Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1331 Spreading fire? Borrowing fire?

And then Yagura announced with a cold face that all ninjas who participated in the rebellion would be killed without mercy.

Shisui was very sad, this might be the prophecy of the Uchiha clan.

It seemed as if I could see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood in the Uchiha clan. All the children and old people in the clan were ruthlessly wiped out.

Every member of the tribe had their eyes gouged out and their bodies were disposed of randomly. Uchiha's name would only be spread in the stories of the ninja world.

After watching this rebellion, it was already daylight. After adding another illusion to the little guy on my shoulder, I went back to the beach to find the teacher.

Did you see? The ending of Uchiha will be almost the same as that of Kaguya's clan.

A voice came from behind Shisui, making his hair stand on end.

He didn't even know how the other party got close.

First, it means that the enemy is very strong or approaches in a very strange way.

The second shows that the enemy has seen through his disguise, and even mentioned the name Uchiha.

He quickly left the spot and stood on the tree looking at the mysterious man wearing a mask.

Sharingan! Who are you?

I am the dead soul of an Uchiha.

When Shisui looked at the masked monster opposite, he felt a very heavy pressure on his spirit, which seemed to be the pressure from the superior to the inferior.

He had some terrible suspicions but now was not the time to dwell on them and was ready to retreat.

But no matter how he moved, he would be stopped by the masked man, as if the other party was constantly playing tricks on him using time and space.

Time and space?

Shisui stayed in place and drew his ninja sword. If he ran around in a panic, he would only consume his physical strength and chakra in vain, and he could only figure out the enemy's intentions on the spot.

Now it seems to be in a desperate situation, but there is no such panic, because Teacher Noah is in the Kingdom of Water.

The man's no-nonsense approach made him always feel protected.

After Obito no longer had the pleasure of playing with a cat and a mouse, he stopped out of boredom.

Is this the only ability the Sharingan has on you? Let you run around like a rabbit.

Who exactly are you?

You can call me——Uchiha Madara.

Shisui was shocked on the surface, but actually he was very calm inside.

According to the teacher, the descriptions of Uchiha Madara in history were all realistic, so the movement just now could not have been so small.

The ancestor in the record was a very flamboyant person. He would like to stand on the highest mountain and mock the equal beings below.

Do you desire peace?


Then do you know how to achieve eternal peace?

Peace is a state without war. If you want to achieve peace, you must first increase productivity. When productivity reaches a certain level, human moral civilization is needed.

Obito threw an introduction, and then Shisui threw back a huge and terrifying system.

He just wanted to popularize to the younger generation the superiority of the Moon Talk Plan and his ambition to transcend the structure of the ninja world. Unexpectedly, the other party gave an answer that seemed to be very advanced, making his own approach seem very inferior.

After all, neither Obito nor Madara could explain the so-called Eye of the Moon into as many layers and meanings as Shisui did.

This is very embarrassing. This junior must have learned something bad from Noah.

So the kaleidoscope's crazy rotation brought Shisui into the illusion.

The screen switching shows various ninja wars, death, killing, etc.

You don't understand at all! As long as mankind's evil thoughts still exist and as long as there are disputes over interests, war will never stop, and those who are harmed in the war will never be redeemed!

And the five major countries among them are the culprits. They wantonly launched wars for resources and destroyed countless beautiful emotions belonging to mankind!

In the past, Shisui might have been a little shocked after hearing this, but now, just by listening to the first paragraph, he knew that the other person's logical ability and cultural level might not be high.

Obito's passionate speech has just begun.

“So in order to bring this world into permanent peace, I decided to drag this world into a world of fantasy.

First we want. Finally we achieve ultimate peace!

The Eye of the Moon project that shocked the world for 100 years was confidently thrown out by Obito. He felt that this set of things could completely suppress this junior.

But Shisui's heart had already begun to roar, what is this?

Instead of thinking about changing the real world, you made an escape choice, and even described it as very great.

And leaving aside the freedom of will for the moment, what should we do with the survival and reproduction of human beings?

So he fell silent, feeling that he had discovered so many problems just after studying with Teacher Noah for a short period of time. Why was this senior Uchiha so persistent?

Tell me now! As a junior of Uchiha, are you willing to join my camp, or are you willing to continue to help Konoha maintain that false peace? Or promote the impossible plan of burning the world with that bastard Noah?

I reject.

Obito was silent.


You are not Uchiha Madara, and the Eye of the Moon is not that beautiful. I want to change the world in reality. Although the road ahead may be full of thorns, it is always on the road.

You will regret this.

Obito planned to use some means to make this junior sober.

Now that people are in the illusion space, there are some things that even Noah can do! ! !

The pressure from the Sharingan grew stronger and stronger, and even though Shisui's three magatama kept spinning, it still couldn't break through the mental blockade.

It's useless! The Mangekyō Sharingan is a realm higher than the Three Magatama. It can only be awakened by experiencing the reality of the world and the most painful experience in life.

You still lack such awareness now. Only by improving to a certain level can you be like me.

When you have these eyes, even the tailed beast is just a strong beast in your eyes, even the Nine-Tails.

.On the night of October 10th, you were in Konoha.

Yes, I am in Konoha. I was the one who released the Nine-Tails. The Uchiha clan has no way out.

He took the lead in admitting this point frankly. He was not a person with great potential to be a boss. The Night of the Nine Tails was one of the few highlight moments in his life, so he would not shy away from it.

Shisui's eyes were filled with murderous intent at this moment. He could not accept that the balance between the village and the family was destroyed by such a madman.

That day Uchiha lost his last hope.

Just a lunatic! A psychotic dream that wants to pull people into a fantasy world? ! !

Anger, sadness, powerlessness.

Shisui's eyes began to bleed, but his pupil power did not increase at all.

It's useless. Kaleidoscope has never been so easy to awaken in the history of Uchiha.

Seeing the opponent struggling in the illusion space, Obito felt very angry. I am here to bring peace to the ninja world. Why are you so angry about the lives of just a clan member?

With the same bloodline, the young man understood that the difference in eye power between himself and his opponent was like a chasm.

But he still has the last hope!

Then, Shisui was glowing.

He was simulating the brilliance of looking directly at the sun that day.

It's just that it's the brilliance of will, not the product of some kind of chakra.

But the Sharingan is sometimes so unreasonable. He is directly responding to someone's will through the remaining fire in his eyes.

Noah, who was writing and drawing, felt a call from his disciple in the distance.

An unconscious accident? Or is it the unique ability of the Sharingan?

As expected of Shisui, I have always been used as a cheat by others, and now I am a grandpa.

Then let me help you!

Hei Jue looked at Noah who was working and showed a mysterious smile, and his body seemed to pause for a moment.

Shisui, who was far away near Kirigakure Village, felt the transmission of power from the stars and the sun.

Resistance, unyielding, freedom, unity.

The power of will transcends time and space.

The abundant power was infiltrating his soul, and the fire ignited from the young man's heart, hot and invincible.


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