Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1354: Medical Saint Tsunade-sama personally initiates

This greatly increased Kakashi's invisibility authority in the mountains.

All kinds of toads, large and small, can remember all the characteristics and names by looking at them with the Sharingan. After marking them, they can blend into them.

However, unlike previous senjutsu heirs, Kakashi has a calmer style, not as heroic as Jiraiya nor as sunny and cheerful as Namikaze Minato.

Therefore, it is not very harmonious to get along with a big-brother-type figure like Gama Buntai. Communication with fists may be more suitable after the injury is healed.

During this period, the two immortals admired Kakashi very much.

Shima Sennin is because Kakashi can eat the special insect dishes she made without changing his expression.

Fukasaku Sage admires Kakashi's calm mind, as if everything is not in his heart.

At first glance, he looks like a good candidate for practicing immortality. And the compatibility between the body and the magic of immortality should be very high.

Kakashi's senjutsu training officially began after his body no longer needed the puppet jutsu threads.

This is what he asked for, and time is precious.

At this stage, being able to practice with peace of mind is already a very luxurious act. The war between the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire has not stopped yet.

And he is already considered the main fighting force in Konoha. In order that his comrades and companions will not continue to sacrifice, he wants to have the ability to end the war.

So I asked for early practice.

With the foundation of his previous journey to hell, he believed that he could endure other forms of practice.

The practice of immortality does not require high physical fitness, so even injuries will not affect it.

In response to Kakashi's insistence, Fukasaku Sennin said he could try it first.

By combining the absorbed natural energy with your own physical energy and mental energy, and balancing the three energies in a three-thirds ratio of 1:1:1, you can condense the magic chakra.

Practice is also quite demanding. The most difficult thing is the perception of natural energy.

There are many amazing and talented people in the ninja world for thousands of years. The mere ability to sense natural energy has stopped most people.

This is talent, and it may also be the last glimmer of old-fashioned power.

Fukasaku Sage has not experienced the history of the Frog Country, but only heard the Great Toad Sage talk about the past glory when he was very young.

In that era, only the proud ones could master the power of nature, not magical chakra but the pure power of nature.

Until the emergence of chakra, the Great Toad Sage accompanied the Six Paths Sage in the outside world and experienced magnificent super-standard wars.

After returning, the Holy Land was officially established.

The power of nature has also become magic, and the connection with human beings has always maintained a special spokesperson method.

As the real person in charge of Mt. Myoboku, Fukasaku still hopes that these human successors can become famous and add some prestige to Mt. Myoboku.

At the very least, those stupid snakes in Longdi Cave should be beaten down.

Kakashi has some understanding of Fukasaku's last sentence. The teacher once said that there was a level of energy in the era when there was no chakra thousands of years ago, but that is all in the past.

As long as there is power that can be used, it can bloom on its own path.

Senjutsu can bless various abilities, including ninjutsu, taijutsu, illusion, perception, physical fitness, and kendo.

This kind of power is just right for him, after all, the enemies in the future are not just the Fourth Raikage.

Just in case, I mean just in case there is a master-level master who is proficient in various escape techniques, forbidden techniques, and physical techniques, Xianjutsu may be his more important support.

Fukasaku remembered for a while and then told Kakashi several key points of senjutsu practice.

First of all, the cultivator himself possesses a large amount of chakra. Otherwise, he would be swallowed up by the power of nature.

In this regard, Kakashi barely meets the standard. During the mission in the Land of Snow, he spent a lot of time in a healing state wrapped in Yang Release.

As a result, part of the body has changed, which has surpassed its original self.

The five or five cards in the original timeline may not have the chance to practice magic in their lifetime.

Secondly, you need to be calm!

Only a balance between mental energy, physical energy and natural energy can be achieved. This is Jing Gong.

Absorbing natural energy requires immobility, and it is impossible to remain immobile during combat.

Separate the stillness that gathers natural energy and the motion that engages in battle, and utilize the sage mode to the maximum.

Jiraiya could only practice the Immortal Technique of Mount Myouki, the Two Life Technique, due to his talent. This is a technique that allows Sentoad Sento to fuse with a part of his own body and continue to maintain fighting status.

Although Naruto has the potential to practice the perfect Sage mode, he is unable to practice the Two Life Technique due to the lack of cooperation of the Kyuubi, so he chooses to leave a clone to store the Senjutsu Chakra on his behalf, and continue to use it when needed.

Kakashi didn't want to choose either.

The Two Life Technique is a flaw for an enemy with exaggerated combat experience and perfect overall strength. The Shadow Clone Technique has a great impact on the main body's strength and he cannot use it.

The original Namikaze Minato was also stuck at this step, and could only maintain a short-term fighting outbreak.

That's why he didn't rely on senjutsu to continue to kill everyone in the ninja world, otherwise the genius who entered sage mode in seconds might have higher achievements.

So I have to consider which mode to choose. It would be great if I could freely enter the immortal mode with the main body.

As for the practice of Jing Gong, it can be said that it is a matter of course, and the state of mind is already commonplace for a certain little white-haired boy.

As for the toad oil's ability to sense natural energy, the progress is average. Being able to sense it means that I am qualified to cross the threshold, but my talent is average.

According to Fukasaku, he is a little stronger than little Jiraiya.

The qualification to be one of the three ninjas was indeed considered a compliment, but he was not satisfied with this.

We must find a way to change all this. Shuoyue Kendo once said that it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

So what special features do you have that you can take advantage of?

Kendo ninjutsu will? will!

Wouldn't it be okay if the natural energy didn't flow into the body so naturally?

This question left Fukasaku Sennin quite speechless. What you said was like a tongue twister.

It is because of this particularity that natural energy is close to being lost. Do you think no one has worked hard or innovated in these thousands of years? All are impossible.

Well, Miaomushan, can you deliver a letter to me?

Send it to where?

The Kingdom of Rain. One of my teachers teaches there and I need to ask you something.

Okay, but try not to let too many people know about Miaomu Mountain.


There is no shame in asking for help outside the court. Whether it is Mr. Adam or Mr. Soyousuke, there will definitely be different methods.

The land of rain.

Immortal magic?

Noah smiled and asked Kakashi to be calm and practice in the Holy Land first. After a while, there will be a way to solve this problem.

Orochimaru alone is not enough. Jugo's current natural energy fusion experiments have been ranked far behind.

There is a shortage of people.

It happened that some small projects had been accepted ahead of schedule, so I picked up another piece of paper and started writing.

Ms. Medical Saint Tsunade personally endorses it.

I've been feeling depressed lately, so I might consider taking a day off. If I take a break, I will let everyone know in advance.

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