Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1356 It’s time to go to the Country of Rain to teach the banker a lesson

Okay, let's just say it. You're definitely not up to anything good when you come to me.

How is that possible? I came to see you this time for business.

For Sakumo's son? The Minato kid's apprentice heard that he was so brave on the Kumo ninja battlefield and even fought with the 4th Raikage. Is he about to die?

Tsunade's tone was full of mockery, she was just another brat who wanted to be Hokage.

She felt disgusted with the traces left by her two grandfathers and past life feelings in Konoha's heart, and she was also disgusted by the stench that Konoha later exuded.

As the best doctor in the ninja world, how could she not know about those private human experiments, and even the wood escape cell experiments were not hidden from her.

In addition to fear of blood and inner sadness, he ran away in anger, but also resented the fact that the village was in a state of chaos.

Kakashi has been sent to Mt. Myoboku for the immortals to heal him, and the child is different from the teacher.

In his heart, he loves the village even more passionately than Minato, and his behavior is a bit like your second grandfather.

I'm just saving people, and his future achievements are likely to be no lower than Minato's.


Tsunade was a little surprised.

Namikaze Minato was the ninja she had ever seen, second only to her second grandfather. Grandpa doesn’t count. Grandpa is not a human being.

Minato was the second to learn the flying thunder god technique. She herself was not qualified to learn the magic of immortality. As for sealing, it can be said that only the little girl Kushina can be better than this guy.

This child has learned several of the most perverted forbidden techniques in Konoha except for the Blood Succession Limit.

Later, he also developed the Muji Ninjutsu Rasengan himself, and his talent was unparalleled.

Just because Jiraiya didn't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, it showed that the awkward kid from the Hatake family really showed a different style back then.

Forget it, the bloody thunder has nothing to do with me, and I don't have the Will of Fire.

If you're not looking for me to save someone, then what's the point?

Watching Tsunade drink, Jiraiya almost started to commit suicide again, but in the end his will to survive saved him.

The main thing is to see you. By the way, I have a friend who is a writer in the Land of Rain. His body.

Huh? The writer you are talking about looks bookish, with black hair, black eyes, many fine wounds on his body, and his vitality is on the verge of being extinguished.

Have you met him?

I met him by chance on Jiubian Street. He paid a deposit of ten million taels and wanted me to go to the Land of Rain to treat him.

Oh~~~It's okay then.

Both Jiraiya and Tsunade thought it was a coincidence that one person could meet two Sannin who were wandering in the outside world.

But as mentioned before, it is really not difficult to meet Tsunade in the Land of Fire.

As for Jiraiya, he met him in Konoha Village, so it was reasonable.

After three drinks, someone tried to muster up the courage to say something.

I really miss the Country of Rain. We suffered a lot there back then, and I don't know if Sansho Hanzo is still as domineering as before.

Do you want me to go with you? It's safer for two of us.

Jiraiya might have boldly launched his own attack because of the alcohol.

don't want.

Then was coldly rejected. The crispness made him feel sad, and he was driven away after chatting for a few words.

Some things are better left undisclosed, so that you can keep your distance and at least have a chance to talk.

So this is an unfortunate thing?

Every time she saw Jiraiya, she would be disturbed by memories of the past, thinking of the people who kept passing away in her life.

Then Tsunade took Shizune on the road.

Now that it is certain that something unfortunate has happened, it is time to make money and have fun in the Land of Rain.

The two of them started to rush to the Kingdom of Rain. With a huge sum of money hanging around, they were happy even if they were on the road.

On the way, Tsunade also gave Shizune some information about the situation in this small country.

A country that rains all year round, as the junction of the three kingdoms of fire, wind and earth, has been turned into a mess by the three big countries.

The people inside no longer live like human beings, and children have to run to the most dangerous places to find food.

There are a lot of bases here for bandits, bandits, rogue ninjas, and various secret organizations.

If Hanzo, the Sanshouyu, hadn't suddenly appeared and protected the core Rain Ninja Village, allowing them to maintain a certain degree of deterrence, the country would really be over.

Balabala talked so much that Shizune lost all expectations for this country after listening to it.

This is the truest look of the ninja world. Not all countries are as peaceful as the Fire Nation.

In the Kingdom of Fire, there are some bandit Langnin in the border areas, but there are still large towns in the core area that are still safe.

The guy named Adam must not have earned so much money from writing. Maybe his family is a big name from the Land of Rain or a top noble.

This kind of person should be killed severely.

In this way, while walking and popularizing science, the two finally arrived at the border between the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Fire.

After using a huge stone to hammer away several daring gangsters from a distance, Tsunade led her apprentice across the border.

Although I'm afraid of blood, just throw it away and stop looking at it. As for the puddles of meat sauce, just let nature digest it.

The problem before us now is more difficult.

Tsunade-sama, is this the land of rain that is a mess of mud as you mentioned?

The little Shizune asked a soul question, which made a certain Sannin feel a little confused.

Before, I told this child how the Country of Fire was peaceful and how the Country of Rain was the place of three wars and the reasons and current situation.

As a result, after crossing the border, I found that there were no bandits at all in the border area.

This is simply outrageous. When did the security in this country become like this? Are everyone dead?

What's even more outrageous is that they are now walking on a solid road.

Based on the soil layer and road conditions, this road should not be opened for a long time.

The endless distance that can be seen at a glance really makes people wonder, what is their purpose of building this road?

It couldn't be for the purpose of marching straight into the Kingdom of Fire to transport troops. This is simply ridiculous.

Tsunade felt a little strange and continued walking deeper into the Land of Rain with Shizune, and then she saw the Rain Ninja.

The reputation of the Rain Ninja is similar to that of the Mist Blade, both are known for being bloody and ruthless.

If the two ninjas in front of them dare to do anything, they will face the iron fist of the three ninjas, hum.

Hello, sorry, please fill out the form. Please provide your name, purpose of entering the Country of Rain, and any credentials if you have any.

Gentle and polite.

Is this forehead protector fake? He obviously smells of the blood of an old ninja. Why is he acting so civilized?

After Shizune filled out the form honestly and showed the letter, the other party politely said that she was sorry for bothering her.

He also asked them politely if they needed an escort.

After Tsunade said that she didn't need it, she was prompted to go to the town ahead and there was a public carriage that could be rented. You could take the carriage to the outskirts of the new town and then transfer to the rail car, which would save time.

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