heart. ’

Communicate with the red light spot in your heart and learn how to control the power of your own will.

The power belonging to the outside world has bloomed with dazzling brilliance on the top of the snow-capped mountains and in the valleys of the Kingdom of Thunder.

The power of will is limited by the different rules of the world and cannot exert its true power in the outside world, but it is not affected in the body.


The toad oil bathtub is a direct immersion experience.

? !!!

Why is it that I, Fukasaku Sennin, am so difficult to talk to?

The wooden stick it held in its hand was originally intended to knock the natural energy out of Kakashi's body to prevent the child from turning into a stone statue when the senjutsu chakra went out of control.

Now it seems that the other party has to suffer a little before he can obey.

Sure enough, signs of petrification began to appear as soon as we entered, and the speed was very fast.

This violent practice method is really exciting, and the natural energy integrated into the body is running rampant.

Then the red sparks in his mind began to run wild.

The second-generation light in a certain spark means that this energy can also go crazy? There is no violent force in Im's heart.

So, let’s get started!

Only Chakra was in a trembling state, and he could only watch the battle between his elder brother and the dragon crossing the river outside.

Finally, under the unification of will, he began to participate in the encirclement and suppression of natural energy.

The repeated tug-of-war is going on in the body, but on the outside it is as quiet as sleeping.

It's just that the gathering and surge of natural energy couldn't be hidden from Fukasaku Sennin, and it was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, there is actually an operation to actively reject the erosion of natural energy by relying on will.

The first bath is over, the progress of fairy magic training is - 0%

Just because I was at odds with the natural energy, the magic chakra was not synthesized at all.

In the following day after day of devil training, he finally completed the initial control of natural energy by his will, and also integrated the first ray of magical chakra.

Fukasaku Sennin was numb and felt like he was almost useless.

Fortunately, in the end, the cultivation progress was stuck at a bottleneck, which actually made the immortal feel a little more at ease.

There is no way to practice magic to improve like riding a rocket. It really goes against the true meaning of the power of nature.

The young man's will can bear it but his natural natural perception ability is average. The total amount of chakra itself is limited by age and physical growth, which is very slow.

Listen to me, kid.

It's not a bad thing to encounter a bottleneck. Although the previous practice method was very effective, it violated the natural laws of heaven and earth.

Don't be anxious. Based on my hundreds of years of experience, magic requires time and effort.

Kosuke Toad jumped over at this time.

Kakashi, there is a package for you in the Rain Country.

Life type one potion? It can slightly enhance vitality while improving physical fitness. The additional effect is to increase the total amount of chakra.

Fukasaku Sennin slowly turned around to see what insect feast the child's mother had cooked today.

Kakashi was left and began to inject the green medicine into his body according to the instructions. Even through the test tube, you can feel the vitality brewing in it.

With each injection of reagents, Kakashi's physique is also getting stronger, and everything from internal organs to blood supply to skeletal muscles and so on are being nourished by life force.

His physique is also improving bit by bit, and his affinity with nature has even changed.

The life potion developed based on the first-generation Wood Release Cells will definitely have a bonus to the immortal body.

What is technology changing life?

Myokiyama's painting style has been slowly changed by Kakashi since he started practicing senjutsu.

Noah used their own methods from behind to help his disciples break through bottlenecks and continue to grow.

It's a pity that Jugo's physical immortal transformation has not been researched yet, otherwise the white-haired boy's progress would be even more frightening.

In half a year, Kakashi already had the ability to perform magic.


The orange eyeshadow belonging to Myokiyama appeared in the corners of both eyes, and there were no traces of frog transformation elsewhere, so it looked perfect.

But this is an effect achieved by Kakashi's super willpower to fully control it.

In fact, before completing the immortal mode, it took 5 minutes of brewing in place to gather the natural energy for one transformation, and the duration was only about three minutes.

This level of magic cannot be used in tactics.

Your talent has surpassed little Jiraiya's after being modified by that reagent, but it still hasn't reached the level of a genius. Do you really not consider practicing the Two Life Technique?

I believe there are other ways, but the price paid will be a bit tragic.

Kakashi felt a little headache holding the letter from the Land of Rain. This time it was not the formal ideological teacher, but a letter from his own kendo teacher.

The general idea is that it doesn't matter if you encounter a bottleneck in your magic. Come to the Rain Country teacher to help you break through.

Kakashi couldn't tell whether it was an invitation or a threatening letter, so he had no choice but to go for it.

Just thinking about Teacher Tosuke's method makes people's hair stand on end. Most likely it will not be as gentle as soaking in toad oil and injecting drugs.

But in order to gain the power to fight against Raikage, he had no choice but to go to the Land of Rain for further studies.

It just doesn't make much sense to stay in Myoboku Mountain. Of course, I have to communicate with my fighting partners before leaving.

Half a year is enough time for me to obtain the information I want and design tactics.

Good boy, I, Mrs. Wen, am also a well-known figure on the road. If you say that becoming a fighting partner is a fighting partner, then I am so shameless.

Breathing out a puff of smoke, Bunta, as the boss among the many toads, naturally has his own pride.

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