Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1351 Miaomu Mountain and the unexpected unfolding of the prophecy

The village is already extremely poor and has no energy to do this.

It was information sent from Konoha for unknown purposes.

After seeing it, I was slightly surprised and started to continue digging.

Kakashi is very strong, and Elder Chiyo will probably go berserk again after seeing this.

The Raikage was seriously injured, which was surprising, but it had nothing to do with a village like theirs that had a peace agreement signed.

It is impossible for Kazekage to cross the Fire Country and lead the team all the way to the Thunder Country. That would be courting death.

How could a ninja trust his so-called allies with his safety? Or forced to become allies.

The Kingdom of Wind must recuperate and recuperate, and there will be no actions to start a war.

It is even more impossible to serve as a gun for the Country of Fire. It seems that Konoha will not even spare the Sand Ninja Village until it is in a very embarrassing situation.

Deserve it.

As for the Kingdom of Water.

This country has been completely abandoned by everyone.

It's really strange that the other party doesn't want the information that Konoha sends to him, and concentrates on doing things internally.

Obito is busy killing the blood step family, and the blood step family is trying to kill the fourth generation Mizukage.

Let the battle between thunder and fire be left to him.

In short, Konoha sent a round of information, but the battle situation still strangely returned to the state before the Fourth Raikage entered the war.

Sarutobi Hiruzen lamented rather speechlessly that the time for the Third Ninja War had passed, and everyone became much calmer.

So they began to mobilize troops in the rear and began to rotate. For example, Hyuga Hizashi and others who had completed the super high level needed to rest and recuperate.

Of course, there are also reasons why we don’t want to continue to have a few jams on the front line.

And the several participants who almost changed the outcome of the Thunder and Fire War also had different endings.

Noah quickly returned to the convoy. With his speed, he was already back before the convoy even entered the Kingdom of Rain.

Shisui, Zabuza and the others were curious but didn't ask. The mystery of this man is that he holds back before doing anything.

The convoy just swayed forward listening to the constant battle reports. Shisui breathed a sigh of relief after entering the Kingdom of Rain.

As usual, Zabuza gave him an eye-opening time.

As a ninja, his values ​​​​were crushed into dregs in a short period of time. It seemed that this place was no longer a ninja world but a different world.

Now Shisui goes to report to Orochimaru and ask him to check your eyes.

These children are temporarily in charge of Xiaonan. Now let's live with the Uzumaki clan outside the new town.

As for Zabuza following the Rain Ninja to the Daimyo Castle, he could just run errands in the Rain Country, as there were too few places that could be used.

Zabuza always feels that his value has plummeted since he came to the Land of Rain, from a child-care guard to an errand boy.

Suddenly his head sank, and a little fox sat on it.

I need to rest. I'll help you keep an eye on this kid playing with knives for the time being.

Kyuubi let it go if he wanted to breathe, but Noah always felt that the sealing technique lacked test subjects.

what ever.

The ghost's body is a little stiff now, and his status has risen again. He shamelessly said that he was also a personal Chuuriki.

Soon Noah sent everyone away, and then he began to tour around the Kingdom of Rain to solve various problems.

There are also plans to move the construction of the hospital forward and add a luxury casino to Daming City.

After it is completed, it will be used to accommodate doctors.

At the same time, the other protagonist Kakashi has woken up in a magical place.

The consciousness wakes up first and then tries to take over the body.

The bones are still far away from recovery, but the blood vessels have been connected, and the injuries to the internal organs are being continuously treated by magical energy, but the progress is very slow.

I miss Mr. Kusuke a little bit. Even if he is beaten into a pile or puddle, he can fully recover the next day.

Open your eyes and feel that your vision is particularly clear.

It's not a problem with the eyes but with the environment. It's extraordinarily refreshing.

He roughly knows where he is based on his memories before he lost his will.

Is this...the legendary Mt. Miaomu?

Yes, this is Mount Miaomu.

Fukasaku Sage nodded when he saw Kakashi waking up. The reason why he didn't leave was because he wanted to study the kid's body structure.

It's so strange, it's like there are multiple forces coming together in the body.

The previous injuries should have caused death according to human common sense, but the other party's will to survive was extremely strong and even evolved into a special power to maintain life.

Such power is a more special power beyond chakra and natural energy.

After witnessing the changes in the ninja world for many years, I have never discovered an existence, so I am naturally somewhat interested.

It seems that the power is not the same as that of sprites and some demons.

Moreover, this force that favors will is even more domineering, and many research methods will be excluded.

Occasionally, some Yang Escape power would emerge from deep within the boy's own bones and deepest parts of his organs, and his physique could slightly absorb a little bit of natural energy to help the body recover faster.

Now waking up at an unexpected speed is in line with the nature of magic.

“My child, I heard that you are a disciple of Xiao Shuimen, so it’s not surprising that you know this place.

You have signed a contract with this place, which means that the Holy Land has another inheritor.

Recuperate your injuries first. After you heal your injuries, the power and mystery of the Holy Land will unfold for you.


You're welcome. Just treat this place as your home like little Jiraiya.

Kakashi felt emotional calm and tranquility from this sage.

My own mentality also began to adjust to the same fluctuation as the other party's.

Okay, please ask Jiraiya-sama.

Little Jiraiya went to see the Great Toad Sage to report the situation.

Afterwards, Fukasaku Sennin saw that Kakashi had no more questions and left here, leaving space for the boy.

Feel the energy in the air and the overall peaceful vibe.

Kakashi was slowly thinking about the information about one of the Three Holy Lands. Teacher Kusuke said that there are two ways for regular ninjas to break through the limit.

One of them is to master the power of nature, which is the original power controlled by the Holy Land.

If you can master this power, you can become stronger, and you will never be so embarrassed when you encounter the Fourth Raikage again.

At this time, Jiraiya saw the Great Toad Immortal again in the deepest part of the Holy Land.

After going through that kind of amnesia-like awakening process, Kamamaru finally remembered about calling little Jiraiya.

Little Jiraiya.

I talked about a few words for a long time.

“The Child of Destiny is really hard to find, and there are no clues until now.

As for the prophecy of destroying the ninja world, there is no progress. How could someone be able to destroy the entire world?

Jiraiya rarely complained that the peace brought by the prophecy child was beyond imagination.

And it is even more of a myth that the Destroyer destroys the world and the Holy Land.

Although he respected the Great Toad Immortal very much, Orochimaru still did not find any clues about the target given by him.

All Uchihas have two Sharingans, right? And there were no sword masters.

In the entire ninja world, Kakashi is the only one with a Sharingan. As for swordsmanship, huh?


This rhythm has been maintained and there is no ghostwriting. Just preparing for the next hot spot.

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