Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1359 A certain doctor who resisted joining the job

So just to go through the motions, with her medical prowess she can draw many conclusions with just a simple observation.

But Noah blocked Tsunade's diagnostic method and handed over the balance first.

One hundred and ninety million taels. As I promised before, as long as I come here, I will pay the balance first no matter what. If we are optimistic about it, we will make additional payments.

The free and heroic behavior made Orochimaru feel a little happy in his heart, and he started.

Some money is not so easy to collect. In addition to the threat of force, his piece of white cell tissue was also a routine.

Tsunade was very satisfied. Although it was unfortunate that she met Jiraiya and Orochimaru, this employer was really easy to talk to.

There was no pretentious refusal to let Shizune accept it. Tsunade Hime who goes all out is worth the price.

Since the other party is so good at it, we have to put in a lot of effort.


Chakra bursts out, various medical diagnosis ninjutsu and a large number of moves dazzle everyone.

For the sake of money, she makes these processes as fancy as possible, so that those who spend money will definitely feel that they are worth their money.

Chakra begins to invade the patient's body in various ways.

And Noah also very calmly let go of the will protection on the surface of his body, fearing that the backlash would hurt Tsunade.

This! What is this!!!

When the patient was unguarded, Tsunade sensed something was wrong with the humanoid object in front of her for the first time.

The diagnosis felt outrageous.

Looking at Orochimaru with a shocked expression, does this mean that you are also examining this creature?

Orochimaru nodded, yes.

This bastard's basic physical quality is several levels higher than that of humans in the ninja world, and he seems to have undergone comprehensive evolution.

In disbelief, Tsunade intensified her inspection and even began to directly touch the humanoid creature's epidermal tissue with her hands.

The chakra is actually blocked by the pure body and unable to advance, which is a bit abnormal.

What you feel from the skin and muscles is pure power, unparalleled power.

It also reflects that the level of injuries in those cracks is so terrifying.

Adam, the author, is now like a celestial body that is coming to the end of its life.

The bits and pieces of vitality flowing in the body feel like a vast ocean, just like the endless breath of great grandfather.

The strength revealed from the skin to the blood to the bones is a bit too permeable, and some detection methods do not even detect the upper limit.

Those injuries are even more shocking, they are spread all over the body like a porcelain doll.

The power of destruction has never disappeared. It is still destroying this humanoid monster. It is still classified as a biological creature because it is glued together by a special force.

The reason why he is still sitting here must have been channeled by the puppet technique or some forbidden technique. Anyway, Tsunade refuses to admit that this is a human being.

It's a miracle that this guy isn't dead yet.

What's even more outrageous is that traces of the seal were sensed in the patient's abdomen. Judging from the sketched notes, it seems to be a very high-end one.

So what happened to this humanoid creature pretending to be the author?

Have you ever been crushed by a meteorite outside the earth?

Noah watched as Tsunade's expression changed from surprise to shock, then to disbelief, then to fear, and finally to confusion.

No wonder she looked like she had never seen the world, Orochimaru had the same dumbfounded look at the beginning.

At present, the ninja world has not yet entered the painting style of surface war, so naturally it cannot understand the cruelty of extraterrestrial war.

The power of the God of Otsutsuki is indeed abnormal. The physique cultivated in the world of pirates has been sublimated in the world of Xingyue. It should have been extremely powerful, but its combat power is a bit limited when it comes to random bursts of stars.

The cracks on his body are now less than when he first arrived in the Ninja Continent. The Holy Grail has been relying on the will of the people of the Land of Rain to eliminate those overbearing foreign forces.

Thinking back to the sad days when Xiaobai had to be possessed to start a war, I am now living very happily.

It's just that in the eyes of people who don't know what's going on, there is no difference between 99% and 90% being on the verge of death.

You are not sick, but injured. Eat more good food.

After saying this, Tsunade immediately prepared to retreat.

And very unusually, she asked Shizune to return the 190 million taels she had received previously.

She admitted that she was timid.

The creature in human skin in front of him is a super strong person, or was a super strong person before.

The risks of getting involved in such an incident for this little money far outweigh the benefits.

That idiot Jiraiya must have been deceived. This author and he are completely different people.

It seems that the curse has come true here. After all, I was careless and my train of thought was disrupted by that bastard.

Tsunade-sama, do you really not want to give it another try? How about another 100 million ryo?

Don't think of me as an idiot like Jiraiya!

Although Tsunade was almost swayed again, she still refused the temptation with her own courage.

It is simply wishful thinking for the enemy to use sugar-coated bullets to knock her down. She is a princess of the very wealthy Thousand Hands clan.

Just the value of the necklace on his chest is scary to say the least.

I am short of money and just want to go to the casino to take classes. I am not an idiot who really believes in money.

When Noah saw that the money tactic was not working, he had to resort to plan two, and the role of Orochimaru was revealed at this time.

After receiving the signal, he spoke in the calmest tone.

Let Tsunade go, just leave this place to me.

This kind of thing is no longer within the scope of medical ninjutsu. After all, medical ninjas have their limits.

With the materials you gave me before, I have more ideas, and there will be more soon.”

Tsunade, who had turned around and walked a few steps, suddenly felt a little stiff.

Can't do medical ninjutsu? Not within the scope of treatment?

Don't pretend you didn't hear what Orochimaru said, although it might be a very clumsy way to provoke him.

The most successful thing she did in her life was to promote the medical ninjutsu system and establish medical standards and manuals.

It can be said that most ninjas in the ninja world have to accept the favor of this medical saint.

One of the most annoying comments in my life was the comment about the uselessness of medical ninjas.

As for the limits of medical treatment, how much does this dabbler know? The fist is hard.

He turned around and walked up to Orochimaru.

This kind of statement could not shake the determination of a person who did not want to be involved in the trouble. Tsunade-hime still decided to leave, but before leaving, she just wanted to taunt Orochimaru.

Are you stupid to stay in Konoha? The stronger the vitality of a person, the harder it is to recover after being injured.

This guy is no longer injured, but an undead on the verge of death.

It won't be of any use to you for ten years, but I can put a few more flowers on his grave.

Tsunade was very confident when it came to her own profession, and no one she judged to be dead survived.

Tsunade has become even more arrogant after leaving Konoha.

Orochimaru's response was very decisive. One of his tasks today was to swell this old comrade's face.

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