At the same time, the threat Kakashi brought to him could not be ignored. You must know that he had used all his strength just now, and it was no more than that when dealing with Namikaze Minato.

But even so, the opponent occasionally made one or two sword counterattacks that were so wonderful that they almost scratched his skin.

With his unpredictable swordsmanship and will to never give up, this genius would definitely be given the highest honor and appreciation on a normal battlefield.

Being able to fight like this with himself shows that this kid is slowly approaching this state.

We can no longer let it go, maybe today's battle is the restriction in our destiny.

Although the Fourth Raikage went all out, he still looked calm and calm on the surface, and the Kage's style could not be lowered.

Kakashi opposite had a wry smile on his face.

Even against other shadow-level experts, he would not suffer such a disadvantage. But fighting the same speed ninja is much simpler, just fight for speed.

If you are slow, you will only get beaten continuously.

When Kirabi teamed up with the Fourth Raikage to fight Namikaze Minato, the winner was decided in just a few minutes, without so many moves and ninjutsu confrontations.

It's not like he didn't try to use ninjutsu illusions and other methods during the battle.

But these methods can't even hit a human figure. The scene of someone showing off his face with such speed is really disgusting.

If Mr. Tsubasa wasn't many times faster than the Fourth Raikage, and had been tempered by that kind of high-pressure hell, he might have been killed in just a few fights.

Now we are really at the end of our rope.

Since the siege, his state has fallen to the bottom regardless of his will.

All kinds of simple and useful props are also consumed.

At this time, facing the Fourth Raikage who was going all out, he really had to fight to the death.

After that, Kakashi began to immerse himself in his own consciousness and gave up on using ninjutsu.

His seal formation speed and activation speed couldn't keep up at all, so he would use his sword technique to fight the enemy wholeheartedly. He was not ready to give up yet.

The Fourth Raikage showed admiration when he saw such a posture. It's really a commendable courage. It's a pity that you are not Kumogakure.

Then he went all out and decided to give the boy the highest honor, which was to kill him with his own hands.

Raiju level Chiyomai.

An inverted V-shaped electric arc flashed in the sky, and the light and shadow changes caused by the 4th generation thunder leaping into the air and then chopping down the hand knife.

When he was young, Ai used this technique to cut off the left horn of the Eight-Tails with one hand. During the Fourth Ninja War, Ai used this technique to split Uchiha Madara's Susanoo's initial form.

Although it is not as thick and sophisticated as it would be more than ten years later, it is extremely dangerous for Kakashi at this moment.



Hold it!

The instinct of swordsmanship and the desire to survive beyond the limit make the sword in his hand a little faster.

Even though he was struck by one knee, he fell to the ground and smashed several meters of rock formations. His hands were shaking, blood was flowing down from his wrists, and even the bones were twisted and deformed.

But it was still seen through. This is the victory of body memory. A demon once used this trick to smash his chest.

You can't hit the same move twice.

Raikage was also a little surprised, this ninja was too tough.

He still defends calmly in such a desperate situation. Doesn't he know what giving up means? Then go ahead!

Heavy flow!

Thunder bombs!

Yi Lei Shen Fury Thunder Ax!

Lei Dun·Thunder Plow Hot Knife!

Hand knife, elbow strike, downward chop, and high-speed chop.

All seemingly simple nintaijutsu are killer moves designed based on the Thunder Armor.

In the past, the background of this move was mainly based on rough-skinned and fleshy tailed beasts like the Eight-Tails, but this time it was used on a shaky undead boy.

Raikage was surprised to find that even though the decisive kills were frequent, the enemy's sense of smell between life and death was already so high that he could predict it.

Use your strength to dodge, use ninjutsu to retreat, and parry.

All the coping methods he could think of were perfectly displayed by the other party and integrated together.

It seems that all his own attack methods are seen through by the other party.

Even with such a disparity in strength, this duel should be completed. After all, it still takes a thousand catties of strength to catch it steadily.

The bones were broken in countless places, and stubble could be seen in some places. The body was cut open with countless bloody incisions, and the blood covered the whole body.

But the hand holding the sword was so steady, and the eyes looking at the enemy were still so calm.

Just like a copper pea that cannot be broken or exploded by a hammer, no matter how terrifying the external force is, he will always find a way to jump back on the line of death as long as he does not give up his will to resist.


After the final blow, the Fourth Raikage stood aside and exhaled with a complicated expression.

The young man standing in a pool of blood is indeed worthy of respect, but why does he still have strength at this moment? Why the body can stand up is something that Raikage cannot understand?

What's the reason why he can't fall down, what's the reason why he keeps holding the sword, even though that hand is obviously broken.

Is it really worth using your body as a fighting tool until your consciousness dies?

Those cowards in the Sand Ninja Village probably didn't expect that this technique would sometimes become the basis for an unbroken will to fight.

It turns out that Kakashi's body has been unknowingly wrapped with countless threads.

Using the threads of the puppet technique to continuously let his broken body continue to fight, what kind of fighting will is this!

The ninjas of Konoha... although I hate to admit it, dying in your hands is the best fate for Kumo ninjas.

Kakashi Hatake! I recognize you as the Fourth Raikage.

Cara Cara Cara Cara! ! ! ! !

The more such an opponent is, the more it makes one's blood boil.

The sound of thunder all over the body exploded, which was a sign that the Thunder Dun Armor was going all out.

It's not like the Raikage who was more than ten years later can't last long when operating at full strength, but this is his respect for his opponent. To win through constant wear and tear will be his own shame.

Even when the enemy broke out, Kakashi's will never gave up.

Until now, he doesn't know why he insists on it, or he insists on too many things.

Who knows why he survived the previous battle.

Just the hand holding the sword was raised under the control of the silk thread, ignoring the pain.

Only the courage to never give up can awaken the fire deep in the heart.

The figure of the man named Rosinandi slowly emerged in his mind.

The unique secrets of Taijutsu from another world are helping Kakashi secretly resist the enemy's attack.

The pinnacle of Taijutsu skills, Life Return, are continuously helping Kakashi to condense his own Qi and blood, the vitality of his flesh and blood bones.

The broken bones, the necrotic flesh and blood burned by the thunderbolt, and the endless internal injuries all blocked the deterioration trend in an inexplicable way.

This is why Kakashi was able to fight the Fourth Raikage in his heyday for so long, because he never fought alone.

But now in the face of absolute strength, the boy's path seems to be coming to an end. The limit of the body is only the power of a sword.

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