Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1346 Passers-by who don’t know how to kill people

The land of thunder.

Her brown hair was combed back, and her white trench coat swayed in the wind.

There was nothing in the calm expression that a passerby should have.

The indescribably arrogant eyes did not seem to see the strong man like an iron tower opposite.

Who am I? That's a good question. I'm just a passerby.

I happened to see two children fighting, and the older one was very proud.

If you just say that you have seen the whole process, wouldn't that be the end of it?

The vigilance of the Fourth Raikage was raised to the maximum. From the violent sensing ninjutsu released when he appeared on the scene to the vigilance throughout the battle, he never found any trace of this person.

He had sensed Jiraiya's intrusion, so why didn't he sense this weirdo.

So what is his purpose?

First of all, rule out that this is a just person. As ironic as he said, in fact, when he tortured and killed Kakashi, the other party had no intention of taking action.

And he was not from Konoha. He had almost intercepted Jiraiya's psychic technique when he led the brat to escape, but he didn't do anything.

But he waited until everything was over before he showed up and spoke provocatively.

So he is an enemy of the Kingdom of Thunder? At this point, Ai couldn't continue to think about it, because Kumo Ninja had too many enemies throughout the entire ninja world.

In fact, Noah arrived at the place where Kakashi was hiding earlier and just watched his stupid apprentice fight with the enemy.

After learning about Bloody Thunder's achievements from the Kingdom of Fire, his expression was not very good, and his work behind enemy lines was too high-profile.

Perhaps it's because of the rules of the Ninja Continent that it's not popular to wear a vest in battle. Heroes fall quickly when they become famous.

Of course, the lack of autonomy is also a characteristic of ninjas within the establishment, and this is what the ANBU does.

You can never suppress your mission completion or even sit back and watch your comrades sacrifice just because you are too good.

When Noah heard that the silver-haired boy was controlling the red-eyed Kirin, he knew that a critical moment had come, so he immediately separated from Shisui and the others and sneaked into the Kingdom of Thunder alone.

Sure enough, it was the Anbu of Kumo ninjas and the crazy fourth generation Raikage who were all over the mountains and plains, acting like monsters.

It is indeed cool to break into the enemy's territory and kill in a high-profile manner, but it is taboo to leave no escape route.

Not to mention making planABCDEFG, at least three sets of plans are still needed.

So it’s better to take this lesson seriously and take a look at this guy’s progress.

The battle was remarkable, and Kakashi still maintained a certain speed and progressed.

It's just that the age and physical differences are huge, so it's not surprising that the Speed ​​Battle will have this result.

After that, I also watched the physical skills similar to the six postures operating in an undetectable state, and even watched when the light was lit on the sword at the end.

It wasn't until Jiraiya rushed out to rescue Kakashi that he finally let go of the hand holding the sword.

It can be said that Kumo Ninja was almost ready to select the fifth generation Raikage.

Noah didn't show up until Jiraiya and Kakashi left this space. After all, he was here.

Of course, he didn't pull out the two-meter-long nodachi in his hand, and he was also somewhat good at physical skills.

It's an honor to be able to challenge the strongest ninjutsu in the ninja world this time, and my fists are strong.

Or maybe I was worried about accidentally hacking this little black guy to death.

Raikage was very unhappy and instinctively sensed the other party's malice.

For those who hide their heads and show their tails, his action has always been to directly blow the opponent's head off.

It happened that Bloody Thunder was rescued, which ignited the endless anger of the strong man. Tutai's revenge was not avenged, and the resources wasted by Yun Nin did not get the feedback they deserved.

Even if I break my past principles, I will gain nothing.

As he thought about it, the evil fire in his heart had already reached his forehead, and the Fourth Raikage showed a cruel smile.

I hope your strength is as interesting as what you said. Draw your sword!

Such a conspicuous long sword is definitely not a decoration. The weirder the weapon, the more extreme the strength.

Draw your sword?

He pressed the Nodachi into the rock, then turned around and smiled.

Actually, I don't know how to kill people at all.

As if being stabbed in the heart by a poisonous thorn, the Fourth Raikage breathed out a deep breath of hot air.

He almost pounced on him regardless, the electric current running through his body almost uncontrollable.

Now in the ninja world, wouldn’t it be forbidden to go out even if you say something irritating? Maybe than is more suitable for this scene, and that idiot's rap is the most suitable move.

The Fourth Raikage was not a reckless man, and the other party who still dared to provoke him after seeing his strength must have something to rely on.

Could it be that after watching him and Kakashi consume a lot of chakra after a battle, he felt that he had an opportunity?

No, although the other person's tone is yin and yang, his temperament is very calm.

but! No matter what trump card you have, you shouldn't speak so nicely. You're really looking for death!

The violent thunder attribute chakra shone on his body, and then he began to form seals.

In the history of Cloud Shadow, only his father, the Sandaime, could go up to level A regardless of it, because the thunder shield armor has become the strongest shield.

Due to my talent and the focus of my interests, I estimate that I won’t be able to reach that level in the future, so it’s better to focus on ninjutsu when it comes to testing.

It is not uncommon in the ninja world for strangers to engage in close combat without the slightest intelligence and then overturn.

Thunder escape. Thunder tiger kills.

An extended ninjutsu that can only be developed when one has reached the peak of form change by practicing Thunder Release.

Kakashi relied on Raikiri to master the essence of this mimicry ninjutsu. And Raikage also learned this trick early.

A person who only knows ninjutsu cannot become a Raikage.

The ninjutsu derived from this form change can be adjusted at any time according to the allocated chakra amount and control power within the range from C level to S level.

The moment the initial C-level thunder escape form change is displayed, it has definitely reached the limit of A-level.

The size of those tigers has reached two to three meters high, and they are simply prehistoric beasts.

The beast pounces on the enemy with lightning speed. If the opponent has to show off, this move can reveal his true colors.

Noah felt a little bored looking at the beasts that rushed towards him. Why are your temptations so weak and weak, and you still look down on people?


There was a crisp sound and hands clasped together.

Thunder escape. Thunder tiger kills.


The Fourth Raikage felt that his intelligence had been insulted. Even if it was a C-level ninjutsu, how could you not form a single seal?

It seems that I saw it wrong. Is this just stupid? ! ! ! !

What are those violent chakra fluctuations and dazzling lightning escape light?

Ouch~~~~~~! ! ! ! !

Tigers roared in the mountains and forests, and a ball of silver-white thunder and lightning roared like a king.

A huge claw protruded from the thunder mass and stepped on the ground, followed by a huge tiger head and a majestic body.

With a body length of nearly 10 meters, the graceful figure is fully stretched, the strong muscles are bulging, and even the fur is very realistic.

Even the two pupils are filled with the cruelty and dominance of a top hunter.

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