Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1358 Xiao organization recruits new people

Orochimaru was in a good mood, Noah said that there was a new member of our organization today.

What's even better is that the other party doesn't know that he is joining the gang yet, which means he is another passive member.

This immediately aroused his curiosity. People who can make Noah take action personally are extraordinary existences in the ninja world.

Leaving aside the fact that he is the top scientist of the Fire Country, other people also have great backgrounds.

The original boss of the Kingdom of Rain, the top puppet genius of the Kingdom of Wind, the undead mercenary of the dark world, the fairy eye, the little girl whose test paper skills are becoming more and more abnormal, the former master of the sealing technique of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, the non-human race and Kujo The tailed demon fox and the really useful Xiaobai. Oh, and there is an ordinary little yellow hair.

These leaders and core personnel who were personally recruited are all very hard-working and highly irreplaceable.

Now Noah wants to find him to cooperate in recruiting people. Even if he is busy at work, he can still take some time to see things.

It's just a little strange that Leng Jun's face is quite famous in the ninja world. Will the other party really not suspect that this organization has any illegal problems when they see him?

Don't worry, you can count yourself as half of us.

Got it, from Konoha.

The relationship between the Akatsuki organization and Konoha is very subtle. To a certain extent, the framework, personnel, funds and materials, etc. can all be said to be sponsored by the Country of Fire.

It wouldn't be too much to bring in some more manpower. After all, Konoha Village is known as the cradle of geniuses.

Noah's answer made Orochimaru's mind begin to spin crazily.

In fact, the way of communication with Orochimaru has always been to ask questions and think about answers.

Smart people like Uncle Snake like this kind of more strenuous communication method to satisfy their little quirks.

Noah has a different way of communicating with everyone.

For example, Xie likes to be direct and straightforward. Just throw in a drawing and make a request, and the other party will definitely find a way to complete it.

Directly paying a financial director who believes in the god of wealth will work better than anything else.

When it comes to human nature, Noah has a very good handle on it.

After a while, Orochimaru did think of that candidate. This guy combined the recent developments in the Land of Rain, such as the hospital that was completed ahead of schedule and the purchase of some medical equipment.

Of course, the iconic casino pretty much made it clear who was coming.

During the reform of the Kingdom of Rain, there are strict regulations on the construction of some entertainment venues. Noah has always been very repulsive to places like casinos.

Just to maintain the attraction, there is still a plan, and additional standards are stipulated that nationals of the Land of Rain are not allowed to enter.

But some time ago, it was suddenly raised to a higher level, and the answer is ready to come out.

“It would be worth it if it were her, but me being here might be counterproductive.

You know about Mu Dun.

Don't get me wrong, simple persuasion is almost useless for a strong person, so I asked Mr. Orochimaru to come here just to participate in the treatment of my physical injuries.

As for the reward, it mainly uses the top materials of the ninja world such as White Zetsu, Heretic Golem, Wood Release Cell, etc. What do you think of the effect?

The effect is so good. Orochimaru, my dignified commander-in-chief of the Konoha Front, who pursues immortality, now works overtime every day without feeling tired.

It's almost like a foul payment.

What's even more terrifying is that he even handed over his own body for research. For a doctor, Noah's body is also a kind of miracle.

Orochimaru had already seen the current injuries, and they were beyond his ability to understand.

As a strong man who has always been at the pinnacle of medical ninjutsu, how can he not be tempted after seeing these materials?

With so many routines, who wouldn’t be confused?

He also asked himself to cover up, so that the source of the more sensitive things would be known. He was really a bad guy.

Orochimaru showed a perverted smile.

Why are you inexplicably looking forward to having a good friend join you?

By the way, it would be interesting if we could finally bring that idiot Jiraiya into the mix. The Sannin gathered in the Land of Rain. I wonder what the people in Konoha would think?

Especially Sarutobi-sensei's expression must be wonderful.

Orochimaru helped him with this task, but of course he still had to fight for the benefits.

Ahem, the Yang Dun project to enhance internal organs requires Tsunade's cooperation, and an additional portion of the funds will be added.

no problem.

Can Kabuto arrange to study under Tsunade for a period of time? This child's talent in medical ninjutsu cannot be buried.

Of course, the seedlings of the Akatsuki organization need to be taken care of.

I also asked her to diagnose Shisui's eyes. Currently, the research on the Sharingan is still in the project establishment stage, so I can't provide any help.

Yes, Senju is professional in the study of Sharingan.

The good teacher Orochimaru decisively strives for some welfare for his disciples.

As for myself, I really don’t ask for anything.

The Land of Rain has satisfied all his pursuits and even overflowed.

This place brought him endless happiness and troubles.

All kinds of magical research were being thrown at him one after another, but he didn't have the ability to catch them one by one. This process of climbing to the top was already intoxicating.

The two of them drank tea and discussed the next little trick in a very evil way.

In the end, Orochimaru was impressed by the fact that Noah's subsequent routine was one after another, and no one could get out of it.

Either leave people behind or leave behind lives, there really is no room left.

Then Tsunade came.

After entering the courtyard, Tsunade was in a very bad mood and wanted to turn around and leave.


In a short period of time, he saw Jiraiya and then Orochimaru.

The three sannin wandering in the ninja world met one by one. This feeling was not only ominous, but also simply weird.

There's something wrong with this country of broken rain.

It was a bit rude to turn around and leave, so I could only force myself to put on a bad face and come to an old acquaintance and exchange a few simple greetings.

Then he pointed the finger at the author named Adam.

Does a writer from the Land of Rain have such a wide network of contacts? Don't think I'm a fool.

A few days ago, a fool named Jiraiya recommended me to come to you for treatment. Now that Orochimaru is here again, it seems that you are not an ordinary author.

Tsunade-sama has misunderstood. The reason why she invited Orochimaru-sama here is to treat herself. Many famous doctors have been invited but they are unable to do anything, so it is understandable that people do crazy things when they are about to die, right?

Noah looked at the other person sincerely and said that he was really a person who was particularly afraid of death.

Tsunade was speechless because of this. Indeed, it would not be a bad thing to hire a few more doctors since there were almost no people left.

But Orochimaru is barely half a doctor, and his methods are slightly unorthodox.

Uncle Snake beside him had very calm eyes, like a ruthless tool man.

Okay, you have a point.

Next, Tsunade plans to start a preliminary examination. If it can be cured, she will quickly treat it and leave.

After entering the Kingdom of Rain, most of the time I felt like I had fallen into a trap.

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