Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1361 Orochimaru’s spurs

In the courtyard of the Kingdom of Rain.

Tsunade-sama, I have seen that the hygiene here has been improved and daily necessities have been provided. They are all very high-end brands.

The electrical appliances are all brand new, and there is also a very high-end study room!

Even the furnishings in the bedroom are so exquisite and really beautiful.

Shizune said to Tsunade with a happy face.

Being able to enjoy life in such a luxurious courtyard for half a year is still very tempting for a little girl who has been wandering around with the big fat sheep.

Well, judging from the decoration of the courtyard, it's also very tasteful.

Some of the flowers, plants, bamboos and stone furnishings here are obviously produced by everyone, and the price will be a very touching figure.

Although the Senju clan didn't care about this, it was still considered too generous, but Tsunade sat here with some doubts.

Shizune, why do we just live here?

Something feels wrong now that I think about it.

Why did he stay here for the first half of a year even though he came to see a doctor? He even had to study Yang Escape in order to heal the other party.

Is it money? Looking at the balance of 190 million taels on hand, and the supplementary 100 million taels, it shouldn't be.

Is medical ninjutsu the future? Thinking of the magical cell slice I just saw, it makes sense but is not sufficient.

It’s a liar~~~

I was just fooled by those two bastards singing along.

That bastard Orochimaru must have colluded with the still-dead Adam a long time ago. The two of them worked together to plot against me.

Before she could reach the state of decadence that would penetrate her bones more than ten years later, Tsunade finally fell into the trap.

But seeing the expectant expression on Shizune's face, she didn't say anything, just regarded it as giving the child a holiday.

I just took the opportunity to teach some powerful things. You can't just be an ordinary jounin with me for many years.

On the morning of the second day, Shisui came to take Tsunade to the laboratory building.

Kid, I didn't expect you to be from the Uchiha clan. Why didn't the Sharingan come out?

Tsunade was a little unhappy when she saw this gentle boy. It turned out that this brat was Orochimaru's disciple Uchiha Shisui.

The fact that Orochimaru accepted an Uchiha disciple was quite a sensation in Konoha circles.

Everyone thought that this family was going to return to the embrace of Konoha. Who would have thought that fate would play a trick on people.

However, a member of the Uchiha family doesn't even show his Sharingan when he goes out, and he is very organized and gentle in everything he says and does.

This guy is definitely not a good person.

Those pink-eyes in my impression revealed an instinctive hostility from their words to their eyes.

Tsunade-sama, I didn't hide my identity deliberately. I just have some eye problems and have been receiving treatment from Orochimaru-sensei recently.

Shisui also learned bad things from Noah. When he opened his mouth, he had an eye problem and couldn't use it. He didn't say anything about the kaleidoscope.

He followed Noah for a trip and now his horizons are much higher, and he is not so obsessed with the power of Sharingan.

People who have seen the sun and stars no longer have high expectations for the world of illusion.

It's just that the kaleidoscope is the eye of the soul is a bit special, and it should be kept a secret.

Are you willing to let outsiders study the Sharingan? He is really a strange guy.

Tsunade's recognition of Orochimaru's ability to train his disciples simply gave up the so-called pride of his eyes.

After entering the laboratory building, I was even more surprised. The equipment, culture media, and various instruments here looked so advanced.

It looks like Konoha's entire research base has been moved here.

Tsunade-sama, please don't get me wrong. Sensei spent a lot of manpower and material resources to rebuild this because he was used to these equipments.

It's normal to have some similarities in appearance.

The relationship between Tsunade Konoha and the Country of Rain is a bit delicate. It couldn't be a separate base set up by Sarutobi-sensei in the outside world to hide from others.

Finally, I saw Orochimaru driving several clones to study, with a white-haired kid who was much younger than Shizune as an assistant.

Here you go, do you need this?

A syringe was thrown over and Tsunade caught it.

The preliminary medicine based on white cells to enhance the body's internal organs has a weak effect but it is better than nothing.

It can relieve the fatigue of some body tissues, but unfortunately the decline of will is still uncontrollable. In-depth research on Yin chakra is required.

Orochimaru was kind enough to hand over his early work.

When I came to the Land of Rain, I felt that my body was not strong enough, so the human body modification project never stopped.

He even has a more advanced research direction based on the secrets of the ninja world, which is much better than the constant trial and error in the original timeline.

Tsunade was a little confused holding this tube of reagent. She was from the Senju clan.

In terms of energy and chakra, she is no worse than the Uzumaki clan. She is the strongest among the three ninjas.

What do you mean? By default, everyone here needs to work overtime until they explode?

She is not someone who studies so hard.

He sneered disdainfully and walked to the experimental table. The laboratory was next to Orochimaru for some reason.

The goal of the research is also very simple, which is to extract a special agent that neutralizes Mu Dun from the white tissue cells.

This multipurpose method of replenishing vitality has a very good effect on most injuries.

If it could restrain the wood escape cells from turning into violent plants, it would indeed be a miracle drug.

The raw materials are relatively special, such as first-generation cells.

Seeing this Tsunade felt very unhappy. Anyone who found out that his grandfather's cells were taken out for cultivation and experiments would not be able to bear it.

These are all done by Danzo, and they can be regarded as a different kind of compensation from Sarutobi-sensei to me when I left.

Everyone knows that Orochimaru was wrongfully accused and ran away from the village, but the thought of the teacher using Grandpa's cells as compensation is really fucked up.

Hmph! Mr. Sarutobi will be beaten to death if he meets Grandpa Second when he goes to the Pure Land.

Orochimaru didn't have much reaction to these words. If Sarutobi Hiruzen had not gone to the battlefield, he would most likely die of old age. At that time, a filthy earth reincarnation technique could be used to try this bold idea.

This ninjutsu is currently ranked relatively low in many projects, but it will be used sooner or later. It seems that Noah is going to use this ninjutsu to implement a very crazy plan.

However, the second generation of the human body experiments and dissections are said to have gone too far.

Hurry up and do some research. That person Adam may not be gone anytime soon. By then, such good environmental materials and financial support may also be gone.

Orochimaru turned his back to Tsunade and showed an evil smile.

Isn't it just exciting? He knows this kind of thing very well.

Haha, you are a very realistic person.

Tsunade has taken the money and benefits, so let's start working. It's been a long time since she studied in such a wealthy environment.

In the original work, Tsunade, who has been wandering around the outside world for more than ten years, has perfected the art of Baihao, but has made very little progress in medical treatment.

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