Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1355 The triggerer of the curse, Jiraiya

Outside a casino somewhere in the Kingdom of Fire.

The casino owner blocked Tsunade with a bunch of IOUs and a letter.

You are the boss of Dongside Street, right? I remember your casino is about 10 days away from here. How come you are so far away?

Want to learn from other casinos’ advanced concepts? Hahahahaha.”

Tsunade smiled awkwardly. At this time, she used a smile to cover up her embarrassment. It would be careless.

Casinos are no less capable than ninjas in finding debtors. He had traveled almost halfway across the Fire Country to hide his debts before being found by the other party.

Shizune felt an inexplicable numbness next to Tsunade, showing signs of premature aging at such a young age.

If someone traveled such a long distance to collect a debt, that would be a huge amount of money.

It’s just that the subsequent development was a bit beyond expectations.

I'm honored that you still remember me, Tsunade-sama.

The debts you owed in the past two years have been paid off for you, and here is a letter.

The casino owner said that he is a businessman and must be honest.

It's definitely not because of the kunai the other party placed on the bedside and his men with broken legs.

Tsunade was a little stunned for a moment. It had been a long time since she had an enemy come to help her pay off her debt.

In the past, every time I met such a rich man, all I would leave behind was the address of the casino. This is called not forgetting your original intention.

But recently, rich people and people who want to maintain relationships with top doctors have helped her pay off a round of debt.

As long as there are no new illnesses or accidents, it stands to reason that life should be a little more difficult in the past few years.

Who knew there were so many kind-hearted people in this world.

After knowing that she did not owe the other party, Tsunade immediately became proud and burned the original documents of the IOU very boldly. Then she picked up the letter and patted the other party's eyes, indicating that if she read it again, she would pluck out the eyeballs.

Leave quickly, don't affect my fortune today.

Yes, my lord.

The other party left here very respectfully. The casino owner only vaguely knew that this person had an unusual identity before, but now it seems that he is very unusual and cannot be offended.

Tsunade, who was in a happy mood, opened the letter at the entrance of the casino.

Ms. Medical Saint Tsunade personally endorses it.

A carefully worded invitation with a hint of nobility.

A writer from the Kingdom of Rain wrote a letter asking for help. The person was already terminally ill and was restored to life with the help of the sage.

The advance payment of 10 million taels has been paid. As for the casino's debt, it is an additional payment and is not included in the treatment cost.

The letter said that as long as Tsunade went there, she would pay the balance directly, and if the treatment was successful, she would receive a big gift.

A specific address was also attached, which was in a certain mansion in the Daming City of the Land of Rain.

A deposit of 10 million taels and medical expenses of 200 million taels. This amount

ah! He's that stubborn writer from the Land of Rain~~

Those 10 million taels have all been paid for tuition, and I didn't think about it for a while. Thinking about the dashing Tsunade some time ago, I had some aftertaste.

This author is the rarest patient she has ever seen in her many years of travel.

Moreover, he is also a super wealthy person, and his generous payment methods, including additional payment of gambling debts, are among the best among his previous customers.

Now that the other party is looking for her so seriously, it seems that her condition has worsened again. I really don't know what I wanted to do in the Country of Waves in the first place.

Forget it, let's respect our customers a little bit.

After Tsunade put the letter into her arms, she shook her arms energetically. She wanted to show off her operation with two hundred thousand taels before, but now it seems that the situation is too small.

Shizune, give me your last five hundred thousand taels!

Sir, this.

I will practice my skills in the Country of Fire first, and then I can kill everyone in a small country like the Country of Rain!

After that, there is a set of theories about deceiving children. Stud is a kind of wisdom, as long as you are brave.

In the end, Shizune reluctantly followed Tsunade-sama in to pay the tuition. A moment later, there was a commotion in the casino.

Some people cried for their fathers and started to prepare to jump off the building, some people quit the gambling world in disbelief, and some people even suspected Chu Qian.

Tsunade, with a solemn expression and eyes, walked out with Shizune.

The reason is simple, you win money.

Everyone who was looking forward to the big fat sheep directly lost a lot of money, and the so-called well-informed people who planned to bet on it died miserably.

Shizune, who was still young, didn't understand what it meant for Tsunade to win money. Only she knew that it represented a very scary thing, and that unfortunate things would happen around her.

This almost prophetic constant ability made Tsunade feel as if she was cursed.

She also wants to win money, but her ridiculous luck has surpassed that of her grandfather, and the consequences of winning money every time in her life are difficult to bear.

So where did the latest possible misfortune come from?

Konoha has no intention of going back. As for how the village was, she didn't have much emotion left in her heart.

She has no relatives except half Shizune.

After thinking for a long time, she still couldn't figure it out. The feeling of just waiting for something unfortunate to happen made her very irritable, and she wanted to randomly beat the bastard to death.

etc! The one who suddenly appeared recently is probably the strange author of the Kingdom of Rain, so I can’t go to the Kingdom of Rain.

This is what Tsunade thinks. Sometimes she is very rational but sometimes very superstitious.

Although this is the same as hiding one's ears and stealing the bell, it is still a way.

Noah didn't expect that he would be ruined by such unreasonable things when he was building a hospital and a casino.

Fortunately, the assist from the Immortal arrived directly.

Hey, Tsunade, long time no see.

A somewhat familiar voice came.

A bold man with long white hair, tall figure and wearing wooden clogs walked out of the alley.

Jiraiya walked out of the alley and saw the woman he had been dreaming about, and his heart was swayed by it.

The friendships of the past years and all kinds of feelings beyond friendship are brewing in my heart.

It's just that he can never compare with a dead person, so this love is hidden deep in his heart.

Seeing such a face, he couldn't help but say something.

It's so big.


There was a loud noise, and a humanoid object flew through the air in the town and crashed into the fields outside the village.

Ha! It turns out it has nothing to do with the Land of Rain. It's because I met this idiot Jiraiya that I became unlucky.

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief, but she would still be unwilling to give up the huge balance.

It's hard to get anything good every time you meet Jiraiya, and I really don't want to have anything to do with people in Konoha.

A moment later, in the izakaya, two old classmates who were traveling abroad were toasting.

Shizune sat aside holding a bowl and observing silently. She was looking forward to seeing another Sannin.

Jiraiya rubbed the broken ribs on his body and let out a slight chill. He was a bitch-tongued and then got punched unprepared, only to break a rib, so he really earned it.

The two of them drank a few drinks without much chatting, and then talked about the current situation in the ninja world.

Orochimaru's departure from the village made both of them extremely sad, and the war between Konoha and Kumo ninja also had to be talked about.

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