Ai, run!

The two electric arcs began to swim and clash in this thundering hell.

One blue and one silver, running wildly in the thunder hell.

The Speed ​​War reaches its climax, and there seems to be an alternative commentary in the background.

My name is Ai, the Fourth Raikage. I am the fastest person in the world. When I was young, my father...


After dozens of moves, the extremely fast fourth-generation thunder image was thrown out like a piece of rag. He rolled on the ground for a hundred and eighty times before stopping in the deep ditch.

But he was still lying in the ruins without getting up, as if he was mentally shocked.

How could it be like this so quickly?

He felt that the speed with which he could fight against the Flying Thunder God in a limited space in a short period of time was astonishing to the world, but the other party taught him a lesson.

He is no longer the fastest man in the world.

The reason why speed ninjas lose battles is because they are not fast enough. Straight line acceleration, direction changes, turning skills, everything else is lost.

The opponent is truly approaching the peak, and can appear behind him no matter how he changes direction.

It's always a little bit close, and this is the absolute gap.

Ai, stand up!

Noah spread his hands with an absolutely mocking gesture that stimulated the Fourth Raikage's self-esteem.

Lei Dun·Thunder Plow Hot Knife!

With Thunder Chakra gathered throughout his body, he can collide with his opponent at extremely high speeds and use his powerful wrist strength to deliver a fatal blow to his opponent.

The ultimate killing technique in Ninja Taijutsu, if two people cooperate, it is Thunder Release·Jue Niu Thunder Plow Hot Knife!

High-speed impact, the chakra blessed by the wrist is like a locomotive equipped with a blade.

The pride of the Fourth Raikage lies in this blow.

But there was the sound of dragon roar.


Hong Zhongda Lu's voice was filled with pride.

Such a terrifying impact stopped abruptly, it was a passive and forced stop.

The terrifying reaction force destroyed a large area of ​​muscle in his arm, and even the bones were directly shattered.

Because a dragon claw in front steadily received the impact, even though the ground under the opponent's feet had been shattered into dregs, this powerful taijutsu secret still defeated the cloud ninja secret.

Dragon Claw Fist, a move from an old friend.

Noah was a little happy. Long's physical skills were much better than his father's from a visual perspective.

Garp's fists are too plain and unpretentious to learn from.

Of course, he wasn't proud either. This was not the peak Raikage that would be more than ten years later. The thundering plow-hot knife just now might not even be able to break Madara's Susanoo.

After all, the opponent has not given up hope of counterattack.

Raikage had already admitted that he had lost in Taijutsu after he tried all methods to resolve the tactile genjutsu to no avail.

But the persistence for victory will never disappear.

The surviving hand stood up, represented by three fingers.

Hell's Thrust·Three Pen Hands!

This is the secret technique at the edge of the control range, and it is also the ultimate trump card.

The Fourth Raikage didn't want to use this move. If he wanted to surpass his father, he couldn't follow the path of his predecessors.

It's just that there is no way out now and he doesn't want to die here.


Hmm. The ending was tragic. The strongest spear was broken in the dragon's roar.

The other hand was shattered from the fingers to the shoulder blade. It was as if he had hit a wall of God that could make the world sigh. Human weapons could not destroy this person.

Noah was sweating secretly. There was something special about this 4th generation Raikage, and he almost broke through the Dragon Claw Fist's posture.

At this moment, he seemed to be standing calmly, but in fact, the nine tails inside his body had already used all the defensive ninjutsu that it could control on Noah.

Don't forget that your injuries that could kill you instantly are still there. Are you going to compete with others in physical skills?

Kyuubi was already cursing crazily, but the movements in his hands did not stop.

It knew that Noah was very angry, and that little white-haired boy was beaten so badly.

At this time, the situation changed again, and the Fourth Raikage suddenly got up and ran away.

He is not afraid of death, but the shadow of the village cannot die here.

Even if you die, you must leave someone who can take over the village and take good care of you, so you must not die here.

Is it as decisive as my own character?

It's just that you guys have been chasing my disciple for so long and cornered him. Why do you think you can leave here?

Noah, who muttered to himself, smiled dangerously.

call out! Snapped!

A big hand grabbed Raikage's shoulder, and he looked back with a ferocious smile.

Heavy flow!

Thunder bombs!

Yi Lei Shen Fury Thunder Ax!

Lei Dun·Thunder Plow Hot Knife!

Hand knife, elbow strike, downward chop, and high-speed chop.

All the nintaijutsu output against Kakashi was returned by this mysterious man at this moment.

The Fourth Raikage could only endure one blow after another.

But in the end, all defensive postures were broken, and he was pressed against the rock wall and bombarded with punch after punch.

Noah was in no mood to say anything sexy at this time.

It was just his cold eyes that made the Fourth Raikage remember it in his heart, and it was imprinted in his heart like a nightmare.

In the end, I was beaten so hard that I fell into a coma, then woke up, and then fell into coma again. The endless cycle was like hell.

After a moment, Noah put down the dying 4th Raikage without preparing to kill him.

This is the stepping stone left for Kakashi to avenge himself.

Of course, it can also be confirmed that he is really not a person who protects his shortcomings, but a passerby who likes to act bravely.

Let's go, Kakashi has got the new plug-in. Then go back and continue your own business.

As time passed, the dark clouds in the sky finally dispersed.

But when the thunder from the outside world completely dissipated and the Fourth Raikage-sama still didn't come out, the cloud ninjas felt that something was wrong.

So I immediately arrived at the center of the battlefield and saw the mythical ruins, and the Fourth Raikage lying in the ruins about to expire.

A group of people went crazy and began to guard the surroundings and mobilized elite troops to protect them. At the same time, medical ninjas were asked to perform emergency rescue, and finally they were sent to the best hospital in the Kingdom of Clouds for treatment.

Seven days later.

The Raikage woke up and stared at the ceiling of the ward without saying a word, as if he was reminiscing about something. Next to him was the eight-tailed Jinchuriki Rabbi who was so furious that he jumped to his feet.

The rap player no longer has the usual hip-hop style at this moment, but exudes an aura even more cruel than a tailed beast.

It turns out, it's all true.

This was the first thing Ai said after waking up.

Then the ANBU minister was called.

The first thing is that Bloody Thunder was rescued by Jiraiya.

The second thing was that an unknown strong person attacked me. The specific situation will be analyzed in detail later.

The third thing is to find out those restless people in the village and execute them directly.


Ai said to his good brother after the ANBU minister went out.

“Bi, you are not allowed to leave the village during this period.

After I recover from my injury, we will practice together, and there will be a person waiting for my challenge at the top.

Now go out and let me recover as quickly as possible.

I know, brother.

Kirabi felt a little relieved when he saw his eldest brother returned to his usual state.

After exiting the hospital gate, Niu Gui suddenly contacted Kirabi.

Bi, the ninja world is not safe now. Even people like your elder brother will be beaten like this, so you should stay in the ninja village honestly. With the protection of the village, nothing will happen.

I know, so Xiaoba, come and help me.


The rap player seemed to have matured overnight and decided not to be willful anymore. He would wait until his elder brother's revenge was completed before he could continue to pursue his dream and lead the cloud ninja music scene to the all-ninja world.

While Raikage was recuperating, a lot of news spread throughout the ninja world.

The information that he was seriously injured was blocked by Yun Ninja, but the information that Bloody Thunder escaped could not be hidden.

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