Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 136 Epiphany in Crisis

On an ordinary small island in the East China Sea, a girl was walking among the crowd holding an ordinary long knife. With red eyes, long black hair, and a black windbreaker, her unique temperament sets her apart from the surrounding islanders.

It was Koina who went by the pseudonym Chitong. Of course, she was not holding the demon sword Muramasa, but an ordinary refined knife.

Naturally, I came here to comply with the master's request. I just need to hunt a pirate with a bounty of no less than 1 million beli on my own. Don't underestimate this number. Those who can be listed on the navy's wanted list are all guys with certain strength. No matter how low the bounty is, they are opponents that cannot be underestimated for Kuina who is embarking on the road of swordsmanship for the first time.

Think about Baki, who started as a pirate leader with only 15 million Baileys in the East China Sea, fought all the way to madness, fought from the East China Sea to the Undersea Prison, and then from the Undersea Prison to the Navy Headquarters, and finally became the Four Emperors One, side by side with my good friend Shanks.

There is also Tony Tony Chopper who started at a lower level. Qiao Shen is even more inspiring. He went from being worth 50 Baileys to, well, 100 Baileys. He also followed Luffy through bloody battles. He fought against all the opponents, from the God of Sky Island to the former Yonko BIGMOM.

So the World Government's bounty really only has a certain reference value.

Guina's target this time was selected by herself. Rosago, a pirate who changed jobs and became the leader of a slave-catching group. This person can be considered a legend, I learned from the intelligence.

Rosago used to be a senior pirate, and he did a lot of burning, killing and looting, so the East China Sea Navy Branch offered a reward of 1.5 million Baileys. The most powerful thing is that he joined 7 pirate groups in the East China Sea. As a result, all 7 pirate groups were wiped out due to various reasons, and he was the only one who survived.

I really don't know if it's good luck or bad luck, but he has almost no room to get a tattoo of the pirate group's logo from the seven previous pirate groups. This bizarre experience led to the fact that no pirate group was willing to accept him anymore, and the people who lived in the sea were more or less superstitious.

When he originally planned to join the popular Bucky Pirates in the East China Sea, the leader of a slave ship found him and asked him if he wanted to do this business. As he said, if he was given enough money, he would do anything and be decisive. On board.

Since he left the pirate business, his luck seems to have improved. After transporting this batch of goods, he can have a good rest for a while. The leader will give him a large bonus.

In the evening, Rosago came to the tavern with his two particularly talkative brothers in a happy mood, intending to relax quietly. Originally, he was not allowed to come out and relax while transporting goods, but this was not the first time Rosago had done this. He was a veteran.

At this time, in a corner outside the tavern, a pair of dark red eyes were staring at the target entering the tavern. Guina has been following the target for a while. In her opinion, the target is very vigilant. He may have some strength, but if he's caught by surprise, he can try to kill him with one hit.

Choose the time after the target has finished drinking and left the tavern. At that time, the opponent's strength will be weakened by the alcohol, and you will be more confident. This is one of the master's teachings. You must learn to actively weaken the enemy's strength, or you can wait for the enemy to weaken his combat power.

Thinking of the battle that he is about to face, the first time that he will fight to the death, it is too cruel. Is this the real sea?

He nervously touched the pocket in his windbreaker, which contained the secret gemstone gray powder from Noah's sect. I didn't expect that this secret weapon could provide a hint of courage at this time. I wonder if the master would have been nervous at this time as well.

No, you can't think divergently, you have to concentrate at this time. Although the target has already entered the tavern, it is logically impossible to come out without some time, but Noah specifically said that everything is possible.

Continuing to wait silently, the alley was quiet, with only the sound of wind coming.

Suddenly a chill surged into her heart, and her instinct made her roll forward to avoid it. From the corner of her eye, she saw a tachi reflecting the moonlight passing over her head.

This is Rosago! how come!

Hey hey hey hey, why am I here? Why not in the tavern? Please, you are following me so obviously. It's hard for me not to notice. I just didn't expect that the person following me turned out to be a little girl. Who sent you here? Mi Sheila? Or Hashimoto? No, neither is possible.

He glanced at Guina with lustful eyes.

Kuina was very upset at this time. She failed in her first hunt and was touched behind by the enemy. It was such a failure.

With such a good product, those two guys are not willing to send it out to do this. No matter what, please don't resist, okay. If it's injured, it won't be worth anything!

That's what he said, but that's not what Rosago did. Without any warning, he raised his hand and slashed with a knife. There was no plan, only a fierce killing intent, and the blade went directly to his head.

He pretended to take down Kuina without any injuries and made his opponent relax, but he actually used his killing moves to kill the opponent. His skillful techniques tricked many people to death at a glance.

Fortunately, Guina had a solid foundation in swordsmanship and instinctively drew her sword to block the attack, otherwise she would have died.

So heavy! There's something wrong with this guy's strength. Does he really only have 1.5 million Baileys? You can't go head-to-head, you have to find a way to use your body shape and agility to fight in close quarters.

After making up his mind, he pushed the back of the sword with his other hand to block the sword first, then used the steps of Shuoyue Kendo to get closer and stabbed with the sword.

But Rosago had already expected this, and he struck the head with the knife without hesitation. He could only hide, and Guina was forced to retreat.

The pressure brought by these two short moves was far greater than the sparring in the gym, and her breathing was a little heavy. Looks like I’m going to try the master’s killer move!

Oh~ It's a very orthodox swordsmanship. The little girl has a well-known master. I wonder if you have ever killed anyone? Have you ever thought that you would die in this dark alley today?

Saying that, he pounced forward again, slashing with his sword, opening and closing widely, which made Kuina tired of parrying and unable to display her swordsmanship. While fighting, Rosago was still talking trash.

My two younger brothers have already gone back to call people over, so you'd better abandon your sword and surrender. I can also give you a separate cage to lock you up. Isn't it good for you, hahahaha.

Guina remained silent and continued to fight. She has found the feeling. This kind of blood boiling, this kind of pleasure of wandering between life and death, makes her very obsessed. She is also a natural swordsman.

Rosago felt a little bored when he found that his opponent was no longer panicking, and he stopped talking trash. It would not be fun if the boat capsized. After a while, noisy footsteps were heard in the distance. This was the arrival of the slave-catching team.

In order not to lose face in front of his younger brother, Rosago planned to win his opponent in advance. Spotting a flaw, she swung the knife over. As if she had just discovered the flaw, Guina couldn't avoid it, and the knife was slashed to the outside of her windbreaker.

It's now!


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