Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1332 Giving Shisui the Power

In the illusion space.

He was originally admiring the Uchiha genius struggling helplessly in front of him. But gradually I realized that something was wrong, and the power consumption of Kaleidoscope suddenly increased.

It seems like something terrifying is trying to squeeze into this space.

An unknown feeling was invading Obito's heart. An inexplicable substance that made him feel extremely panic was emanating from Shisui's body. The slight red light in the boy's eyes seemed familiar.

This is impossible!

It's just an illusion space, everything is virtual.

In this space, the master of illusion is the supreme god, and the special nature of kaleidoscope can reach the point of replacing reality with fantasy.

Nature can control its own thoughts and change any physical laws.

But the world is collapsing with Shisui as the center, and extremely heavy creations are coming through the medium of Sharingan.

The scorching, illusory Obito felt the terrifying heat. Hollowing has no effect in the spiritual world and can only watch everything happen.

After being severely beaten by Noah, Obito continued to be stubborn and wanted to run away as soon as he realized that something was wrong.

As a result, he sadly discovered that the obstacle avoidance he had put in to prevent Shisui from escaping from this illusion space became a roadblock for him.

After Zhisui launched a mental invasion, the mental link between the two was completely stable, and even unilaterally dispelling the illusion could not be achieved.

This is the danger of high-level illusion battles. If you are not careful, you will be dragged into the abyss together.

Crunch, crunch, crunch

A shattering sound came from the illusory space, and an indescribable giant was squeezing in from the space behind Shisui.

Light has come from the cracks in the broken fantasy world.

Using the three magatama as the coordinate, it draws the power of death together, and all living beings are equal under the sun.

Red stars flickered in the young Shisui's eyes, and the scorching temperature was judging both of them equally.

Just one stood there and let his body be burned by the fire, while the other resisted in embarrassment and then let out a painful cry.

Stop! Stop quickly! We will die together!!

Madman! Madman! You must be sick!!!

Obito is crazy. Who can do this to end up dying together at the slightest disagreement? ! !

You have been brainwashed! Is there really such great hatred between us?

Masked Obito was rolling crazily in the space, not at all like he was claiming to be Uchiha Madara at the beginning.

If Madara knew that there was a bastard who used his name to eat turtles everywhere and often did some embarrassing things, I'm afraid that the first person to be resurrected would have to take Obito's action.

Shisui's mentality was very peaceful, or it could be said that his mentality was extremely unbalanced.

The Sharingan is originally the blood successor limit of the Yin attribute. The extreme in his bones is no less than that of any Uchiha, and is even stronger.

The peace that I longed for, the bonds in the village, and the lives of my family were played with. This ending is unacceptable.

It's worth it to kill this madman.

The pain and heartache in the flames are nothing to mention, but the teacher is sorry.

There are cracks all over the soul body, but the burning determination has not wavered at all.

The three magatama's crazy rotation finally connected into one piece, but it was impossible to see the pattern at all, because endless light was radiating from his pupils.

A huge torrent of heat is about to destroy it all.

It's just that there is another person accompanying the light source invading the illusion space.

A hand was placed on Shisui's shoulder.

Only by living can you change everything, and peace must be created with your own hands.

Noah's voice came from the light source behind him.

Fire does not necessarily represent destruction, but also represents civilization and hope.

A red crystal from the sun behind him fell into Shisui's eyebrows, instantly stabilizing his broken soul and beginning to reorganize it.

Finally, they gathered into the pair of eyes that could no longer see the pattern of the Sharingan.

This is a red soul crystal from an unknown dimension. The soul of will and firmness tempered by the vicissitudes of war have once carried the hopes of countless humans. He burned the evil of filth, the king of tyranny, and the god of destruction. After the curtain had fallen, the [World] gently gave a silent blessing——[Fire]

Infused with the concept, the hot flame turned into a gentle light that soothed the young man's heart.

Sacrifice is not what the younger generations should do.

After saying that, Noah's shadow disappeared, and Shisui burst into the kaleidoscope spiritual world with a bright light.

The moment he returned to reality, Shisui fell to his knees in pain. He was not prepared to live when he had the mentality of dying together and was not going to give in.

But the teacher's crystal saved his soul.

However, the pressure on the will is quite a bit, and Noah is not so kind as to help his disciple bear this pressure.

It is outrageous to seek death at every turn, and a lesson must be learned.

So Shisui, who was lying on the ground, struggled to move his body for a while. Of course, he wouldn't worry about whether the enemy would take the opportunity to sneak attack.

If I become like this, the guy known as Madara Uchiha might...

Indeed, when the two masters and apprentices were pretending like crazy, Obito in the distance was hurt countless times, and his soul was burned with holes.

The feeling of melting eyes came back again, which was different from the first time against Noah.

After being hurt that time, he took the initiative to disconnect and retained part of his combat power. This time, he was entangled because he was bullying the weak.

The damage to the soul hit hard again and again, and when the space finally collapsed, the patterns of the kaleidoscope also disintegrated. After Obito returned to reality, he covered his eyes and let out a loud wail of pain.

Noah!!! Noah!! Noah!!!

Ahhhh!! Despicable!!! My eyes.!!!

The right eye was like a broken faucet, gushing blood crazily, and there was no way to block the bloody eye with the palm of my hand.

But the mental pain has

He saw it! Just when Shisui was about to be swallowed by the sun, that despicable, shameless, insidious bastard appeared in the illusion space.

Even though there was only a trace of a figure visible in the light, Obito recognized it, that familiar power and familiar feeling.

Damn it, I was tricked.

Why do you ask me to talk to Shisui? All the deals with the Kingdom of Water are all plotting against me!

Obito didn't care that he had struck first and received a counterattack. Anyway, it was the ghost of that guy who was still plotting against him through Shisui.

But at this moment, his spirit was severely damaged and he could only run away in embarrassment. Fortunately, the kaleidoscope was indeed high-end and the blessing of wood escape allowed him to continuously repair some of the damage. Otherwise, he could just return to the real world and stand straight up.

Huixue crawled back to his secret stronghold with blurred vision, and then fell into a coma of severe pain.

Before he lost consciousness, he was still thinking about Hei Zetsu coming back to save him.

Shisui was also at a low point at the moment.

A steady stream of pain surged into my heart, especially in my eyes where I couldn't focus.

So he picked up Kimimaro and headed for the beach.

The two people on the seaside were still facing each other in silence.

It's just that Noah's mysterious smile occasionally makes Hei Jue feel uneasy. What is this guy smiling at? It's so disgusting to laugh.

Seeing the sea makes me feel happy, so I smile. Don't get me wrong.


Hei Juexin misses me. Can you read any psychological activities with a face like mine?

Ahem, aren't you worried about Shisui?

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