Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1349 Sarutobi Hiruzen is very confused

The War of Thunder and Fire fell into an eerie calm inexplicably, leaving everyone who was paying attention to the war scratching their heads.

It seemed that the Fourth Raikage just came out to take a detour and did not do anything drastic.

The Kumo ninja did not continue to advance on the front line and even contracted the front line.

problem occurs!

This is everyone's understanding.

The battle clearly reached a fever pitch and then quickly cooled down. Kumo Ninja was not such a kind-hearted person.

Various spies became active.

Konoha was the first to receive part of the news.

After Jiraiya escaped, he conveyed the news to his teacher through the toad, and he risked his life to save Bloody Thunder.

The details of what was encountered are also provided along with the terrifying strength of the Fourth Raikage and some information.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was quite frightened when he saw this. Young people nowadays are really incredible, they have really reached this level.

If it weren't for Konoha's profound knowledge, it would be difficult to take advantage on the battlefield. Of course, fortunately, the opponent used the speed method, which was slightly easier to deal with than his father.

During the Second Ninja War, Sarutobi Hiruzen fought against the Third Raikage, and he completely established his prestige in several battles among the strongest Third Raikage.

With his reputation as the strongest, he overcame the unrest in Konoha at that time.

Now I see that the son of my old rival has ascended to the highest stage and I feel emotional.

The Third Raikage had a good son. He was moved by the scene and thought of Asuma.

In addition to the information about the Fourth Raikage, he also added some drama to himself. Jiraiya said that he risked almost death to rescue people and it was not in vain for his years of training in the ninja world.

His tone was quite smug, indicating that this was what he should do.

He also said that there was a successor to the Will of Fire, Balabala.

There is a successor.

Jiraiya~~ Do you really know or are you pretending not to know?

This disciple has always been naive, but when it comes to acuity, he is not inferior to the other two.

Orochimaru relies on analysis and reasoning, Tsunade relies on knowledge and vision, and Jiraiya relies on instinct.

This information was placed on the desk of the Third Hokage. Sarutobi Hiruzen was smoking a cigarette and his feelings were a little complicated.

Part of him hoped that Kakashi could survive as Konoha's war hero in the Thunder Fire War, and continue to boost the morale of the village to help him maintain control of the current chaos.

The boy's sudden appearance played a role in digesting and absorbing the internal pressure of the village. Both war mobilization and material mobilization accelerated a lot.

There was much less anti-war sentiment and fear.

At the same time, it also verified the correctness of the Third Hokage's system of governance. After all, Kakashi is indeed the direct descendant of their line.

So what he and Akimichi Torifu were talking about were the Konoha heroes who were wiring on the side of the main battlefield and preparing to receive them.

People’s hearts and minds on the front line are more important.

After all, Tie Feng's reply stated that the frontline troops had high praise for Kakashi.

The ANBU team that was rescued could not have much contact with the outside world, so they spread the Bloody Thunder's values ​​of love and justice within the ANBU.

Hyuga Hizashi was different, the younger brother of the head of the Hyuga family.

As long as it doesn't shake the morale of the military and contains some secret content, no one can stop it.

The frontline card blows and goes online directly.

Hizashi's eyes were opened this time. Who had ever experienced being chased by Kumo ninjas all over the mountains? Who had ever experienced being hacked to death by three Kumo ninja jounin? Who had ever experienced the experience of even almost seeing the Raikage?

I got everything in terms of merit and achievements, but the captain didn't come back.

He had recited the conversation before they parted to countless people. This was to win honor for Kakashi.

Although our captain is young, his strength and character are second to none.

Wherever the leaves are flying, the fire will continue to grow. The fire will shine.

After that, the captain opened a gap for us to escape from the cliffs alone, but he turned around and rushed into the depths of the Kingdom of Thunder.

In any case, there was nothing much he could do to recuperate on the front line. Hizashi felt that he could not let such a majestic figure as the captain disappear like this.

Qiudao Qifeng and other big guys were also quite emotional.

The deepest enmity between the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire was the First Ninja War.

During the signing of the peace agreement, a rebellion broke out between Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao, and he attacked his teacher with the Six Paths Ninja Tool.

When the queen was cut off, she entrusted the will of fire to the monkey and cut off the queen alone, leaving behind the fire of the village.

Now, what Kakashi is doing is exactly the same as his teacher, using his strong body to save his weak subordinates.

He has such a heart and will at a young age, and if Konoha is in his hands, it will surely shine with its most brilliant glory.

So I was looking forward to Hiruzen's next move, but it's a pity.

While the Sandaime hoped for Kakashi's return, he also had some other ideas, so he asked the frontline troops to restrain the intensity of their attacks and not to escalate the war.

There are other plans in place in case Kakashi falls at the hands of the Raikage.

The tragic and heroic feeling of sacrifice in the death of a hero can be used to inspire the determination of the village to share the same hatred with the enemy. Even the announcement copy has almost been written.

Most people, including the Third Hokage, believed that there was little chance of Bloody Thunder surviving in the hands of the Fourth Raikage. It was even impossible to break through the encirclement of numerous Kumo ninjas.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the problems after the boy returns safely.

After all, judging from the current situation in Konoha, it is really possible that Kakashi is the one who can clearly inherit the position of the 5th Hokage.

From the restraint and wisdom shown by the white-haired boy on the battlefield, as well as his extraordinary character, we know that the will of such a strong man cannot be shaken.

But Danzo just told the other party the truth. With Kakashi's ability, it is estimated that he has already investigated the truth.

Then the purging activities after the new Hokage takes office are absolutely indispensable.

Because they are so similar, so much like Mr. Tobirama.

After the teacher succeeded the Second Hokage, he also used strong methods to cleanse a group of people. At that time, after the death of the first generation, some restless ninjas planned to do something.

The result was to be erased from Konoha's history.

Teacher Tobirama was decisive and unscrupulous in the purge, but on the surface he was also the benchmark for Konoha's will of fire.

If Kakashi did the same, who in Konoha could stop him.

In the midst of hesitation and entanglement, Jiraiya jumped out and made a decision for him. Maybe some things were unavoidable.

Then we have to face a more difficult problem, how to fight the war.

Jiraiya flashed up and took Kakashi away and said that the boy would stay in Mount Myoki to recuperate during the rest of the war.

Based on the injuries, it is estimated that it will take at least half a year to recover to the point where he can fight with all his strength, and in order to strengthen his strength, he needs to stay in the Holy Land for training.

The third generation expressed his understanding. According to the injuries described by Jiraiya, they were only a hair away from death. It would be a miracle to recover from the injuries within half a year.

As for practice

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