Our book finally reached three million words.

The current results are more than 1,000, which is not very good, but I am relatively easy to be satisfied.

Although the sales volume is not good, readers give a lot of monthly tickets, which are basically maintained at around 460, which shows that readers who read this book still recognize it.

At present, the Naruto chapter will have a breaking point next month, but we still need to think about how to complete it.

I hope everyone will discuss the plot development in the comment area, maybe we will have the opportunity to coincide with each other.

I'm a very good writer who takes readers' opinions into consideration.

Of course, there is nothing you can do about the rhythm and style. It is difficult to improve things like level, so I can only try my best.

Regarding word count, after I wrote 2 million words, I had a hunch that I could complete this new milestone, and I was confident that I could even reach 4 million words.

And my update ability is trustworthy. It is basically above the starting point average level. The number of updates this month is even more outstanding, 231,295!

With such a violent level of updates, please read more and give the author more support.

By the way, let me make a prediction here. The book will be completed in about 4 million words.

I don’t dare to think whether old fans believe it or not, but I hope new readers will believe me.

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