Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1360 Jiraiya, the scapegoat

Chapter 1360 The scapegoat—Jiraiya

What follows is a battle between biomedicine.

Orochimaru said that the ultimate Yang escape healing power is no longer a realm that ninjas can reach, and even its abilities surpass the imagination of mortals, truly intervening in the realm of immortals.

Tsunade-hime scoffed, expecting there to be some lofty remarks.

What if it has the ability to heal itself like the first generation?

If you really have the self-healing ability of Grandpa, it will indeed play a part in this injury, but...

The first generation not only had Yang Escape but also had the immortal human body, which Tsunade knew very well.

In the entire Thousand Hands clan, this one is the only one who has a big problem, not even the second grandfather.

After studying it, Tobirama felt that fairy magic was not suitable for him, and that only forbidden magic could match his smart brain.

As for Tsunade, she simply cannot learn senjutsu.

The breakthrough in Yang Dun mentioned by Orochimaru may be the progress made in the village's first-generation cell experiments.

What a disgusting guy. The friendship between them has collapsed since Orochimaru was willing to study this cell.

You can only see this.

Tsunade left a disappointed sentence and left.

Natural energy, Yang escape, wood escape cell neutralizer, what do you think?

Orochimaru's eyes slowly became sharper as if he saw an insect caught in a trap.

Noah sat aside and calmly watched the two fighting, and he really wanted everyone to make the best use of them.

If Jiraiya said this, he would probably be punched away by Tsunade. Not everyone is qualified to argue with her about medical ninjutsu.

Soon the progress bar was pulled up and Orochimaru came up with various data to prove himself. As he talked, Tsunade was confused.

What has this guy been doing all these years? Some of them really don't have many problems from the data point of view. Of course, there must be real items.

Otherwise, why do you think I am in the Land of Rain? I don't have many low-level desires like You and Jiraiya.

What Adam can provide is the reason for staying here. After completing this exploration, I will completely enter the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods.

Immortal Human Body, Wood Escape, and Yang Escape can be rigorously repeated. This is the meaning of science.

People who hold on to the old concepts will only die under the wheels of development.

The eloquent Orochimaru fully demonstrated his qualities as a top scientist, looking forward to the future with astonishing courage.

Just kidding, holding the source of life and the ultimate secret of the ninja world, what is there that he dare not say?

As long as everything is thoroughly studied, artificial humans, artificial blood stains, including human cloning and other biological medical treatments will bloom in amazing colors.

The ladder to invade the Creator's authority had been laid before him by a certain man.

A person like Tsunade who is not enterprising can only argue with him now. In another three to five years, the other party's ability and vision will be the same.

Tsunade's face turned green and white as she said this. Could it be that after you finished speaking, this bastard got something extraordinary?

She didn't want to lose to anyone in medical ninjutsu, especially an experimenter.

At this time, Noah also came over to moderate the heated atmosphere.

He said that when he was traveling in the ninja world, he discovered a special biological tissue and never knew what it was used for. It wasn't until Mr. Orochimaru saw it that he said it was the key to exploring the ultimate secret of the ninja world.

If Tsunade-sama is willing to join the research, a copy of these materials can also be provided.

Tsunade continued to hesitate, not wanting to have anything to do with this mysterious writer.

It wasn't until Orochimaru pulled out a trump card that he truly swayed the other party's heart.

That's right, it's the biological material that he left behind back then. He is like an old actor. Thank you again Xiaobai for his efforts.

This time, Hashirama cells were added to it, causing the material to become active and in a critical state about to go berserk, but it was neutralized a lot by the White Zetsu cells.

It can be said that this is one of Orochimaru's recent research results.

Tsunade was silent after receiving the slice. Was she left behind?

Tsunade-sama, my life will come to an end at any time, so please help me in the last six months, okay?

All the resources of the Country of Rain are available to you. Special materials, top-notch laboratories, and massive funds, including super platinum VIPs in the casino, are all available to you.

If there are no results after half a year, you can just leave here and treat it as if God has given up on me.

I don't want to die and my dream is not yet complete.

Orochimaru's eyes almost deformed with laughter, he did things that were meant to kill him, but he said he didn't want to die.

It is estimated that even if he died ten times, nothing would happen to this guy. It was really outrageous.

Half a year is a very delicate time for Tsunade, but she will not stop if it is any longer.

It's not impossible to stay here for a while to treat a rare disease.

Moreover, what the other party provided was indeed something that he could not ignore. It was really difficult to refuse an invitation that could push the upper limit of the medical field.

Tell me your true identity, and don't talk nonsense about the author. When will the author have such strength?

The explorers who have traveled to the ninja continent have been pursuing the mythical history of the past. Of course, now I am one of the reformers of the Land of Rain.

Reformer? So the changes in the fields, construction sites, and villages and towns were all caused by you?

Tsunade was instantly alert. The person in front of her could be said to be a bit too big-hearted. Maybe death wouldn't be a bad thing.

Any reform is accompanied by bloodshed. She still knew about the assassination of the second grandfather by so many forces in the village.

Ahem, I am just a person who hopes that this country will stop crying. It just so happened that the three leaders of the Akatsuki organization appreciated my idea very much, so we worked together to save this country.

Akatsuki Organization? I think I've heard of it.

Orochimaru interrupted appropriately, barely concealing the bad taste in his tone.

The three leaders of the Akatsuki organization we met back then were in the Kingdom of Rain.

? !

Do you remember that Jiraiya stayed in the Land of Rain after the war to teach three brats? Yes, it was them.

Jilaiya.Zi! Come! also!

At the end of the journey, this piece of shit tricked me again!

Tsunade also remembered what happened back then. That guy's disciples had done a lot of great things in the Land of Rain.

And then they pretended to ask me to come here to treat people.

If he doesn't die the next time we meet, he'll be considered great!

In the end, Tsunade agreed because Jiraiya's disciples were not bad people, the Kingdom of Rain was not causing trouble at the moment, and under the temptation of various conditions.

She was pessimistic about whether the monster could survive. This time would definitely not be enough to bring him back to life.

Anyway, it’s only half a year. After half a year, I will leave no matter what.

Then Shisui led Tsunade to the courtyard near the experimental building. The scientists were all top-notch in terms of material treatment.

In the courtyard, Orochimaru looked at Noah.

If this is the case, Tsunade will really only stay for half a year. I understand her character.

Don't worry, it's just the beginning. Tsunade-sama still doesn't understand that only here can she realize her dream.

Let Tsunade get familiar with the environment of the Country of Rain first, and other things besides the White Zetsu cells can also be slowly revealed a little bit.

As for Kushina's trump card, it should be used in the final showdown.

Oh~~~She is much harder to invite than you.

I'm really sorry for inviting you so nicely.

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