Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1330 Shisui sees the end of Uchiha

Even the strongest Konoha only has some low-level water escapes circulating among each other.

The second-generation Hokage's high-level water escape is kept secret, only a few moves are written in the sealed book or passed on to people close to him.

One is that advanced art practice is extremely difficult and risky, and the other is very valuable and requires enough merit to redeem it.

The same is true for the Land of Water, where every Mizukage has a different brand name.

For example, Yagura's signature Water Mirror Jutsu. There are also physical techniques such as Coral Palm, which are very mysterious ninjutsu.

There are also the second-generation Mizukage's magical steam pavilion and the steaming danger violent power.

These techniques are extremely powerful and have terrifying effects, and almost all of them are recorded in this Water Kingdom version of the Sealed Book.

All the wisdom of the village over the past hundred years has been invested in it, and there are many names and descriptions of forbidden techniques that made Noah's eyes light up when he looked at them.

Kyuubi has something new to learn.

Only by gathering the talents of the five villages can one be called a doctor of ninjutsu. Sarutobi Hiruzen's name as a doctor may no longer be worthy of his name in the future.

Noah can only say that he is satisfied with the transaction in the information, very satisfied.

Black Jue can defeat all intelligence personnel in terms of efficiency and quality.

We have cooperated many times, so let's be serious. When do you think it's better to start collecting tailed beasts?


Nagato has recently felt that his eyes are very tired and he is unable to do his job. There should be nothing wrong.

Don't worry, it's just an excessive consumption of chakra. After all, it is the eye of an immortal. It will naturally be difficult for a mortal to control it.

Has Obito's injury healed? The Country of Rain is currently planning to build a hospital. If he feels physical pain, he can come to us for treatment.

All injuries have been recovered, so there is no need to worry.

The two people communicated face to face like this, and not a word in every word they said was true.

Perhaps because he felt that this method of communication was too inefficient, Noah gave up the idea of ​​spying on intelligence.

It's just that it feels weird to have such a big person standing around all the time.

Why don't you go back to Obito.

I stay here and can provide you with relevant information about the Water Kingdom at any time.

Noah felt the other party's deep distrust. You guys~~you have misunderstood me, a good person.

Forget it, I just took the list and started preparations at the beach, while Hei Jue sat silently aside, as quiet as a large pitcher plant.

Not to mention, such a harmonious atmosphere looks quite normal, as if this is a real pair.

The highlight of the Kaguya clan begins at the moment when the afterglow of the sun sets below the horizon on the second day.

On the square, the leader of the Kaguya clan drew out his bone blade and preached very impassionedly about the greatness and history of the Kaguya clan.

Generally speaking, there have been four generations of Mizukage since the establishment of Kirikage Village a hundred years ago, but there is no Kaguya clan. This is such an injustice.

When it comes to their contribution to the village, their family does their part and fights to the front in every battle.

As a result, the fourth generation Mizukage let the Yagura child steal the position of Mizukage.

This person does not want to make progress and only fights among himself, and launches the Blood Mist to persecute the blood family.

Today, the Kaguya clan was elected by the ninja clan and decided to overthrow the Mizukage and bring a new tomorrow to the country of water.

This message from whom I don’t know where it came from gave everyone a surprise, and they were not thoughtless people.

The faces of the Kaguya clan below are full of fanaticism, and the aggression of this clan is deep in their bones.

They can fight with the people of Konoha, or they can fight with their own people. In short, fighting is their destiny.

Okay, let's go and release Kimimaro too. He cannot be left out in such a big scene.

Finally, under the leadership of the clan leader, everyone went to Kirigakure Village with howls.

Shisui's eyes were fixed on the little boy in the crowd.

To be dragged into such a rebellion war at such a young age without knowing anything is truly worthy of a ninja family.

Kaguya Kimimaro is also the child he likes, and today's teenagers are not qualified to participate in such a war.

So when the two sides were fighting, they used illusions to lure Kimimaro away.

Kimimaro, who was holding a bone knife in a deserted corner, looked at the stranger with Sharingan and kept a vigilant expression.

Without Kirigakure protecting his forehead, he shouldn't be an enemy.

Alas~~How can you tell who is the enemy and who is one of us now?

Kimimaro couldn't understand why this person said such things to him. He was defined as a tool within the clan and could be used by anyone.

Then he was knocked down by Shisui when he was distracted. In such a critical moment, it was not the time to talk.

With the power of his Sharingan eye that has reached the critical level, he can easily knock down a kid.

The human trafficker Shisui is online again. Carrying the unconscious Kimimaro, he stood on the outside and continued to watch the war.

The teacher said that this would be a very absurd farce and asked him to see the result of the confrontation between the ninja clan and the village.

The whole Kaguya clan fought fiercely, and the first line of defense was defeated with one blow.

They saw through the loopholes in the defense early with the help of other ninjas, and then came the second and third lines. They looked extremely brave in this civil strife.

But onlookers knew clearly that Shisui had already seen that these lines of defense were like leaking through a net, filtering out the strong men of the Kaguya clan over and over again.

After repeated screenings, the number of people in the Kaguya clan has become less and less, and the fate of those who are left behind can be imagined.

The leader of the Kaguya clan, who had reached the hinterland of the village, suddenly calmed down because he found that there were surprisingly few clan members following him.

hateful! Are those dishonest guys backing off again?

What a bunch of cowards! None of these guys can escape when I take off the Mizukage's head.

Then the Fourth Mizukage Yagura appeared.

The illusion and pupil power of the Mangekyo Blood Wheel Eye are no joke. No one in this huge village can tell that this strong man has been controlled.

The controlled Mizukage moves very freely, and his combat power is only slightly affected.

Yagura proved to the Kaguya clan leader why he could firmly ascend to the position of Mizukage before being controlled, that is, he is unparalleledly powerful.

The water escape and water mirror technique copied a Kaguya clan leader and directly offset a high-end combat power of the rebel group.

The more you know about the Water Mirror Technique, the higher the degree of completion of the technique will be and the more real it will be.

So how well does Mizukage know the Kaguya clan leader?

At least the very fanatical patriarch did not have the upper hand in the one-on-one battle, and the two of them were fighting with bone knives.

Yagura held a long hook and inserted it into the crowd of Kaguya's elites and kept attacking.

Coral Palm can hold a child in one palm, and all kinds of water escapes can be found at his fingertips.

The huge amount of chakra combined with the fighting ability made these Kaguya ninjas miserable.

Perhaps they are quite famous in the ninja world for their pure taijutsu, but in the eyes of all-powerful ninjas, they are just that.

It wasn't until Yagura killed the last one that he looked at the Kaguya clan leader who had just broken the clone.

Damn! I actually failed. Sure enough, I can't believe what those guys said.

However, my ambition will never be exhausted.

After saying this, the patriarch launched a charge, the final dance!

This rebellion from the Kaguya clan ended in a very childish way.

Even though Kirigakure is very disunited, even if there are all kinds of problems, the ninja clan can be completely wiped out by the force of the Mizukage's own control. The final beheading of Kaguya can still shock everyone. All ninja clans.

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