Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1353 It’s okay to take a bath in toad oil

Fukasaku was a little confused, but as the guardian of the Great Immortal, it immediately came to his side to protect him.

Sage, it's me, Jiraiya.

But Tomamaru's mind was not on Jiraiya at all, but looked past him and saw the little white hair behind him who looked a little wary.

The smell of outside the bounds!

The reason why Gamamaru had such a big reaction was because he felt the aura of the red meteor that streaked across the sky of the ninja world from the visitor.

War, death, disaster, catastrophe, and the intertwining of fate.

In short, all the factors that affect the world are wrapped in it, and then a prophecy is made to destroy the people of the ninja world.

When the aura carried by this young man was somewhat similar, it instantly smelled the great terror.

Then the power of nature returns to the original body along with the mind.

But at the same time, the power of prophecy was activated again.

Time was stretched, and in a world that seemed like a dream but not a dream, Gamamaru once again witnessed the scene of the ninja world and the holy land burning in fire.

This time it was still the ominous Sharingan and the terrifying enemy. I even saw a certain figure looking at it and saying something or threatening something.

In the long river of time, someone is communicating with the present self through the future self. That guy actually understands the existence of prophetic dreams so well?

One person and one toad started a brief conversation in this strange place.

In the end, Gamamaru was so shocked that he almost fell to the ground. The future world was so dangerous that even Kaguya...

Even if both Hagoromo and Hamura are here, you may not be able to live in Kabuto.

The prophecy dissipated before it could finish speaking, and it woke up again.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit tense, and I felt helpless as toads kept coming outside the temple. It seemed like it was getting bigger.

Wen Tai and several sworn brothers have blocked the sun, holding short daggers and ready to take action at any time.

Haha, who is coming~~~

Then its breath calmed down, and it lay back on the recliner feebly like the old toad it had seen when it first arrived.

It's just that the waves in my heart can't be calmed down at all. So he used his intermittent amnesia technique to fool everyone and the toad.

All the toads were a little speechless, please~~ The storm of natural energy just now was felt by every toad, and now the boss is doing it again.

Wen Tai swore that he had never felt the aura of the Great Toad Immortal from the time he was born until now. This time it was indeed an eye-opener.

There must be a secret behind this sudden change that Toad doesn't know about.

However, everyone was relieved that there were no further actions. The Holy Land, which had been peaceful for a long time, really didn't want to make trouble.

In the end, they were all kicked out by Fukasaku, but before leaving, all the toads looked at Kakashi with doubts.

Could it be this crippled kid who could cause such fluctuations? Anyway, Wentai didn't believe it was Jiraiya.

Little Jiraiya, long time no see.

Immortal, we did this a few days ago

In the end, the Great Toad Sage said that the new contractor of Mount Myoboku was a good boy and asked Fukasaku to teach the sage mode well.

At this time, Tomamaru, who seemed to have thought of something, added another sentence.

By the way, it is said that this child has very good potential, so the methods can be more drastic.

You can use toad oil for bathing and it'll be fine, hehehehehehehe.

Fukasaku was speechless. The practice of senjutsu was extremely dangerous. Even the toads from Mt. Miaomu couldn't bear it. Wouldn't it be too harsh for an ordinary human being?

Still taking a bath? Does the immortal want a stone statue of a human boy?

Even if the Great Immortal said so, it could only agree openly, hoping that this child would not give up after receiving training.

Kakashi, on the other hand, felt a familiar malice, just like the feeling before being hacked by Soyousuke-sensei.

The instinctive feeling is feedback, I will definitely not be bored in the Holy Land.

Later, Jiraiya saw that Kakashi had initially accepted this kind of life on Mt. Myouki, and he was leaving.

He went to the battlefield to save Kakashi because his writer friend mentioned this child, and then he remembered that he had not cared about his disciple for a long time.

When I inquired again, I happened to be in a crisis, so I took my own action impulsively.

He was originally a prodigal hero wandering in the ninja world, and he stayed for a long time just for Kakashi's sake.

It's just that the fact that Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, wandered into the ninja world has probably become a piece of information that cannot be ignored in the major ninja villages. He can no longer wander around as casually as before.

Maybe others thought he was a spy sent by Sarutobi Hiruzen, but in short, the price paid to save Kakashi was too high.

I'm leaving. If you don't understand anything in Miaomu Mountain, you can ask Kosuke Toad. This guy is still very reliable.

You have signed a contract with Miaobu Mountain. Every toad on the mountain can be summoned by relying on the chakra link with the holy land.

It's just that it's best for powerful toads to communicate and communicate in person, and then summon them after gaining their approval.

The psychic beasts in the Holy Land have great autonomy.

The words from the bottom of his heart changed Kakashi's view of this wandering Sannin a lot.

After all, he is a lifesaver. After liberating Konoha, he must let him retire in Konoha with peace of mind.

Thank you very much for your help, Jiraiya-sama.

Without waiting for him to continue thanking Jiraiya, he used the counter-spiritual technique freely and left here. He always felt that there was something a little abnormal about the little white-haired boy in front of him.

He hurriedly continued his journey in the ninja world. He still had no clue about the important task of finding the Child of Destiny. It was really disturbing that the Man of Destruction had made a little progress.

It was temporarily inconvenient for Jiraiya to leave the Fire Country, so he could only find something to do to kill time and cool down the eyes on him.

As for what he had a good idea to do, it was considered a meritorious thing, that is, to cure diseases and save people.

This friend of the author indirectly saved Kakashi, so he owed him a favor.

The point is that you can take the opportunity to meet Tsunade.

It's not too much to get in touch with him on business, and it can also fulfill his reputation as a hero who never forgets his friends.

It's just the Land of Rain. If Tsunade doesn't mind, she can accompany her there, hehehehehe

The old man's heart suddenly became restless.

Kakashi, who stayed behind, continued to treat his injuries at Mt. Myoboku, while also observing the existence of the holy land.

He is very curious about three existences independent of this world.

Along with the slow recovery from the injury, he also started a formal trip to the Holy Land.

Kakashi already has his own reputation in Mt. Myouki as a human being who can move the great Toad Sage.

Countless big toads and little toads will quietly watch this person who moves on the puppet string. Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato didn't get this treatment when they first came here.

The inheritor who has been personally certified by the Great Toad Sage even told Fukasaku Sage that he could practice celestial arts with confidence and boldness because of his unlimited potential. This word has spread throughout the mountains.

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