Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1350 Bloody Thunder is truly famous among the five major countries

If it breaks through further, it may really reach the level of the shadow, and it can be used as an unconventional combat force in war.

Staying in Mt. Myoboku should be a magic trick.

The Sandaime knew the power of senjutsu, and he would not be fooled by Jiraiya's crotch-pulling senjutsu.

The first generation master was a contractor of Shigu Forest. At that time, the concept of immortal magic was powerful.

It has a huge improvement effect on the gods of the ninja world. This kind of magic is very enviable by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

However, through the personal demonstration of Jiraiya, a disciple, it shows that the threshold for immortal magic is really high, and it may not be suitable for everyone.

There's no telling how much Kakashi could gain from this.

Then the imminent question is how to face the furious fourth generation Raikage and the all-out army of the Kingdom of Thunder.

It shouldn't be possible to rely on Fengfeng alone. The upper limit of the Akimichi clan's secret skills has been locked.

As you age, the power of the doubling technique will decrease very quickly.

A common problem among taijutsu ninjas is that their glorious time is extremely short.

So, let's have a meeting.

Within just a few days, Konoha held another high-level meeting.

This is the information, Kakashi has been rescued by Jiraiya, who I sent.

Next, I plan to lead several ninjas from the elder families in the village to the front line, and the heads of other ninja clans will also provide support.

This time we must not let the Kingdom of Thunder reach the village entrance, otherwise all of us will be nailed to Konoha's Pillar of Shame.

After understanding the information, everyone also promised to share the pressure on the village.

Konoha seems to be in danger, but it has a deep foundation. The third generation of adults is still in the stage of being able to fight, and there are successors like Kakashi among the younger generations.

This big ship will never sink.

Only by providing help in times of need can the status and division of interests of each family in the village be stabilized.

War supplies and mobilization time are being discussed step by step.

At this time, the ANBU minister suddenly rushed in. This was a very rude thing, but the situation was very urgent and there was no need to worry about it.

He came behind the Sandaime and made a gesture.

Urgent information!

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes widened immediately after he unfolded the scroll, and then looked at the ANBU minister with suspicion.

The other party nodded seriously. This information was obtained at a great price.

Ahem, the pre-war meeting is temporarily postponed. Everyone goes back to prepare for the battle and wait for my notification at any time.

Everyone looked at each other and then left the Hokage Tower.

Duanzo, I'll give you three days to confirm the information.


I don't know how many stories happened in the Cloud Ninja Village in three days. In the secret battle, Konoha finally won.

In other words, the root had the upper hand, relying on the deaths of several important Kumo ninja figures to confirm that the Fourth Raikage was indeed seriously injured.

“It’s impossible to predict exactly when recovery will take place.”

Sandai didn't expect such a good thing?

An unreliable idea jumped into his mind. Could it be that he was beaten by Kakashi?

Then he shook his head. When the child was rescued by Jiraiya, his bones were almost broken, and he was only a hair away from death.

The gap in combat power between the two is not so easy to bridge. The winner takes all with the speed ninja.

As for Jiraiya, it was impossible, there was no mention of it in the intelligence.

How did that get injured? It couldn't be that he was injured by the fall.

However, this sudden change can be considered a good thing. The war can continue to be fought with low intensity.

So the previous battle meeting was reconvened and the confirmed information was announced.

I was shocked again.

Then Sarutobi Hiruzen said that the current situation was uncertain and he would wait and see for a while. For the sake of caution, he dispatched several ninjas from the elder ninja clan to support Akimichi Fengfeng.

By the way, the combatants who went to the front line in the first wave were rotated to rest.

Others are still ready to be called upon.

After the anticlimactic meeting, the Sandaime felt something strange, so he asked the Anbu Genbu to help find out how the Raikage was injured?

By the way, the news that Bloody Thunder was still alive was spread in the village, focusing on the part where Jiraiya rushed to the battlefield under the dispatch of the Third Hokage.

The atmosphere in the village was indeed a little more relaxed.

In the end, Koharu and Mito Menyan were asked to spread the news about Raikage's injury through secret channels.

If Konoha can get this information, it must not be hidden. Following the principle of one family in the ninja world, the other three major ninja villages can also get it.

How tempting would it be to have a fourth-generation Raikage who was clearly seriously injured?

The Kingdom of Water is on the side of the Kingdom of Thunder, and the sea route can attack the huge military body of the mainland at any time.

There is also the third Tsuchikage Onoki who loves stud the most.

They had killed the third Raikage, so it wouldn't be too much to send the fourth generation to a father-son reunion.

The hatred between the two villages is really deep.

The land of earth.


The corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at this information about the Cloud Ninja Village from Konoha Village.

I had previously thought about attacking Konoha again, but ended up reluctantly giving up because of the lack of high-level combat power.

Now we see that the Fourth Raikage has fallen, and it’s because the top management is not strong enough to even think about stud.

Hate it!

After missing the best opportunity twice, the resentment in his heart towards the Third Raikage and the Fourth Hokage had reached a peak.

What are these two countries doing? Why do you always put such opportunities in front of me?

Quit, really quit. The will of stone is as firm as a rock in my heart. Don't try to tempt me again.

Frustrated in his heart, he threw this information aside and continued to train Deidara.

A moment later there was another flash of anger.

What kind of technique are you practicing? Why is the clay made like this?

Ninjutsu is about using all methods to achieve the goal, not all the fancy styles.

Which strong person would put all their effort into something like this?

This is art, you don't understand.

Hmph, Hatake Kakashi can already escape from the hands of the Fourth Raikage. You can never catch up with him by playing in the mud.

About escaping unharmed is a fake news spread in Konoha, and Onoki is also very aware of this trick.

However, in order to encourage Xiao Huangmao, he still raised his hand in cooperation.

Old man Hatake Kakashi, I'm going to have a meeting with this bloody thunder sooner or later. By then you will know the greatness of art!

You are not even willing to give up art. What a sin.

The old man was tired and felt that the future of Iwa Ninja Village was a bit dark. Loess and Black Earth's strength was okay, but his talent was not enough.

In the cruel ninja world, if you don't have the ability to break through the limits, you will ultimately be unable to bear the responsibility of the shadow.

I really envy Konoha, the cradle of genius is well-deserved.

The land of wind.

Luo Sha and the others have long since lost the ability to obtain information from the higher-ups of Yun Ninja. After all, these are things that require money and resources to support.

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