Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1362 You can leave in half a year

In this world, if Noah intervenes, such talent will never be wasted.

After that, several people started working in the laboratory.

As the research progressed, Tsunade relied on her own abilities to discover something unusual about the White Zetsu cells.

This thing is more like an artificially cultivated product than a naturally grown wonder.

The stability is very scary, which means that batch copying can be carried out when the technological level is reached.

Hey, Orochimaru. This thing.

Well, there are signs of external intervention, but that is not our goal. Our goal is to maintain the stability of the life potion.

Tsunade nodded. This kind of replicable biological weapon would attract the attention of ambitious people, so it was better to hide it in the deepest place.

In fact, the research that Orochimaru is doing on the side is the White Zetsu Copying Project.

When Tsunade looked up again, it was completely dark, and Shisui had delivered dinner just in time.

A very hearty meal and very thoughtful.

This evening, I plan to go to the casino to teach a lesson.

Forget it, let’s look at the data after dinner.

The discoveries made in these Bai Jue cells are really amazing. We must seize this opportunity.

Suddenly I understood some of Orochimaru's thoughts. These were all provided when Adam was still alive. If this guy suddenly died, then these things in front of him would probably not provide any source.

Unconsciously, she worked for seven days in a row, and Tsunade had to put her research on hold.

There is so much information hidden inside this small cell tissue that even the initial analysis has not even completed 1/10.

The reason why I stopped was because my body was sending an alarm, and I was shocked to realize that I had been studying it for such a long time.

The fatigue that even the Senju clan's physique cannot ignore has accumulated to a terrifying level.

Go home home.

After a nap, I felt a little awake, but suddenly I realized that I couldn't work like this.

Work is work, life is life.

Why are you so serious all of a sudden?

He immediately took Shizune to the casino to take classes, and within a short time he had lost all of today’s class fees.

After I got home, I sighed, there is something wrong with the classroom in a small place.

Only Noah, after learning about it, sent someone a tuition fee to Tsunade, saying that he would not let his savior lack money when he came to the Land of Rain.

In fact, it shows recognition of the efficiency of the cost recovery device.

Tsunade accepted this favor and could no longer fish, so she returned to swimming in the ocean of scientific research.

In the midst of his busy schedule, he finally admitted that the Thousand Hands Clan was not so unfaithful.

He just looked at the potion that Orochimaru had given to enhance the function of his internal organs with a disdainful expression.

When it comes to medical ninjutsu, this guy is really a layman. This kind of thing is of little use to a strong person like her.

Even this idea has no special characteristics. It is just relying on the characteristics of Bai Jue cells. Compared with the Yin seal, it is a two-way road.

You can consider strengthening it, and even if you can't use it yourself, you can borrow Adam's resources for Shizune to use.

This child's talent is not very good, but if he can improve his physique, he still has a chance to get closer to ordinary geniuses.


Shadow Clone Technique!

Tsunade also started to study the clone technique, and Orochimaru on the other side nodded.

That's right, that's how you get into work step by step.

With the research of this top master of medical ninjutsu, I can rest assured to work on my own projects and discuss it on a daily basis.

Noah has been paying attention to Tsunade's working methods, and nodded with satisfaction after learning about the work progress in the past two weeks.

Work for half a year first, and then use your trump card after half a year.

As for that potion, there is a high probability that it will not be effective on me.

But it will be of great help to many children or Kushina who are in poor health. This wave has made money.

Our Akatsuki organization is really a peaceful organization, and the methods we use to recruit people have become so gentle and humane.

Half a year later.

In the laboratory, Tsunade put down the third-stage potion in her hand and became a little angry. She turned around and smashed the table with a punch.

Although that guy Adam has never died, the latest stage of medicine still has no effect.

It's like a black hole, so much life force is poured into it without any feedback.

This was a huge blow to the medical ninja.

Damn it, she didn't even find out what kind of power caused the injury, nor did she solve the mystery of the patient's own constitution.

I was actually comforted by a patient before, which is simply a shame and a big humiliation!

Thank you very much for Tsunade-sama's medical treatment. No one can live forever, just accept your ending calmly.

I feel very sorry for delaying you for half a year. This is a small thank you gift.

No, no, no, I have no intention of forcing you to stay in the Country of Rain.

Although the latest potion doesn't have much effect on me when I use it, it still has a certain effect on other friends.

These sincere words are particularly harsh, but at this age, I have passed the impulsive stage, and there is no feeling of guilt.

You have to leave after all, it's a gentleman's agreement.

Of course, there is one last task before leaving, which is to simplify several commonly used common drugs.

Such as anti-inflammation, first aid, cold and fever and other conditions.

These are all common diseases that ninjas can resist relying on their physical strength. The other party's request was a bit unexpected.

With Tsunade's strength, she could mix a suitable potion combination in a few days. This request was simply a step given to not embarrass her.

Because there is no market, what businessmen will not do is that the profit is too low. Ordinary people here mainly fight against illness.

In other words, the Kingdom of Rain has given most people the right and motivation to live.

Moreover, Adam, the author, is indeed not a bad person. Judging from the news that Shizune brought back in half a year, the development of the Kingdom of Rain has not become militarized or aggressive.

When she has time, this little girl will go to gathering places to treat civilians, which can be regarded as an alternative practice of medical ninjutsu.

The feedback received almost praised the Akatsuki organization to the sky.

When Tsunade occasionally checked each other's body, the other party never said anything out of bounds.

That man was more concerned about ordinary people's medical matters, and had exchanged many ideas about civilian hospitals.

Many of the constructive opinions are unthinkable at first, such as universal medical care, but they make sense when you think about it carefully.

He has always been very free and easy about his own life and death, which is nothing like the image he said before of being afraid of death.

Basically, whenever they meet, they are helping the Akatsuki organization handle a large number of government affairs, and even Jiraiya's three apprentices will occasionally come over to ask for advice.

This organization really focuses on people's livelihood and is improving the living conditions of ordinary people beyond specifications.

It makes sense that Adam's last task before leaving was to simplify a few common medicines.

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