Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1365 The Little BOSS on the Road

It's not like this brat couldn't cooperate if he wanted to be his big brother, but Kakashi's tone really made Toad unhappy.

The giant toad's face became more and more ferocious, and the two sworn brothers behind him also looked at the white-haired kid with theatrical eyes.

Haha, if you are so good at immortality just after learning it, is it because you have not been severely beaten by society?

Even Namikaze Minato dared to be so crazy when he was not at the same level back then. It was time for his eldest brother, Bunta, to give him a lesson.

In fact, Kakashi went to Mt. Myoboku to practice celestial arts in addition to recuperating from his injuries. The three brothers still didn't understand what Blood Thunder and Frost Moon Kendo were.

The sound of fighting sounded in the back mountain.

Strong wind, thunder, flames, sword energy.

After a long time, in a large open space with broken rocks, Wentai collapsed to the ground with bloodstains all over his body, and his dagger was broken.

Good boy, I'll be cruel to you.

The unprepared Toad met the successor of Shuangyue Kendo who he had been observing for half a year. It was too tragic.

This battle was completely under the control of this white-haired boy, which was really similar to Minato's style.

Moreover, many destructive moves were also used by the opponent without hesitation, which was so ninja-like.

Kakashi took the wine glass and drank the sworn wine with the three bloody toads in front of him. Although he was not old enough, who cared.

Wentai's hands were trembling, but he still said that they would spar again if they had a chance.

He also said that since we, as the most loyal toads in Myoboku Mountain, have recognized it, we will be good brothers fighting side by side from now on, and we can go through wind and rain with just one word.

After achieving his goal, Kakashi spoke very politely, which gave him enough respect as the eldest brother on the road.

Sometimes high-end games still require a giant psychic beast to attract firepower and fight side by side.

Don't worry, we will definitely rely on the help of several people in the subsequent battles.

Once you take care of Bunta, you've basically taken care of all the toads. This big brother's commanding ability is still good.

After finishing everything, Kakashi went to the deep temple to visit the Great Toad Sage.

Basically, I would like to thank Miaomushan for his cultivation, and call me if anything happens in the future.

.If you can, it's not a bad thing to come to Mt. Miaomu less often.

? ? ? ?

The white-haired boy was a little confused. What this big toad said was really unpleasant.

So what did we see in the prophecy on the first day?

Kakashi frowned after returning to the ninja world. The natural energy in the space was several levels lower.

Jiraiya-sama would indeed be unable to perform senjutsu without the Twin Technique, and even he himself would not be much better.

No matter what, the teacher will definitely find a way.

Kakashi was on his way, but he didn't expect that he would be targeted by a small boss in the ninja world as soon as he returned to the outside world.

Approaching the border of the Kingdom of Rain, a white-haired man blocked the road.

Red Eyes wore an oversized turtleneck coat with three belts wrapped around it.

The special shape reminded Kakashi of a fatwa he saw in the ANBU that was personally issued by the Third Hokage.

There are not many ninjas who have studied forbidden arts and then been ordered to be executed by the village. It is said that they are still friends of the Sannin.

Konoha's traitorous ninja, Hiruhu?

That's right, Kakashi, your Sharingan seems to be very different!

Beiruhu looked at Kakashi's eyes with fervent eyes. This unusual change was too obvious for this person who specializes in blood inheritance fusion.

In the original work, Beiruhu was unwilling to be content with the strength and status of the three ninjas, so he secretly studied the combined ninjutsu Oni Meira, and set his sights on Kakashi, who inherited the Uchiha blood.

Integrating high-level blood inheritance and being able to use it freely, this trait is an irresistible temptation for forbidden arts.

He firmly believed that if he could use this power to cultivate Kiyaro, he would be able to defeat Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru, so he came to cast the puppet curse this time.

After the news came from the Thunder Fire Battlefield that Kakashi was not dead yet, he deployed his spies in the Fire Country, and finally he discovered the movements of his favorite target.

It's just that he ignored one very important thing.

Being able to escape from the hands of the Sannin did not mean that he was very strong. It was just that the Sannin valued the word friend very highly in his heart at that time.

Even Orochimaru was a good person who worked hard to become the Hokage in the early days of the Third War.

Try it now? He had been sliced ​​into pieces by the honorary leader of a certain peace organization.

Kakashi looked at the crazy man in front of him and was puzzled. Are all the seniors in the ninja world so arrogant?

However, being able to escape from the hands of the Sannin and being issued an S-level kill order must be something, so it's better to be cautious.

Without any thought of talking to the other party, the Sharingan turned in an instant.

Illusion. Infinite!

Useless! There is a different kind of chakra in his body that is interrupting the fluctuations!

Don't wait for the enemy to taunt you and deliver a physical and mental shock!

Shadow clone + transformation technique!

Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya immediately surrounded Himiko.

Beiliuhu? Who is it?

Oh~~we were our friends~~

Haha, just don't hold back.

! ! !

Himi screamed with tears in his eyes, this despicable brat dared to humiliate himself like this.

Lan Dun·Leiyun Qianbo! !

The large-scale thunder escape shattered all the clones before resting.

Beiruhu, who has absorbed the blood successors of two ninjas, is not a pure idiot. After knowing that Kakashi is difficult to deal with, he first completed some of Onimero's abilities.

Although there is a risk of backlash, there is no other way to take advantage of the opportunity to plant the puppet technique. Who knows how strong Kakashi will be in the future.

Damn genius is really disgusting!

Kakashi noticed the emotional fluctuation at this moment, and immediately got close to him amid lightning and thunder.


Without warning, Lei Dun pressed down on Bi Liuhu's body with terrifying lethality, but was blocked by some kind of blood inheritance.

oh? Not bad defense! What kind of escape technique is it?

Kakashi crouched away from Beiruhu's counterattack and looked at the opponent with interest, seeming to be more serious.

Beiliuhu, on the other hand, was covered in cold sweat.

He was approached without any reaction at all. Although part of Chidori's attack was absorbed by Xuejie, the incomplete forbidden technique had already rebelled in his body.

Otherwise, let's retreat first.

The old man who was taught how to behave in just two moves began to regret his Meng Lang. This goal was a bit perverted.

But now I wonder if it's too late to leave. Next is Kakashi's solo show.

He had to do some warm-up exercises before entering the Land of Rain before he could step into Hell. This guy came at the perfect time!

Afterimages from all directions surrounded Bei Liuhu and started various fancy operations, beating him until he wanted to kneel down and surrender.

It's a pity that Kakashi didn't have much friendship with this guy, and finally ended the battle when he felt that the warm-up effect was complete.

Natural energy. Invasion!

Use your will to combine weak natural energy to invade the enemy's body and complete the petrification to break the defense.

The capture of Beilihu, a BOSS that could support a movie, was completed.

The unfinished Onimera no Jutsu is like a loser when it comes to top partner Kakashi, and Beiruhu is far behind in terms of combat power and combat experience.

Kakashi, who had not shed a drop of sweat until now, expressed his approval to the enemy who had fainted and stretched out his corpse.

Very interesting technique.

Then there was a sealing technique and binding, just in time to bring it to the teacher as a gift.

I'll have a day off tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow I'll start a big plot with intense conflict. It can be regarded as Noah's first step to officially join the Ninja Continent.

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