Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1363 The woven dreamland

I always think that the threshold for medical ninjutsu is still too high, and it doesn't matter whether there is such a medical system for ordinary people.

Because ordinary people won't go to the noble ninja-sama for medical treatment when they are sick.

It's better to make simple finished medicines to save most people. Ordinary people in this world need these more.

“The process is simple and you can use machinery, and the raw materials are very cheap.”

After achieving this step, you will transcend your status as a medical ninja and become a true medical sage respected by everyone.

At least the Rain Country will definitely spread your name. This is a matter of immeasurable merit.

Tsunade admires the pattern of this matter, but even if the medicine is simplified, it cannot be promoted to the outside world.

As Konoha's largest medicinal herb dealer, the Nara clan would not do such a thing. The issues involved are not just simple economic issues.

The entire Kingdom of Rain is now like a utopia, and I really don’t know when it will collapse.

Tsunade was a little annoyed. Half a year was enough for her to understand this country.

It can only be said that the Konoha Village envisioned by the great grandfather can basically be reflected in this way, which feels a bit like the orthodoxy of Konoha in the Land of Rain.

So it can be regarded as a little bit of emotion here.

When he was feeling a little bored, he saw Orochimaru studying something in a good mood.

Orochimaru, do you plan to stay here and continue your research?

Of course, Adam is not dead yet. Why leave when there is everything here?

After completing the research and development tasks at hand, I took Shizune and left the Country of Rain. Kabuto's talent is good and I have taught him everything he needs to teach.

It's a pity Adam, humans really can't fight fate.

In half a year, Tsunade still had two hands-on experience with the little white-haired boy because his talent was really good, which was enough for Kabuto to lay a good foundation.

As for Adam, Tsunade, who was already full of disgust for things like fate, became even more disgusted.

I still have to thank you for Kabuto. I owe you a favor. However, Tsunade, you don't think that the man named Adam is a good person, do you?

Uncle Snake's eyes were a little evil, and even his tone contained a hint of malice.

This is the resentment that was deceived back then, and it is just right to express it now.


In the past six months, I have figured out a little bit of the secrets of the Kingdom of Rain, and also discovered the origin of this tissue cell, hehehehe.

Tsunade frowned, this method of her old classmate really suited her character.

It was definitely a cooperative attitude before, but now it seems that it is going to be counterproductive.

There is a forbidden area behind the Rain Ninja Village. Only the three leaders and Adam can enter. Even the nominal leader Sansho Hanzo has never been there.

There must be a conspiracy here, and the source of the seal traces on Adam's body has also been found. I don't know if you ignored it or were distracted. The gossip seal in the Book of Seals back then can't be forgotten.

Don't you think it's strange that Konoha's top seal is on a seriously injured strong man from the Land of Rain?

That means there might be some conspiracy brewing in the forbidden area, so don't be fooled, old classmate.

It's definitely not possible to let a strong person who is not very curious about external things go to the forbidden area using normal methods, but wouldn't it be okay to use another method?

Orochimaru has always been very purposeful in his actions. Anyway, Noah's mission is to guide Tsunade to the Heretic Golem. As for how to get there, it is up to him.

Sure enough, Tsunade's mood was wrong.

You must know that Adam's emotions went from wary to suspicious, then to a little trust, and finally even a little admiration for the other party.

A full half a year is really not a short time.

Could it turn out to be a scam? Even if this research is successful, it may be used in the other party's ambitions!

If Orochimaru hadn't been trustworthy, she would have gone to the courtyard to blow someone's head off.

I don't care, there are only eight hundred people like this in the ninja world if they don't have one thousand.

At night, Tsunade went straight to the forbidden area behind the Rain Ninja Village.

How could you not care.

First of all, the Kingdom of Rain is very much like the embodiment of the Will of Fire. The people here, from the leaders to the common people, seem to be in a state of going all out to pursue happiness.

Secondly, Adam gave her a really good feeling, not like a pure careerist. Even the other party's structure and occasional conversation are admirable.

Finally, she would be really angry if her scientific research results were used in evil events.

This matter must be investigated to the bottom of the matter.

Well, she still has some feelings for this country and doesn't want to be disillusioned.

If it were said that Naruto spent a week impressing Tsunade with his perseverance and passion.

Then Noah spent half a year weaving a world that can touch people's hearts to conquer everyone who yearns for the beauty of humanity.

The journey around the Rain Ninja Village from the outside world was smooth and there were no ninjas patrolling.

When we arrived at the outskirts of the forbidden area, there were only a few ninjas doing routine inspections, so this effort could be ignored.

Is this really a forbidden area?

Tsunade walked in confused.

It's not too much to have a sensory barrier, and it's not too much to have some traces of the aura shielding sealing technique.

What's too much is that the barrier is very Konoha-style, even a little more advanced than when she left the village.

After trying to bypass these simple protective measures, Tsunade finally understood why there was no need for guards here, and even her pupils shrank.

Nine! tail! Demon! fox!

Konoha's ultimate weapon! ! !


The sealing technique needs to be equipped with this circuit. Only when they are connected together can it have the effect of sealing. It's so stupid!

How long have I been exposed to advanced sealing techniques! If you continue to ridicule me, I will eat you!!!

Come on, come on, if you don't eat today, I won't be the Nine Lama!

Ahhhhh, damn it. I, I, I

A huge fox was hopping, angry that it had lost an argument with the red-haired woman at its feet.

Jiu! Xin! Nai!

Tsunade was dumbfounded. She knew everyone and every fox in front of her.

She can accept two people appearing in her memory at the same time, but she cannot allow two people to appear in front of her at the same time.

what is happening? ? ? ? ?

What is that kid over there looking at? He'll eat you if he sees you!

Tsunade-sama!!! You're finally here!!! I've wanted to find you for a long time, but this broken pipe can't drag me that far!

This was followed by greetings and hugs that confused the Sannin Ichiko.

Hey hey hey, are you happy?

Orochimaru appeared from behind, smiling sideways.

The happiest time is every time I trick new people, which is a rare break in my busy research life.

Next, Kushina chirped and began to narrate.

two hours later

Sister-in-law, you gave me all your potion in the end. Although it was useful, it was still not enough.

You must save me. Naruto is still in the village. I really want to see him.

Kushina sincerely hopes that her eldest sister can help her. That guy Noah said that only Tsunade has the ability to research a way to restore life.

That guy sometimes does outrageous things, but he has never deceived her in big matters.

So that's how it is. It's really a lot of painstaking work.


Orochimaru has flown away.

Noah, who had just arrived, hesitated for a moment. Is it too late for me to apologize now?

Hey, your name is Noah, right?

Um, yes.

The story is well written, and you are worthy of being a writer.

It's okay, okay, it's all thanks to my friends.

Will you die with this punch?

Most likely not.

That's good.


Another figure flew out and rolled for a long distance before stopping.

Noah, who was in the dirt, was not angry at all from being beaten, but just smiled.

A good start isn't it?

At the same time, in Miaomu Mountain.

A white-haired man climbed out of the toad oil bathtub in the place where immortal magic was practiced.

First, he injected an injection of reagent into his arm and then slowly stood up.

Come on, everyone wait for me!

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