Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1345 Jiraiya’s extreme operation

The fire in his mind burned more and more intensely, the red light was burning in his body, and the power that had no place to vent was echoing through the hand holding the sword and the long knife.

Remember, Kakashi. Even death is not the end of giving up for people like us.

The teacher's kendo is a swordsmanship based on will, so let go of your heart.

The voice from nowhere made Kakashi feel warm in his heart. People who have never been alone are never afraid of fighting alone.

There was a faint red light on the sword, although the red light was swaying like a spark, and it seemed that it would extinguish itself in the next moment.

But when facing strong enemies, it never disappoints.

The violent blue sea of ​​current occupied the entire sky, but the red candle burned more firmly.

Seeing such an enemy, the Fourth Raikage decided to use his old father's unique skill, the Hell Strike.

You will eventually fall here this time, Hatake Kakashi.

I will go back alive and fight you as a shadow next time.

You little brat, hahahahahahaha.

Suddenly, just when the momentum of the two people reached its peak, and a destined ending was about to take place, the intruder arrived.

Gua! boom!

A huge toad fell from the sky and landed on the spot, and the Fourth Raikage cautiously retreated several hundred meters away.

He has a tall physique and a forehead protector with the word oil written on it. She has long white hair that reaches her waist, and there are red marks under her eyes. Wearing a red coat and wearing wooden clogs, his bold and unrestrained spirit is palpable.

The immortal Jiraiya came here.

At the same time, the iconic Gamabunta announced the identity of the visitor.


Well, Minato's disciple is also my disciple. Leave it to me at this time.

Jiraiya tried to give his disciple a firm expression handsomely. Although he was not that handsome, Kakashi still felt at ease.

The Fourth Raikage was surprised at first, and then overjoyed.

It's a big gift package delivered to your door. Although I don't know how the other party sneaked in, there are Kumo ninjas all around, and even the three ninjas can't even think of leaving here alive.

Hero Jiraiya, he came just in time.

It seems that Konoha really attaches great importance to this genius, even sending you out, and even dares to go deep into the Kingdom of Thunder.

In that case, let's stay together.

Jiraiya smiled bitterly, he was really excited to go deep into the Kingdom of Thunder, but this is also the essence of the hero story.

Even if there are countless difficulties and obstacles ahead, they can't stop a strong man with faith. The wandering dragon should return to the sea, and the sea will not welcome me!

It's just that Raikage was right. Even if he was a famous sage, being surrounded by many Kumo ninjas would lead to death.

Even the fourth Raikage in front of him might not be his opponent.

Jiraiya used the tactics he had prepared long ago without even a word of exchange.

He used the magic technique he hated most.

The matching of natural energy and own chakra is completed, transforming into immortal mode!

The unique magic chakra flows in the body, and red facial makeup appears on the face.

The nose, pupils, and chin all had ugly toad transformations.

With a bang, the two sages Fukasaku and Shima stood directly on Jiraiya's shoulders to balance the weakest sage mode.

The mother of the child, execute the tactics.

Magical toad is singing!

Following the esoteric syllables circulated in Miaomu Mountain, two or more toads sing in harmony, which can lure the listener into a world of illusion that binds the spirit. Learning this illusion requires years of persistent practice. Only the two great immortals can activate this technique. !

Once you hear it, you will become a prisoner of magic, a duet that will kill you once you hear it! !

The formula book Book of Masters is known as the most powerful illusion and even has the power to distort space.

It's just that Jiraiya is still unable to cooperate with the performance of the two immortals, so the general starts singing a prelude and ends.

Therefore, this shocking illusion cannot restrain the Fourth Raikage for long.

Jiraiya was simply not prepared to challenge the extreme battle, and came up to use his ultimate move just to save his disciple.

A big toad jumped out of the space and swallowed Jiraiya and the seriously injured Kakashi.

In the gap, even before a scroll was completely unfolded, the impatient Jiraiya took his disciple's hand and pressed it up.

It happened that the Fourth Raikage had tried his best to break free from the prelude environment and the world came over with anger on his face.

Reverse necromancy!

When the smoke cleared, Raikage found that his enemy had escaped? ! !

To escape after paying so much price is simply unforgivable.

The cloud ninja paid too much price and lost too many ninjas in the siege and killing of Bloody Thunder.

Even the main battlefield on the front line has stopped advancing. The Fourth Raikage himself did not care about his reputation as a bully and came in person, but...

The violent thunder is preparing to run rampant in this mountain range.


and who are you!!!


And Jiraiya was not feeling well, not to mention the stimulation of his little heart just now, but the out-of-control pressure caused by Senjutsu Chakra and the loss of his own energy were very painful.

This time, he risked his life for Minato's disciples, and he should be worthy of the spirit in heaven.

Where there is no barrier class, Jiraiya's counter-spiritual technique can be regarded as a life-saving method.

It seems simple, but it requires a lot of cost and preparation to use, and it can even be said to be harsh.

First of all, reverse channeling requires a contract. Secondly, only special spaces like the Holy Land can have such authority. Then, you need to communicate with the two immortals in the Holy Land in advance to obtain permission. Finally, you need to pay most of the chakra.

Under such conditions, only the Sannin or a few special ninjas in the ninja world can do it.

Although escaping sounds embarrassing, this is Jiraiya's method with the highest survival rate.

This time, the counter-psychic technique responded at the millisecond level. As long as the fourth generation Raikage's speed is 0.1 seconds at night, the spell can be interrupted.

When the time comes, both himself and his disciples will die tragically in the Kingdom of Thunder.

It can be said to be an operation that reaches the pinnacle of skill and courage.

If Kakashi hadn't shown an exemplary role for the Will of Fire, he really wouldn't have taken such a risk.

Moreover, Miaomu Mountain cannot be entered casually, and must be brought here by the chosen heir.

What was forced upon Kakashi in Toad Rock's stomach was Myobokuyama's contract, which meant that he was the next candidate for the Sage.

Jiraiya did everything the old man should do.

Save people, give treasures, give opportunities.

He has not been idle since he arrived at Mt. Miaomu. After holding Kakashi in his arms, he went to the place with the most active natural energy in the mountain and started rescuing him.

The immortal boy who was still very conscious when fighting the Raikage fainted immediately after being rescued.

It is the same operation as those strong men who could have fought until the universe was shattered and fell down directly after encountering one of their own.

Although the methods of the two Toad Immortals were a bit inhuman, the results were outstanding.

It really took the life of this little devil like that.

Little Jiraiya. Isn't he really from the Senju family?

Why do you say that?

This child's vitality is not very strong, but his activity level is much higher than that of a normal ninja. It's really weird.

Hahahaha, it shows that this is a genius.

Every famous ninja has his own trump card, and he understands Jiraiya.

At the same time, a message was sent to Konoha that Kakashi had been rescued.

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